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Team Alucard

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Posts posted by Team Alucard

  1. That game was so depressing. =(

    You know the Lions curse is real when they lose to playoff Tony Romo. Although watching the Cowboys lose in the next round due to the Calvin Johnson rule of all things took a little bit of the sting away.

    Come to think of it, the curse basically affixed itself to each team afterwards. The Cowboys lost in excruciating fashion to the Packers, who lost in excruciating fashion to the Seahawks, who lost in excruciating fashion to the Patriots, who then had to spend all off-season dealing with the deflatgate fallout rather than celebrating their championship. =P

  2. He's terrible, and I guarantee you they would not have a job in the league if it weren't for his last name. Since he was hired the Lions have had ONE good game on offense (the 2014 season opener against the Giants).

    I don't believe for a minute any of the nonsense about how "Megatron is done", the current playcalling just doesn't utilize his strengths at all. This whole Saints-inspired passing scheme (short passes with tons of YAC) isn't working. They don't have the right personnel for it.

    Stafford is a gunslinger, not a game-manager. He's a guy who should easily be throwing for 40 TDs with the current talent around him, granted, he's also going to throw 25-30 picks in the process, but that's just the type of player he is. You need to let him be Favre instead of trying to force him to be a ghetto Drew Brees.

  3. Glad that Golden Tate stepped up and called out the offensive play-calling, Stafford and Megatron are 100% company guys who you can't count on to speak up no matter how bad it gets.

    Lombardi needs to go. This offense has looked like complete crap ever since he was hired. I know the line play is terrible but there is still too much talent for them to be as inept as they are. I am sick of Joique Bell rushing up the middle for 1-yd every damn play.

  4. Well, there's a lot of problems with the Lions. Stafford's work ethic is very questionable for a quarterback of his caliber, the running game is piss, the trench play is garbage, and the back seven's got some injuries.

    They're not touching the playoffs this year, or even anytime soon; not until they fix up... pretty much everywhere but the receiving corps and the back seven.

    Well, yeah, it was obvious to anyone who actually watched them that last year was smoke and mirrors, but I still felt this team had enough raw talent to win about 8 or 9 games. It's looking more like another 4-12, 5-11 season instead.

    Disagree about Stafford. This is still the same guy who had to fight off an army of team doctors to re-enter the game and throw the game-winning TD pass with a separated shoulder during his rookie year. And while he had some bad luck his first two seasons, He hasn't missed a game in five years despite taking an absolute beating playing behind an embarrassing O-line for much of that time.

    I won't defend his ability, as it's clear by now that he's no more than an average QB even on his best days, but his toughness and commitment aren't in doubt.

  5. It's actually just a freak coincidence.

    They brought the guns out against Luck two years ago and Brees last year and they both came out fine. Ben's two injury free years were just kinda lucky but he was due for something like this given his history, advancing age, and terrible interior line. Palmer's also had some ACL concerns (and Cardinals OL last year wasn't spectacular) and Stanton isn't even really a starter, and that's like only 3 QBs too.

    To be fair, Jeff Fisher teams have always had a reputation for being thuggish. And their DC is Gregg "bountygate" Williams.

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