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Team Alucard

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Posts posted by Team Alucard

  1. is it weird that i, as a rams fan, voted for the hawks to win over the pats? i feel like i have plenty of reason (stole our best receiver, the bastards, tom brady, belichick, the list can go on forever), but no one else i know that likes a different nfc west team 'rooted' for the hawks.

    Not at all.

    Brady (with a little help from Ty Law and the gang =P) put an empathetic end to the Greatest Show on Turf in his first SB. if I were a Rams fan I would still be bitter about that.

  2. That scene in Schindler's List, where at the end Schindler has to flee and all his Jewish workers send him off. We watched the movie in history class, and I totally cried. Especially when they give him that gold ring, and he accidentally drops it on the ground, and scrambles to pick it up. Or when he takes the gold lapel from his jacket and was like 'I COULD'VE BOUGHT ONE MORE LIFE WITH THIS!' Oh man...Liam Neeson you and your amazing acting skills. Hnnnng. I would like to say that I never cry in public, and certainly not in front of teachers.

    Yup same for me.

  3. Belichick's press conference today convinced me that absolutely nothing is going to come of this. Either the Pats really are innocent or the NFL has no incriminating evidence.

    When spygate blew up Belichick immediately acknowledged and apologized for it. I see no reason why he would so vehemently deny involvement in this scandal unless he was 100% positive there would be no repercussions.

  4. Oh, Wilson might not stay with the Seahawks? If he doesn't, of course I want my Steelers to sign him, if it's possible. Ben only has two or three years left in him, I think and Wilson is a young face. The way that guy scrambles around and stuff, he'd be a good replacement. He's an accurate thrower too, so he should be a good match for our receivers, especially AB with those hands of his.

    He's a free agent at the end of the year, and there's a large chance some celler-dweller team desperate for a QB will give him a max deal that the Hawks can't afford. It comes down to whether he wants the money, or would take a smaller deal to stay in a city where he is a hero and has a better chance of remaining competitive.

  5. Let's not turn this thread into some angsty religion debate guys.

    Also whatever Wilson's comment was, no way was it more arrogant than Rodgers literally saying "We were the better team". Especially with how poorly he played. Packers fans can blame that poor special teams guy all they want for the collapse, but the truth is if Rodgers had done anything at all offensively with the turnovers the Hawks gifted him, the game would have been over at half-time.

    Such a sore loser. I don't recall anyone from the Lions or Cowboys saying something of the sort after getting screwed by the refs.

  6. I think the Seahawks window has just about closed and the Patriots might go back to like their 2011-ish state next year. I don't think they can keep up their secondary next year or even two years from now and the Ravens gave them a ridiculous scare, unless Belichick learns to draft well.

    The issue is that Wilson's about to get a massive contract extension, and currently the Seahawks are looking like they're gonna be running on star power. Earl Thomas, Cliff Avril, Kam Chancellor, Richard Sherman, Russell Wilson, and Marshawn Lynch who may just be retiring. You can't coach low picked DBs to be good forever, you know. They may get to "making the playoffs and competing" like Ravens, Patriots, etc of the past decade, but that's just about it.

    Patriots are going to lose Revis at some point and Browner is poor at coverage. Brady's also gotta go downhill some time.

    I would disagree with this. I think the NFL playoffs are far more of a crapshoot than we might want to admit. Its not like the NBA playoffs where only the top teams have a real chance at winning. Just look at your Ravens. The year they won it all they were a much, much worse team for most of season than they were the two years prior. I think any team that makes the playoffs ultimately has a shot. I mean the freaking Giants literally won a super bowl with a -6 net point differential.

    Even if the Pats can't re-sign Revis and D-Mac, and Brady takes a step back, no other team in the AFC East looks ready to dethrone them in the immediate future. So you can pretty much pencil them in for a playoff spot, and that's all it takes to have a shot.

    Seahawks are a different story tho. There's a chance that they may lose both Wilson and Lynch in the off-season, and if that happens they might have the worst offense in the league next year.

  7. The ending to that NFC Championship game was phenomenal. Seeing the Packers pull a Lion-esque performance to blow the game in the final minutes was amazing. All the salt on my facebook newsfeed is making it even better. =)

    And as a massive Brady homer and someone who thinks Luck is the most overrated player in the NFL, the evening game was quite a treat to watch as well.

  8. But the Redskins and their backup QB beating them was talked about. :P

    Probably because at that point many people weren't convinced that the Cowboys were legit, and several thought that loss was going to be the start of a collapse into another 8-8 season.

    I had the same apprehension about the Lions after their early season loss to Buffalo. Fortunately they proved me wrong, although I was never sure if they really were as good as their record because their schedule was so pathetic.

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