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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Radiant Dawn is the only Fire Emblem game I've played in the series that justifies the "only the Legendary Sword of Plot" can kill the final boss in gameplay. In Echoes, you can kill Duma with Nosferatu (which as I've heard was a glitch in OG Gaiden), nearly everywhere else, your lord isn't even the best option you have against the final boss. Marth, for example, will get utterly murdered by Medeus on the highest difficulty in Shadow Dragon, and perhaps in New Mystery, too (this, I do not know, however. Saint Rubenio can maybe confirm this for me), in FE7, it's better to Luna the Fire Dragon to death, Idoun and Formotiis die easily to dragon lolis, and the less we speak of the final bosses in Fates being some of the worst examples of gameplay-story segregation in this regard, the better (why do we need the Omega Yato when I can kill Anankos with a Frying Pan?). And in Three Houses, the Relics aren't even that relevant or special (which makes sense, considering their origin; and which also makes it easier for me to decide to never use them precisely because of said origin story).
  2. Fixed that for ya, since she is the one in control currently. xD Not that it matters, I just always wanted to try that. And I believe it's also worth noting that, in that moment, Yune transfers most of her powers to Ike so he can land the killing blow, with the implication being that her power is needed to finish the job.
  3. Awesome! xD I want these in the next Fire Emblem game, please, and thank you. --- Although when it comes to looking like they got hit in the face with a frying pan... that's still better than looking so average you may as well have been a generic soldier with a name, no helmet, and a slighty fancy hair color. Which is my opinion on like most of the Cavaliers in the series from a design perspective.
  4. I want a game that has these as actual stats with actual gameplay applications. I do not know what those might be, but... MAKE IT HAPPEN, INTSYS! xD Good point.
  5. Has similar feelings towards Tales of the Abyss as I do towards Mary Skelter 2. In that I find the protagonist so bad it makes me not want to play the game at all. And I haven't heard anything about Otsuu changing at all.
  6. The only maps I disliked in RD were 2-1, where you only have two units and no healer, and whatever Chapter in Part 3 you use the Scrub Brigade to fight laguz in FoW. Everything else I quite liked. Yeah, that's a problem.
  7. Yep! There are some characters relevant to the story you can't switch around, and you can't change in the middle of Part 4 (you arrange your parties at the beginning of it), but otherwise, you have complete freedom.
  8. I actually enjoyed Radiant Dawn's Part 4 myself. It let me use some units and unit combinations I wasn't able to before, which I liked. And I also like how you can rearrange your teams the way you want to. It's pretty great! I once did a run where I gave all the horse units to Tibarn and all the fliers to Micaiah, for example. (The desert chapter is so much easier with a crapton of fliers. xD)
  9. Would probably not expect something close to Death Metal from a musical theme titled "Super-Duper Masochism" I told you this so you don't end up disappointed or hating it if you tried it out. xD
  10. Yep, agreed! And you don't have to envy that one enemy unit with a non-droppable weapon you would have wanted. You can just capture them and take it!
  11. Will know that the Tales of series is a series of action RPGs.
  12. Same these days, actually. xD Although my backlog is rather sizeable... some games I haven't even gotten yet. Eep.
  13. I'm with lightcosmo on this one. "Peak" gameplay doesn't crush my soul so hard it makes me almost give up on a franchise I like. But that's just me. I'm hoping the same won't happen to you and you'll come out the other end having had a good time! ^^ I did this once, and then proceeded to never use any of them. xD After that, I decided that it's not worth the hassle, especially if I have to deploy two units for it I don't even like using to do it.
  14. I'm considering playing something else, myself. There are a lot of better games that still need completing. Games I won't complain about as much.
  15. I've never gotten much use out of the capture mechanic, in all honesty. Seemed kinda pointless. I liked it more in FE5. My reaction to the spoiler: Shrimpy x Ophelia OTP Yes.
  16. For me, the guy never rose to a point where I said, "yeah, I'mma use him" (my stints with him were: miss, miss, ded, reset, different miss, miss, ded, reset -> bench), so I understand where you're coming from. xD I'd pair him with Azura. Two horrid characters go well together and Nina does actually get pretty good due to this.
  17. Unironically female Kana's best S-support choice if you're gunning for a Dragonstone build. I think. I don't know, actually. I never tried it. xD
  18. That is certainly the feeling this game has, yeah. xD Absolutely! No worries! I just wanted to respond to something someone else said, is all.
  19. This is the most likely, reason, yes, but like I told Shrimpy just now, I think they would've placed more emphasis on it beyond "yeah, that happened". Come to think of it, the entirety of Chapter 5 feels odd, to be honest, since beyond Mikoto's death, it is never referenced again (except that one time in Birthright). ESPECIALLY in Revelations, someone should've went "wait, these weird soldiers... weren't there those weird things that looked just like that we fought when mom died?" But nope. That chapter didn't happen, apparently. Or everyone suffered convenient amnesia. One or the other.
  20. Can confirm. If the dragon looked cool, at least... I do agree that this is the most likely explanation, but then again... they would've called attention to that on every opportunity in the story if that was the reason (like a certain other protagonist's poorly explained special powers). The Dragonstone isn't even that good a weapon, unless you have a very specific setup catered to it (involving Wary Fighter, since you won't be doubling, anyway) and even then it's suboptimal against the alternatives, imo. It's good for tanking, maybe, but... *shrug*
  21. Oh crap, forgot Haiku Girl! Sorry! Yeah, you can add her for me, too! Sophie is nice, too, but her obsession with her horse veers into the creepy at times. Oh, nothing major! You just mentioned how Corrin can turn into a dragon just because, and all I wanted to add to reinforce your point is that this transformation isn't even important in the slightest. After it happens, it gets referenced, like, twice (once in CQ Chapter 7, and once more with Kana), and then never again. One of those times is optional, even, as you don't need to get Kana (and you outright can't get him/her if you choose one of the same-sex options). And in Birthright and Revelation, it goes completely unmentioned by everyone. There isn't even a single support that references Corrin's transformation ability. So it just makes me wonder what the hell the point of giving Corrin the ability to transform into a dragon was if it's not going to be relevant in any way, shape or form.
  22. That they are! Though her S-supports with Leo and Odin are a bit... on the odd side. They basically say "I wanna put a baby in you". And rather bluntly at that. With Bolt Axe and Levin Sword, I can see that working, actually. --- Also, Draggy just rediscovered the origin of the "Shana clone" (i.e. the loli Tsundere voiced by Rie Kugimiya) Love this song.
  23. That's the problem. I can't get her Tomefaire like this. I could go for a meme build and make her a Swordmaster (via Hana A+) and give her a Levin Sword. xD
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