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Team Alucard

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Posts posted by Team Alucard

  1. I'd say judging units individual is what the issue is. Whether or not a team is/was good is something you cannot definitively say until the season is over and we can give hindsight to everything.

    I don't think some things like the 2008 Cardinals being an absolutely fucking awful team that should not even touched a Super Bowl is something people realized until a few years later.

    Kurt Warner truly is the NFL jesus. I believe he would have been the GOAT if he didn't spend most of his career in the shadows.

    The Rams and Cardinals combined have had only 8 playoff appearances in the past 25 years. He was QB for 6 of them.....

  2. Secondaries, maybe. But whole defences? Nah son

    I don't know. The run defense has been awful and it's hard to tell if the pass rush is really that good or if sunday's game was a fluke. Ben had all day to throw when they played the Steelers.

    I think this is just another situation where Bill's ego is going to cost the team another chance at a SB. I mean, I just don't understand how you let Revis, Browner, and Arrington all go and then sign the literal worst CB in the entire league in Bradley Fletcher. It almost seems like intentional trolling at that point.

    Raven certainly has a point though. It is early, but these first two weeks are very reminiscent of the 2011 season, which is troublesome.

    On an unrelated note, Stafford is all kinds of banged up and gets to face Von Miller and D-Ware this sunday. Fun. -_-

  3. I remember that play, I remember he just stood up and walked to the sideline like nothing had happened afterwards.

    Yup. There's always been this myth about how Brady whines for flags whenever he gets breathed on, but whenever he gets sacked cleanly he always bounces right back up. Like this:

    That was probably the biggest shot he's taken in the last decade and he just brushed it off.

  4. What's worrisome is the fact the fact that they barely beat most of those teams. Great teams usually beat the bad ones by comfortable margins, not narrowly eking out a win by the skin of their teeth. There was like a 4 week stretch in the middle of the season where they went all cardiac cats and won every game in the final moment after overcoming a big deficit, and against very mediocre competition (Vikings, Saints, Falcons, Phins). At that point they were 7-2 iirc, but I couldn't help but feel that they weren't legit and it was just... kinda flukey, you know?

    For what it's worth The Lions had the third worst point differential of any team in the playoffs at +39. They were only ahead of the 7-8-1 Panthers and the Cardinals who played half the season with Stanton and Lindley at QB. Both of those teams also beat us in the regular season....... >_>

  5. NFC North is pretty powerful. The Bears are up in the air, but the Lions and Packers will remain very good and the Vikings are climbing their way up.

    I'm not so sure about that. Last year's 11-5 record was really deceiving as they mostly skated by against mediocre/bad teams and got annihilated against every decent team they played. They really overachieved by taking advantage of an absurdly easy schedule (they only played 3 teams that finished above .500). Their only decent win was early in the year against the Packers when Rodgers was in a bit of a funk.

    The schedule is much tougher this season, and Suh is gone so the defense is probably going to regress pretty badly. I think we've seen enough from Stafford at this point to realize that he's probably never going to be more than a slightly-above-average QB. 2011 seems more and more like a fluke with each passing season.

    Of course I'd love to be wrong, but it's difficult for me to have much faith in the Lions when they have been so bad my whole life. I feel like their ceiling is probably 9 wins.

  6. Even with Brady starting I think the Steelers still have a fair shot at winning. While the Steelers are missing key players on offense, Edelman and Lafell are both also injured. I also don't think people realize how horrible the Pats defense is going to be this season, that secondary is probably going to be worse than the 2011 group. I mean honestly, they literally replaced Darelle Revis with Bradley Fletcher.

  7. If Rex were actually a good coach his trash talk would be entertaining, but he's not so it just makes him look awful instead.

    Its like how Jim Schwartz asked to be carried off the field when the Bills beat the Lions last season........ you went 29-51 there, where do you get your ridiculous ego from?

    Hard to believe the last couple seasons haven't humbled him in the slightest.

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