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Team Alucard

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Posts posted by Team Alucard

  1. Manning just looks finished from a physical stand-point. His passes look so weak and his pocket movement seems extremely awkward. As great as his football IQ may be, once the body starts failing you there's not much you can do. Denver mortgaged the future to win now, signing all those free agents to huge deals. This team was tailor made to win with Manning right now, and its going to decline rapidly in the next couple seasons. The following players will all be free-agents going into the off-season: Wes Welker, Von Miller, Demaryius Thomas, Terrance Knighton, Chris Harris, and Julius Thomas. I don't see Peyton returning to Denver next season. The question is whether he will be cut and play for another team or outright retire.

    Sorry for hijacking this thread for NBA talk, but isn't betting on draft picks a little too risky? (also applies to other sports but still)

    I mean, the Celtics sent Rondo to Dallas and now they have nothing to bargain with. (I'm kinda afraid because I like the Celtics)

    Rondo was going to leave Boston in the off-season, so they needed to trade him or else they would simply lose him for nothing.

  2. Yeah, well, your shitty OL was definitively catching up with you and it's hard to predict how teams like that will go especially after that rough stretch against New England and Arizona. At least it wasn't like last year where the division was basically handed to you and then you let it fall and spontaneously combust, this was a legit uphill battle at some points during the season.

    The interesting thing is that you guys would have the 2 or 3 seed if you had a better kicker in time for Buffalo. Alas, that's the NFL, where minutia ripples across the season and the seasons beyond.

    Yeah, the OL was definitely the biggest weakness of the team, unless you count the kicking issues but those were mostly resolved once they signed Prater. Its strange too, because the OL was great last year and they retained everyone. Hopefully Warford and Reiff can get back to their rookie form next season, and for the love of god, can we finally get a decent replacement for Raiola in the off-season? The guy is a thug AND and terrible player, which is basically the worst combination possible.

    One thing is for sure, the offense needs to be more productive next season, because the defense will not be the same without Suh, and the schedule isn't likely to be as easy.

  3. Do the Steelers have the cap space for him? Suh is going to demand JJ Watt money. I see him ending up in some rebuilding cellar-dwelling team that will give him the max contract rather than settle for less money on a playoff contender.

    Just as long as he doesn't go to the Bears. If he somehow ends up in Chicago I will be furious. It would be worse than seeing Max Scherzer sign with the White Sox.

  4. The call was horrible but we deserved to lose anyways.

    3 second half points? seriously? Against a Dallas defense that on its best day is barely mediocre?

    The offense has just been so frustratingly inept at time this season, I know the O-line has been awful, but man, its just so hard to continue having faith in Stafford going forward.

  5. So Suh won his appeal, but I still don't feel confident at all about the game against Dallas. Rodgers was literally playing on one leg and the so-called "best defensive-line in football" couldn't even sack him once. I don't see the defense doing much against Dallas and their O-Line. This is a game that Stafford will have to win, and at this point I don't know how much faith I have left in him. =(

  6. Suh seems to have a knack for being in trouble on the field though. I've seen him get ejected and suspended and all in the past.

    He's a dirty player, but he is held to higher standards than everyone else just because Goodell wants to make an example out of him.

    As a Steelers fan, I'm sure you member the ridiculous extra-scrutiny that was always placed on James Harrison. Its the same thing with Suh,

  7. well i think we all know what this means. thats right we finally get garrapolo time, and if we don't i will pissed at belichick.

    lol if you really think Brady is gonna pass up an opportunity to stat-pad against the Bills, especially since he's probably #2 in the MVP race right now. If he has a monster game against his regular punching-bag while Rodgers blows the division to the Lions I think Brady will probably win it.

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