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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Why hello, my spectral friend! No need to be so formal with me! ^^
  2. I've blacklisted many companies for their shitty business practices or the way they treat their employees. EA, Activision-Blizzard, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Naughtydog, Konami are the ones that come to mind immediately. Not only do I just not care about any games they make, I cannot and will not support them with my money. Ever. And game that has their logo anywhere is an immediate "no buy" from me. Especially not Ubisoft. I mentioned this in another thread before, but that company recently came under fire because it was discovered that they sexually abuse their employees. I'm not buying a product from someone like that. No, thank you. This. Just this.
  3. Banned because the only Curtis I know is Jade "The Necromancer" Curtiss, resident troll of Tales of the Abyss.
  4. I've never played Touhou. I probably won't, because I fear my reaction time might not be fast enough for bullet hell games. But Touhou Marisa is hecking adorable, so I'm picking her.
  5. This also brings to mind the casino in Dragon Quest V, where I spent hours and hours trying to get some good stuff. Perhaps I overdid it a little, but I had fun doing so! I mean, I also used save states, but shhhh! No worries! And you're welcome! Always happy to be of service! ^^ Nice, nice! If I recall correctly, there is a rather tough boss coming up in Chapter 4. And, if you have him, definitely bring Scharf to the next area! You'll get something good if you do! Happens, don't worry! There are two Servans hidden away in the forest, so going there isn't entirely useless (I think you get one of them as part of Christophorus' quests). --- With that said, I wish you all a fantastic day today!
  6. I am literally Kaguya before this. xD I also still have a flip phone and see no point in switching. xD Unless the thing ends up breaking.
  7. Forgot the second reason I haven't played any: I don't even have a phone I could play them on! xD
  8. That is true. Personally, I'd never want to play any gacha games, no matter how "good" they are (mostly for fear of becoming addicted to them and ruining my life). My complaints about Fates today are nothing compared to what it was like back then. Although, like I said, it's not my place to criticize.
  9. Or that! Point is, it was baaaaaaad. And I regret to say that I was part of it. Part of the defenders of the thing, actually. If you want to hate me (if you don't do so already), go back to my posts from around the time I joined. Good lord, 21 year-old me was an idiot... Well... tbf, it is. Such is the nature of gacha. Sounds good to me!
  10. Imagine the recent discussions on Fates. Now imagine that, but around one hundred times worse. That was FE post-Fates release, basically. So we have 11 years, 13 years, and 15-16 years... nice, nice!
  11. Wraith and I are the true FE veterans here. xD Well, I dunno about Wraith, but... despite those years, I still don't think I'm very good at it. So... I'm not a veteran at all, really. xD More like, The Boomer who remained a Scrub! ... or something. XD
  12. My first playthrough (and the first time I've beaten it) was 2009. Same with Radiant Dawn. Oh my god, I've been playing Fire Emblem for 11 years...
  13. Don't put yourself down so much. There are several, much easier games I can't beat. Do I call myself an idiot for that? N-- ... Actually, yes I do. Uh... awakward? xD That aside, there is no shame in not being able to beat a game period. Even less so when said game is filled to the brim with complete bullshit.
  14. Meanwhile, I can't recall a single time I was genuinely ambushed by fliers in Three Houses. I think they just practiced a lot.
  15. If that isn't sarcasm, I don't know what is. xD
  16. "Ambush spawns" and "good" don't belong in the same sentence unless "are not" is written between those two words.
  17. Oh, I know how powerful Bowzu is! 10 move Kinshi Knight Mozu trivialized Rev (and made it kinda fun at the same time), and a similar setup (just subtract the 10 move) made some Conquest Hard stuff barely tolerable (Spies' Yumi from my Castle rewards ftw!)
  18. They were certainly annoying enough in both for me. Unless they can't hit for shit. *glares at Niles* This is true. Unless they're named Niles.
  19. If Tellius was too slow for you, you're in for a treat! xD
  20. I found them a pain in the ass on both phases, since them being as beefy as they are meant I could rarely kill them in one round, after which they would attack me on enemy phase. And since they were almost always grouped with other annoying crap, I could rarely, if ever, position my units in such a way to use attack stance without wasting a unit's turn not killing one of the other annoying crap, after which said annoying crap would go and do annoying crap things. Oh, I don't disagree! My response was more on the facetious side, making a joke of how FE4 desperately needs something to speed it up to avoid boring me to death.
  21. Yeah, they're... awful to deal with. Merchants and Apothecaries in general are annoying to fight. They're way too beefy. xD Well, put another way, you could say they make the game go by faster. Which, considering FE4's Prologue was tedious and boring enough to put this dragon to sleep, can only be a good thing.
  22. This is true. Would have unironically loved this, tbh. With some "legendary" weapons in some games, I seriously wondered why the heck they're supposedly special. At least they're not And you called me a villain. Smh. xD I bawled my eyes out when two people who were already dead died again in a game. So... not heartless! Not possible on a first playthrough, I'm afraid. Awesome! xD But he's not the only one is me point! Well, that's something, at least!
  23. Indeed! That's me point! And in Three Houses, I find it to be a good thing, because the Relics are... yikes due to their origin stories. Only ones I use are Thyrsus and the Fraldarius shield, everything else has better or equally good alternatives. Not to mention, discounting special Combat Arts, forged Silver weapons are infinitely easier to repair and almost as powerful.
  24. I mean, I don't disagree. I enjoy Yune's sass, and as you may know, I don't take to blind loyalty very well (to the point where Felix is one of my favorite characters in all of Fire Emblem just because he explicitly says that it's completely friggin' stupid (well, he's not THIS direct, but... you know. xD)). Oh, okay! In that case, I correct my statement. Thank you for the clarification! Warp strong unit; kill unit in front of Medeus -> Warp Tiki/Nagi, attack Medeus -> Tiki/Nagi dies -> Aum Staff -> Tiki/Nagi kill Medeus I think this or something close to this was one of the few surefire ways to kill Medeus on H5, as far as I've heard. ... Yes. xD Agreed completely.
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