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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Throw in an Azura gets slaughtered compilation and we have a deal! xD
  2. Banned because congrats. Also, here's another one: gjsf fncmfn gbuft dporvftu't hbnfqmbz tvdit btt jo nz pqjojpo
  3. Any cutscene in which one of the Royals bites it is a good cutscene. Except Elise, maybe Aww, so cute!
  4. Your job whenever a murder happens is to find as many clues as to what happened as possible, and then you use those clues to unearth contradictions in the debates during the class trials (which is where the minigames come in): one minigame has you "shoot" clues to disprove wrong statements (for example, you have a clue "Knife" and someone says "this person was killed by a pipe!", you shoot the word Knife at the word pipe) another has you complete a word puzzle to unearth a method (you have to shoot the fitting letters in the right order) then, there is a tile matching minigame to complete a comic that reconstructs the exact order of events of the case and then, there is a rhythm game in which you have to push buttons to destroy the opposition's arguments. in between, you also need to answer questions correctly There's a bit more to each of these than that, but that is the gist of it, basically. Indeed!
  5. Banned because if you cracked my """"""genius"""""" code, you would know that I in fact DID ban! 😉
  6. The first one took me about 20 hours total, I think. But I have heard the other ones are a bit longer. xD
  7. I see, I see! Weather report for my area says it's going to be... 2 degrees Celsius today and tomorrow. Oh boy! That's good! Even if it is kinda predictable, the plot is still pretty well done! Thank you! Nice! xD
  8. Cboofe cfdbvtf uijt jt b tfdsfu nfttbhf.
  9. B b I t l t n a e ' y i h o n c m p k i w n a i e s . e u n d s g e
  10. Np, np! ^^ Gacha game though Granblue Fantasy may be, these emojis are still fun to use!
  11. Oh, it's snowing where you are? Over here, all the cars were frozen over until, like, an hour or so ago, but no snow whatsoever. I have the first two games, though not the third. They were available as a bundle. I think you might enjoy it! The genre says it is a visual novel, but there is a lot of gameplay you can do, too. The main meat of the game is the class trials. Those usually take a good hour or two to complete. I also picked up Sakura Wars, I just haven't started it yet. xD Here's my source for these.
  12. I mean, I didn't deny that at all. --- Also, here's a reaction thingy for y'all, featuring the best character in the game. Had to censor the chapter number, because the devs had the bright idea to put the number of the chapter everywhere. Gosh darn it!
  13. Trails in the Sky gets my vote. I don't like Sacred Stones Joshua, tbh.
  14. Hello. Draggy here, newly convinced that Among Us is just multiplayer Danganronpa xD In any case, I finished Danganronpa last night. Was pretty cool, but... there is a problem. I can't talk about anything without spoiling it. It's one of those games. xD Jokes aside, I did like the gameplay, doing detective stuff and gathering clues and using those clues to solve cases was fun. Music was pretty good, too, which is not surprising, considering the same person who did the OST for the best Digimon game (namely Cyber Sleuth) also worked on this one. I do have some gripes with it. Some connected to the story, but some I can talk about freely without spoiling stuff, so here we go: The biggest one: I called pretty much 90% of the cases from who did it to how they did it. Had solved them before even the characters did. There were times when the game threw me for a loop, and there were some out of nowhere twists, but other than that, things were fairly predictable. Even the one behind everything becomes fairly obvious rather early into the last two chapters if you pay enough attention to what's been going on. On the topic of characters, the game frequently made them seem dumber than they are to pad the length of a class trial (the thing in which you solve the case, have debates and do minigames to that goal), which... well, isn't that great, frankly. Worst offender is the protagonist, who, during investigations, can't even put two and two together, but once the class trial hits, SUDDENLY he's a genius detective and makes all the connections. That disconnect kinda took me out from time to time. Speaking of the minigames, they were kinda hit and miss. Especially the rhythm game... frustrating in its very conception, and then they just piled stuff on and on and on to make it even more unfun. Overall, I liked the game. It stumbled here and there, but I'd say I enjoyed it. Except for what I mentioned above, the characters were all pretty cool, too. Except for one dude, whom I just wanted to punch in the jawline every time he opened his mouth. Though I'll give him that: he's one of two people with an actual brain between his ears. Most of the time, anyway. xD Implying that they ever bothered me in the first place. All I said back then is that I considered avoiding the thread for a while to avoid shitting on a game I don't find fun whatsoever. It didn't work at all, but hey. Attempts were made, I suppose... Also, congrats on finishing the game! ^^ Glad you made it through having enjoyed it. Congrats! I know I'm not supposed to talk about it, but Reaver weapons such as Calamity Gate double weapon triangle effects.
  15. Banned because I can't ban you due to not being a mod, is what that was supposed to mean. xD
  16. Apparently, this one works again? Neat. But no worries. Someone else can take the win.
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