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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Thanks! Thank you, but like I said... I'd rather not see what I missed out on. Might only make it even more frustrating that I didn't get that far.
  2. I admit, it was a bit of a kneejerk reaction on my part (it's really not my day today... like, at all). I honestly think I'm good, but thanks! I feel like I'm better off not knowing what I missed out on. Might only make it worse if it was great.
  3. Banned because it sucks when you nothing works the way you want it to, and bad shit just piles on and on without pause.
  4. Appreciate the thought, but... I... already made room, so to speak.
  5. Because dragons. Seriously, the f*** is a "Teehee tide" even supposed to be?
  6. Appreciate the attempt to help, though. Thanks. ^^
  7. Banned because I am so done with everything lately.
  8. Honestly, I lack the patience for it. If I liked the game more, I would've tried more times, but as is, I think five tries is enough. I'm just filing this away under the "not for me" category and apologize to fans of it.
  9. Tried to get back into Xenoblade 2, lowered the difficulty to easy, familiarized myself with the gameplay again, walked up to the group I got wrecked by last time aaaaaand... proceeded to get wrecked again. Five times. Welp, so much for that then.
  10. Banned because I dislike standing out.
  11. He's now so tall he doesn't fit on the map, so you can never field him. Ever. I wish I had the motivation to play FE right now.
  12. Oh, I'm not dropping the game for something like that! I still want to see where all this chaos ends up. I'm just saying that this kind of stuff will definitely end up worsening my opinion on the overall experience.
  13. Yeah, he never finished his Aeneis. Someone else had to take up the case. I know you're talking about a different Vergil. I was just trying to make a lame joke.
  14. Same here. It is for this reason I have tried to use my spray sparingly (even if it has become increasingly difficult as of late). That's nice to hear!
  15. And all doctors can do against it is prescribe medicine to lessen symptoms (the aforementioned spray, for instance). Not much else, sadly.
  16. That sucks. That really, really sucks. Why the sarcasm?
  17. tfw you call 100% exactly how a case went before you find out the whole thing. Danganronpa, you are skirting dangerously close to the "Draggy disappoint" line.
  18. Tutturu! Well I'm definitely interested in how this continues, though! We'll see in two months, I guess.
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