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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned because wait until I tell you about how they spend half of a case talking about a "front tail".
  2. Banned because Danganronpa 2 has some, uh, weird dialogue.
  3. Because he/she/it doesn't have Ge. What is a good program to use when you want to make images smaller?
  4. Likes eggs on burgers. I never actually tried that. Maybe I should!
  5. Banned because I was not aware that I am legendary. > ////// <
  6. Thank you! They're brothers, since the games released around the same time! XD He has four hamsters (yes, hamsters) he calls his "Four Dark Devas of Destruction". Thank you for the vote of confidence. Thank you! ^^
  7. The rickroll never stops! Welcome to the forest! Hope you'll enjoy your time here!
  8. Been a while, my twin! I'm doing well, thank you! --- I just need a program that can make images smaller without them becoming pixel-y as heck, and then I can make myself a signature again.
  9. Thanks! More or less. Could be better, could be worse. I'm doing a lot better than I did a few weeks back, though. I needed to do a bit of self-reflecting, as I've not been feeling satisfied with how I've acted lately. I will! As I said, I just needed a break to do some self-reflecting. Thank you for the encouragement! By the way, you know how Ma Chao always spouts "JUSTICE!" and Jiang Wei is all "BENEVOLENCE!" to the point where you can make memes out of it? Imagine that with "HOPE!" plus some Kefka-level deranged insanity and you have that guy. The insanity part isn't relatable to me, luckily. It also doesn't help that he looks a little bit like Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh Thanks! Nothing big, luckily. I just decided to take some time off for a bit to come to terms with a bunch of stuff. --- Sorry to have worried y'all. --- As for what I've been doing when I wasn't reflecting on myself, I played some more Danganronpa 2. I swear, that game is even weirder than the first. Case in point... xD
  10. Interesting! Yeah, the main "case solvers" are Purple Waifu and Protagonist-kun in the game, too, but he does push cases in the right direction a lot and/or raises some good points. I do have some problems with this, as Protagonist-kun is kinda portrayed as an idiot, who can't put two and two together - until the actual cases happen.
  11. Then his portrayal in the anime is very different from his in-game one, because there, he was one of, like, two characters who could actually put two-and-two together (although he had his moronic moments, too). I'll at least let him have that, and the occasional useful thing he said. The character who got me to laugh the most for all the wrong reasons was (SPOILERS) That changes nothing.
  12. Banned because there's really no need.
  13. No need to fear for something that never existed.
  14. Well, the character on the receiving end didn't take it very well. xD --- Although I gotta say one thing: outside of "different continuity with some references to the first game thrown in to be cute" as an explanation, Danganronpa 2 makes exactly zero sense as a sequel as of right now. On the off chance that people here want to play it, I won't say exactly what it is, but... the presence and appearance of some characters stands in direct contradiction to what happened in the first game. One character in particular... stands out (SPOILERS follow, so if you have even the slightest bit of interest in playing Danganronpa, DO NOT CLICK!):
  15. Trust me, even within context, that line is just... weird. xD
  16. Banned because I don't recall having one of those.
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