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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. My backlog is only getting bigger, heh. Oh boy... XD
  2. Yes, how DARE you not dislike anything I dislike! Nah, I'd never act like that. Speaking of which, I still need to finish RF4S. Dangit!
  3. The way I remember these is that you needed them to do pretty much anything on your computer back then. XD Like, you needed to swap them every time you switched what you were doing. Something like that! Fair point! XD
  4. Ayup! I'll do you one better: Who remembers these babies? ... I do, because my dad used to have really old computers he fiddled around with. To me, he looks more like a rap-- You know what? Let's NOT go there! Not me. Then again, I've been wondering why I'm not this thread's enemy #1 for, like, forever, based on my opinions on most of the games that are beloved around here. xD
  5. I had a nostalgia overload, because YouTube recommended Digimon songs to me.
  6. Banned because playing Dynasty Warriors 8 has caused me read the novel it was based on. Banned also because Three Houses takes heavy influence from it, as well. Banned also also, because said novel itself is based on actual history, with deviations.
  7. Banned because almost everyone in Dynasty Warriors was. Banned also because almost everyone appeared in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, as well. Also, obligatory "Do not pursue Lu Bu" meme mention. Seriously, don't. He'll kick your butt.
  8. Banned because banned because banned.
  9. Banned because Now, the future is on the line, two powers collide. There's no time left for us to hesitate. That's right, long ago noon and night were divided. Surely, that is why this battle still continues to this day. There is light and shadow in your heart and in the world. It's an endless battle that tests you. Standin' by your side! Who will you stand with? You've got to decide with your own two hands. Stand up to the fight! Two powers, until one day the time comes; we will understand each other.
  10. Banned because I just had a nostalgia overload over in the Teehee thread.
  11. Banned because Shrimpy got ninja'd
  12. Also, THE best song from Digimon Xros Wars we'll never get a German version of, because they decided to take the American version of that particular anime instead. Wada Kouji was an absolute legend. Rest in peace. Xros Wars wasn't as good as previous Digimon seasons, though. This song, and the music in general, was an absolute highlight, however.
  13. Aaaand now I want to play Cyber Sleuth again. Go figure. XD
  14. Banned because you might be right, actually.
  15. This version is amazing! This was "my" version of it After Cyber Sleuth became one of my favorite games, and Hacker's Memory was almost just as good, I am very much looking forward to it! ^^
  16. Banned because I do believe my case is justified, since he hasn't banned anyone for any real reason yet.
  17. Also, Draggy was hit by a massive bout of nostalgia again: I grew up with the German version of this song, but still. F***ing EPIC! Digimon Survive can't come out soon enough. XD
  18. Banned for finally banning with a reason! Okay, buster, spit it out: where's the REAL Wraith?
  19. No, everything's fine! No worries! ^^ Just the tree outside my apartment decided to say hello by scraping its twigs against my window. XD
  20. Tell me about it! Luckily, it was only part of a much larger storm that hit the North Sea area, but still. Didn't expect to see thunder and lightning this early in the year! That is a big F right there. We usually unplug anything vital when storms hit, but today, our whole area had a blackout. Probably a very unlucky lightning strike.
  21. Banned for getting ninja'd by yours truly. And got ninja'd myself! What are the odds?
  22. Yup! XD On that note, I read in Archer's ending in Extra CCC, Hakuno actually ends up meeting the Extraverse Shirou. That would be neat to see, probably! Words to live by, certainly, haha! XD Good old Next Form Uni! --- Hello, everyone! Today's storm killed off our electricity for a good while, that's why I'm only here now! Man, what a hassle!
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