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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. > One day of sun. > It's 27 degrees Celsius. > I can finally open my windows again, and get some fresh air. > Construction noises. > Barbecue stench. fml
  2. I see! Yeah, can't disagree with you on that one. Oof
  3. And I've never played it, haha So I can't judge one way or the other.
  4. I figured you were! Just wanted to add my two cents, too!
  5. Oh, er, sorry for bringing back painful memories. Interest in the series dropped off for me around the time of Gen IV (the spin-offs kept me going, though), and I completely dropped out during Gen VI.
  6. It's not like I don't understand Wraith's dislike for TMS, or Ruben's vendetta against Three Houses. After all, I have one such Fire Emblem-related game of my own. And in the case of Shrimpy's dislike of modern Trails, I can understand that, as well. Seeing how I am a dropout of the Pokémon series, myself. --- And yeah, I don't follow it too closely, but the stuff you hear about idol culture and what it does to people is... not pleasant, to say the least.
  7. If I want to play SMT, I'll fire up my 3DS and play SMTIV, or any of the Devil Survivors. Or I'll play a Persona game. And if I want to play FE, I'll play FE.
  8. Oh, that TMS thing, right? Never really cared for that, in all honesty. I know some people here like it, but the whole idol theme is not my thing. Wait, since when? Adding to this, that which I would like to see added to a future Dynasty Warriors game: the very tumultuous time during and after the late stages of Sun Quan's reign. I believe there might be some interesting stories to be told there, too, as well as having the added benefits of adding two more historical female characters in the form of Sun Luyu and Sun Luban, instead of resorting to characters from what was essentially a very old example of fanfiction (Bao Sanniang) or giving a name and role to a person mentioned in exactly a single line in the original novel that inspired the series (Guan Yinping). My sincerest condolences for your loss, Eltosian.
  9. Teehee FE when? Ah, awesome! I mean, in my version, you could, buuuut... FE.
  10. ^^ Well, you see, the antagonistic sibling would of course be backed by Dark Cult, because dark cult manipulated antagonistic sibling into wanting to claim the throne at all costs, so they can fulfill their true goal of using antagonistic sibling as a sacrifice to dragon plot destroyer of doom! I wonder why they haven't done anything like this yet, honestly. The CYOA I did a while back was initially planned to have at least shades of this, actually. Oh, nice! Or that!
  11. Speaking of inheritance disputes, these are a very underused conflict-starter in FE. How interesting would it be, if we had an FE game where protagonist and antagonist are just kids of a king who passed away before he could name an heir? There's some potential for intriguing interpersonal conflict and political intrigue, there. Or just any story in general, really. Doesn't have to be FE, but I think the FE template would lend itself well to something like this.
  12. Thanks! ^^ Thank you for taking the time to read it! Hey there, Benice! And thank you! Just keep being yourself! I will! Thank you! Happened. Though in my case, it wasn't actually a bad thing. Can imagine it sucks when you have an otherwise normal family, though.
  13. Thank you! --- Excuse me for indulging in memories a little, but... my grandfather taught me many things. One of them was how to draw. And he helped me make this: I don't remember how old I was when we made this together, but... this picture is the origin of my username here. Just felt like sharing this story with you guys.
  14. Thank you for the support, my friends. It means a lot, trust me. And @Sooks you have my condolences as well.
  15. Thanks. It's been rough, yeah. At least now he doesn't have to suffer anymore. I can at least take some solace in that fact. Thank you.
  16. Hi, everyone. My grandfather died last night, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer at the end of last year. I... am not sure what to say. What to think. Sorry about that.
  17. His harem protag powers have gone out of control! I mean, if I say "you knew this was coming", it has to be the song I always shill when Gust is brought up in any capacity, so... XD
  18. Oh, if we're just talking about Gust OSTs in general, well... You knew this was coming, didn't you? xD
  19. I was thinking about using Buccaneer and Wildling, too, but I had character ideas for the others first! Also, this sounds like you haven't played the game. Which is scary, considering I wanted to ask you for advice on what skills to learn with a party like that, heh. Thank you! ^^ Yup! That it sure is! Not quite as beautiful as the Petal Bridge of EO2/U fame, but it is one of the most striking stratums in the series as a whole, if you forgive my hyperbole there! Thank you! Feeling fine now for the most part! ^^ That's the joke. XD Basically, someone was like "Sire, do you not think it is a little bit odd to send your daughter on such a perilous journey on her own?", and the king replied with "well, that senile old fart lives in town right? That former martial arts dude? Yeah, have him guard her, or something." He's not a very good person. Shrimpy be like "I'mma steal Draggy's gimmick and shill Atelier!" XD Meruru besto. Well, with Sophie and Lulua, but still. Gust be like that. I had to-
  20. Thanks! ^^ You know... looking at how I have characterized these guys, this would fit perfectly. XD Receptionist: "Uh, sorry, but you need five members for a complete guild." Jack: "Well, ain't this a pity?" Aria: "... Now what?" Melissa: "Hmm... *sees Marie walking by* You there!" Marie: "Who, me?" Melissa: "You'll join our guild!" Marie: "Wha--?" Melissa: "Sign 'er up, buddy!" Receptionist: "As you wish." Marie: "I'm not sure what just happened, but no matter~!" Melissa: "*grins triumphantly*" Jack: "I think this may cause us some trouble later on..." Aria: "Yes..." The next day Armoroad Times headline: "Adventurers kidnap farmer's daughter to complete their Guild" Glorious. Morbid, but glorious. XD I think I should make a complete story out of this. XD
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