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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Am I the only person who likes Natasha? She is one of the cutest Characters IMO.
  2. It says "File not in SNES9X Snapshot Format" What do I do? O.o I fail...
  3. What do I do with that? I fail amazingly hard. :(
  4. :D You are amazing. Problem is, I am hacking it so I Claim Trove on the first turn, (I am tired of redoing it, over and over, because I forgot to recruit a girl or whatnot.) And the Peg Knights fly there instead of to Silsila. :(
  5. Anyone have a save state at chapter 5? With everyone recruited?
  6. That was no where near as good as Triple Baka. Although, I liked the Kaiba outfit. :D
  7. I don't like Jaffar, but if you are useing Nino, (Which you are because of the EXP rank) you can support them for something. He sucks though.
  8. I think he means without a MS or becoming level 21.
  9. Apprently so. ;( The All knowing Soul says so. I like Franz, he is cooler looking than Seth. :)
  10. I need a savestate with everyone paired, (Girls, I mean: And it does not matter with who, because I can hack that. :) ) and on Chapter 6. I HATE The first part, it drives me crazy. :/ I have done it a few times, and I can't get past the chapter where Fury's sister dies. -_- So does anyone have it? Will even take one that is on Chapter 5. >> I am playing on SNES9x, BTW. Sorry if this has been posted before. :(
  11. I'm not sure why, but what ever. That was my point, Ross is harder to train than Franz, PLUS, Franz has avalibilty on him.
  12. I had that same problem. O.o I will upload it thorugh Serenes. :) NVM, It didn't work. :(
  13. Hes got 25 stat caps too... And he does not get promotion bonuses.
  14. It is possible. I have Ross at level ten before the end of chapter 3, (Without any kills in 2, and without killing the boss. Not hacking, BTW) so it is possible. O.o You just have to lean heavly towards him.
  15. I was wondering if it was FE9, but I assumed it was FE8 because this is the FE8 discussion board. Sorry about making that assumption. :/
  16. I play with my sound off, so I don't hear it anyway. :P
  17. IKR? It probably is Riolu's third form. :/
  18. Wut? They have 0 AS almost the whole game. They lose con from everything, and barely have any speed.
  19. Oh. I hadn't tried them. (I stopped at chapter 8.) I tried my other characters though, and none of them worked. :(
  20. I was messing around with that code, and found I could only edit Leaf & Ceilce. :(
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