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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. "How long do you think we have to sit like this?" "Until the painter finishes the painting, of course. Photography won't be invented for another 800 years!" "Ugh, my neck is stiff, and I'm pretty sure my knife has made a little hole in the table by now." "Well, my arms are getting tired from holding this tray like this for five hours, and you don't hear me complaining!" "Ah well... just gotta tough it out for another five hours, I suppose!"
  2. Since when is my bedroom a tavern? A well... just run to the bathroom if your bowels unravel from too much alcohol.
  3. Banned because I have no questions.
  4. And because I haven't done so in a while... 10/10 music 10/10 gameplay As well as the best boss fights I have ever seen in a game, both modern and old. 10/10 story And 10/10 characters. Especially the protagonist. All in my humble opinion, of course! Methinks I should get started on that other challenge run I wanted to do sometime soon so I have an excuse to talk about this game again. Mwahaha
  5. The question for what the best stories I've seen in games are is a tough one to answer, actually. Well... not THAT tough, because my answer would be very bleeding obvious (NIghts of Azure, which I consider the best game I've ever played in my life), but I don't want to leave out other candidates, like... Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth (yes, I'm serious) Danganrona V3: Killing Harmony Blue Reflection Megadimension Neptunia VII (again, completely serious) Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 Tales of Xillia 2 Tales of Berseria Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon There are more examples, but these are the most standout ones to me. Oh, so you didn't screenshot every bit of dialogue and just wrote out the dialogue itself? I see! Back when I attempted to make an LP out of Nights of Azure, I tried to summarize the dialogue. Prolly wasn't the best idea. I see! Yeah, I can imagine! I actually don't know if there are scripts, but I'm fairly positive there would be.
  6. So far so indeed similar to Danganronpa. Oh my! That sounds like it could get intense fairly quickly. Interesting! Oh, I believe you!
  7. A screenshot LP of a story-heavy RPG, especially one such as Trails must be a nightmare to put together. Kudos to the peeps who have that kind of patience! Assuming they screenshot every bit of main story dialogue. But even if they don't.... it's impressive, I think.
  8. Not entirely yet! I'm still working on the third game (fifth case is the next one up). But yeah, it's been pretty fun so far! Love how the thumbnail has Maya hit Phoenix in the face with her instrument. xD "I am the attorney of my law..." XD Nice, nice! Good luck with that! So far, I only had to look up... I think maybe five things over the trilogy total. The logic is pretty tight when you pay attention to everything that is being said and going on. Which I do like! I honestly thought I would suck at it more than I do, too. xD Congrats!
  9. Oh, nice, nice! Definitely will! It's been a blast so far!
  10. You guys are way too understanding, you know that? But thank you all! Also, good morning, everyone! What's new? As for me, I delved a bit into the series that birthed the "OBJECTION!" meme. Pretty awesome games, all things considered! Quite hilarious, too, with pun names such as Wendy Oldbag or Luke Atmey. XD And who could forget about Detective Dick Gumshoe? Yes, that's his name. And I know Dick is a shortening of Richard, but still. xD And one of the prosecutors chucking his coffee at the defense when he's riled up, which makes this happen: XD What makes this even funnier is the fact that said prosecutor kinda looks like Archer, from Fate. So now my headcanon is that Emiya went to law school and became a prosecutor while developing a coffee addiction. The guy downs 17 mugs of coffee per trial. 17!
  11. I'm sorry. Just feeling miserable and taking it out on you for no reason.
  12. Also, this is the last I will say about it, then I'll shut the fuck up, because I don't want to ruin everyone's fun (you should have fun), and don't get me wrong when I say this, but it is kind of comforting to know that there is at least one other who isn't enamored with Trails the Sky as much as everyone else is. For how beloved that game is around here, I felt like there is something seriously wrong with me for not enjoying it, and, like with every other widely beloved game I didn't enjoy (Conquest/Xenoblade 2), this frustrated me to no end, because I thought to myself "what the fuck am I missing?" Because, from what I played, I wasn't floored by like, anything. There was nothing setting the game apart from other JRPGs I've played in the gameplay department, and the storytelling was no better than CS (it had all the bullshit that bothered me in those games), and the music... eh, a matter of taste, but I didn't really like the battle theme all that much. *sigh* Ah well. Ignore me.
  13. To be fair, CS3 does dump a lot of lore on you that was left out of CS1, and CS3 has way more of what I like to call "minigame sidequests", which also might not help matters. But yeah, I agree with you.
  14. It's not just you. I had the same impression. The pacing is all over the place with this one, since it tries to continue the old story while clumsily weaving new characters into it. It also tries to be CS1-2, which... is not great, tbh. Also, I won't forgive CS3 for turning what should be an amazing boss fight into a complete joke (spoilers, to be safe). Funny thing is, it still manages to be the best part in CS3, easily. XD --- Music totally not related to what I said above. Nope.
  15. Banned because congrats, Benice!
  16. Good, good! Thanks! --- Don't care what anyone says, this music is fire. It also appeared in the game that I played on the 3DS, which is not the one in the title/thumbnail. Final Boss music, btw.
  17. Same to you! One on each side, I'd surmise. The other pink-haired girl is pink-haired girl #1's younger sister. Even though she looks older, but that's the joke. Nep Jr. is actually called Nepgear. I'm sure Shrimpy and Armagon could explain it better than me, but there you go!
  18. Izana's death scene is so stupid, it's hilarious. And Scarlet, well... yeah, randomly for no reason is a good way of putting it. His design's the only good thing about him, I'm afraid. As for his appearance on the route, well, he is the boss of that route's Chapter 8, so he's got that going for him. Maybe. Wonderful indeed! Though Mr. Lobster almost rivals worst playable dad in terms of how shitty a father he is. Any parent who resorts to physical violence towards their child is a shitty one in my book. I did! And I liked that! xD I didn't use any of them, either. You're sadly right. It's why she is easily my least favorite character in all of Fire Emblem. On top of her being constantly shoved in your face.
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