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Team Alucard

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Posts posted by Team Alucard

  1. Thank you RG3-13 and the Racial Slurs for saving my Lions from another potential embarrassing collapse. Choking a playoff spot via a loss to literal Jimmy Clausen would have possibly replaced the Appalachian State game as my most painful football memory ever. But now I don't have to worry about it! =D

    A week from tomorrow is going to be the most hyped I've ever been for a Lions game, even moreso than the WC game against the Saints a few years back. I'm really hoping the game gets flexed to sunday night because I work until 3:00 PM. If it doesn't I'm gonna have to call in sick. =P

  2. Unfortunately, there's no way for you to force your mother to seek help for her addiction unless it can be proven that she's an immediate threat to herself and/or others.

    The best you can do is tell your mother that you love her, and that her addiction seriously worries you and you'd desperately like for her to seek professional help. Thoroughly document her behavior so when she tries to argue you have proof of how bad it is. Ultimately, If she's unwilling to acknowledge that she has a problem then there's nothing you can do.

    I have numerous extended family members with massive alcohol, drugs, and gambling addictions. It sucks watching them destroy their lives while feeling entirely helpless about the situation.

  3. The best question is why is mercury the master of water and ice when mercury is the second closest planet to the sun, and is also a reddish/yellow hued planet, compared to mars who is portrayed as the sailor senshi of fire, even though she's the fourth planet from the sun? What, she's red so that makes her fire?

    Sailor mercury should have been sailor Pluto/Uranus. That makes more sense.

    If I had to guess their reasoning its probably because Mercury (the element) is a liquid at room temperature, much like water.

  4. While Jags/Titans may look like single worst primetime game ever, it might not turn out that way.

    A game between 2 equally awful teams can often be entertaining. I remember a few years back the Lions and Browns (both finished 2-14 that year iirc) played each other and it as one of the best games I've ever seen. Stafford threw the game-winning TD with a separated shoulder. It was awesome.

    Plus, the Jags on national TV means I'll finally get to see Denard Robinson play. =D

  5. Seeing the Lions actually win the division would be amazing and surreal, but I'm not holding my breath.

    They haven't won in Lambeau since before I was born. =(

    Always wished I could magically take some of the near endless success of the Red Wings and sprinkle it around to the other Detroit Teams haha.

    Although the Pistons had a hell of a run in the early 2000s and the Tigers are great right now. Things could always be worse, could be a Cleveland Sports fan. =P

  6. Honestly as invincible as they look it wouldn't surprise me to see the Pats get bounced out by the Ravens or some other under-the-radar team in the postseason. Happens all too often to the regular season champs in today's NFL.

    but then again they actually have a respectable defense for the first time in ages and Gronk is healthy (for now). Just imagine if the Pats had anything close to a decent pass-rush. omfg it would literally be unfair.

  7. Yeahha, Detroit officially on top of the nfc north (via tiebreaker)

    Awesome game from the defense even with several significant players (suh, ihedigbo) coming off the flu. Offense left a LOT to be desired though

    Offense has been crap all season. Really disappointing how awful the o-line has been when it was pretty good last year. I've found it odd how the Lions ditched a defensive-oriented head coach for an offensive-minded one and the defense became drastically better while the offense fell off a cliff. You'd think it would have been the other way around.

    But I guess the improved defense is somewhat to be expected when the front office finally realized that you need quality players in the secondary rather than the garbage they had back there for years (Louis Delmas aside).

  8. Question for people more knowledgable than me:

    If the Lions beat the Vikings and Bears, but lose to the Packers and finish 11-5, would that clinch them a WC?

    They haven't played the Eagles, Cowboys, or Seahawks this season so I'm not sure how the tiebreaker with those teams would work. Divisional record? Conference record? I don't know my tiebreakers because when you're a Lions fan, you never have to worry about it as playoffs are usually a distant dream. =(

  9. Regardless of whether or not its the "main focus", a large portion of the game is spent fighting enemies, and when your combat system is so dull and shallow, that makes for a big problem.

    I wasn't suggesting that Zelda should throw away the exploration and environmental puzzles that its known for and become some linear, arena-based brawler. What I want them to do is keep the things that are good while improving the things that are bad. Outside of Skyward Sword which has a whole slew of its own problems, Zelda's core combat has barely changed since 1998. That's terrible.

  10. Hahahahaha I've never seen that clip. I think the right guard that doesn't move must have been trying not to shit his pants. Can't think why else you just freeze there the entire play rofl

    Nah, its because the lineman had been coached to never move from his spot if he noticed a defender had jumped offsides. Bobby Bowden was infamous for teaching his lineman that. I think there's another video where the same thing happens but its the entire O-Line that doesn't move.

    Yep, found it!


    Ultimately I think its a bit silly. While it builds discipline you're leaving your QB out to dry and forfeiting any chance of making something big happen out of the free play.

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