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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned for calling someone the physical embodiment of a psychological phenomenon.
  2. Banned because Dedue (spoilers for Three Houses, I guess)
  3. It's fine, don't worry! There is no need for apologies! The thing is that these days, I haven't the willingness nor patience to really fiddle around with that kind of stuff to get a program to work. I want to install a program, and then I want that program to do what it's supposed to. If it doesn't, then I'm not using it. And also, a while back, I nearly wasted an entire day trying to get PCSX2 to work, and the end result was as I described: no game ran faster than 10 fps. Ever since then, I bear a not insignificant grudge against it.
  4. Well, my biggest issue is that, no matter what I did, no matter what settings I used, I couldn't get it to run faster than like 10 fps, at most. And I'm not suffering through that. Especially not when even installing it is a royal pain in the bottom.
  5. Join the club. I'd have disagreed with you around 16 years ago, though.
  6. PS3 extension also needs a few years in the oven, as far as I've read. I honestly don't expect a really good one of those any time soon! And yeah, you're prolly right about the Vita. Though the too little demand is a bit of a shame, since there are some gems on there... that now exist on other platforms too. But they exist! Throwing shade at my least favorite game? I approve! Even though I didn't think this PokΓ©mon Conquest game was all that exciting, either, back when I tried it. It was kind of slow, to be honest. Music's pretty good, though! My thoughts exactly!
  7. Indeed! Best they get on that for the PS3 soon! Thanks! And yeah, I definitely do, haha! XD Nice! Thank you! XD Yep, sure is! Just wish that PSLinux would play PS2 games, too. And also, it still needs the PS3 and PSVita extensions. But otherwise, I'm satisfied! Yes. Oh, you would LOVE Etrian Odyssey. xD Though those games are just tough as nails hard. They don't require bullshit surprises to make you think they are. They just are. And an awful lot like something that Devil Survivor did, where a certain enemy can use its Swarm ability to make a swarm of flies pop out of your character... which also deals massive damage to them... while also spawning in more enemies you have to fight. And yes, winning that battle fast is basically the only thing you can do about it. Bottom line is, no matter the SMT game he appears in, boss fights against are always hell. Which makes sense, considering... but hey. Oh, okay! Still sounds pretty interesting, so I might give it a shot!
  8. Glad to hear it! I think that guy fits perfectly in there, since he's usually just a throwaway boss that people don't really tend to pay much attention to, which fits the theme of "here are some overlooked units no one expects to be good" your sig has going on. About Gunter: on one of my "I grind everything" runs of Revelation that I used to do a while ago, I actually DID manage to get Gunter to cap one stat... namely Skill. His max level is 30 from the start, which is interesting. And his reclass options are actually not too bad (he has Bow Knight and Wyvern Lord in there, if I remember right), so you can probably use him if you dump every stat booster possible on him, and reclass him a bunch for useful skills, if you can/want to spare the gold for seals. I understand completely! Don't worry! ^^ Oh yeah, you're right! Somehow completely forgot that this is the case. Oh, for PSP? Neat! That means I can try it out if I find a totally legit and absolutely not just a rom copy of the game for my totally legit PSP that I totally have installed on my PC! *cough* Ah, there we go! By Atlus, eh? That makes it worth trying out. I tend to really like their games, and my personal favorite SRPG was also made by them.
  9. Morning, everyone. Hope all of you had a good night, because mine was fucking miserable. I see Ruben has finally found his fourth special unit. It looked a bit odd, with just three pictures. And the weird thing is... even if he should play and (ironically) enjoy Three Houses again, he couldn't really add a unit like this to his signature, because... well... with statscreens like this: Also, what is that game Shrimpy posted a screenshot of? It looks nice, graphics-wise.
  10. Thank you for doing so! ^^ By the by, I wasn't intending to dismiss you by saying it. It would leave an ill taste in my mouth if I played anything with that particular label on it, past game or not. --- If I have to give Fates just one edge, it's that not every chapter/battle ends with either the good guys needing saving from a group of enemies they utterly trounced previously by some characters that have no business showing up at that location and timing, or said group of enemies getting away due to complete Deus Ex Machina bullcrap, OR said enemy group pulling some "this isn't even my final form" nonsense out of their collective butts.
  11. That there killed it for me just now, tbh. Well, that sucks. But Ubisoft be Ubisoft, I suppose.
  12. Banned because have some glasses with those. πŸ‘“πŸ‘“πŸ‘“πŸ‘“πŸ‘“πŸ‘“
  13. ^ Oh, this sounds pretty nice! Familiar, too, somehow. Even though I've never played Beyond Good and Evil.
  14. Banned because I see! Thanks for explaining! And I 100% see your point. That is be incredibly weird. Prolly just for fun. xD
  15. Good morning, twilit! ^^ Some calming music isn't the worst idea, actually. I love listening to the OST of this game in the morning. It's nice.
  16. Banned because what even was the context for what Benice wrote? xD
  17. Been a while, hasn't it? For context, I've been playing this game again to help... cope with things. I almost forgot just how much I loved it, haha Not only that, but playing this game yet again and looking at the story so far (I'm at the point where Neptune gets transported back home alone, and Nepgear and Uzume are on their own for a bit), has made me change my mind a little. Though I have been saying something like this for a while now, I do believe that, when it comes to character development, Nepgear is the best character in the series, hands down. And because that is the case, and because I really like Nepgear's personality, I think I can safely say that she is my favorite Nep character now, too.
  18. This could be a legit map theme in FE. But I kinda agree with you.
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