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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Cap't Crunch voted for Roy. :/
  2. You sure? I lol'd. It shows Eclipse as effective, but it still does the same damage. :D I don't really care though...
  3. I have had her at tier three before part two endgame. She fucking rocks. I can clear that chapter with only two characters. O.o
  4. My friend is an avid FE player, and when he played FFTA, he thought a paladin was a mounted unit, that uses swords and spears :D I barely played FFTA, and haven't played FFTA2 at all.
  5. Fe10!Rhys does without transfers. :/ But most bishops don't die in one hit, not unless they are severly underleveled
  6. Bryan


    That is probably most people's problems... I teach it to myself. :(
  7. Update! In case you couldn't get Gecko to load, I uploaded my folder. :) So if you got homebrew to work, here is gecko :) (It goes in your "apps" folder, on your SD card.) Gecko.zip - 843 Kb (Its called new compressed (zipped) Folder. Just in case you were wondering.)
  8. I might want third tiers. I want magic not to suck...
  9. He can't use his flyer utility, unless he pairs with Vadia... (Lol) Either way, I can get Nino close to 20/15.
  10. Having an unlimited use, personal brave sword + flyer utility < Oscar? He is worse than Titana, and his only two saving graces are earth, and the triangle attack. Otherwise, you could replace him with Geo or just not use him at all. And Neph can defitily be at third tier for part 3 endgame. You have craptons of BEXP to abuse as you like, and who are you going to give it to? LolBrom? (Gatrie) LolHeather? (You have Sothe and Volke) LolLethe? (Just... Lol)
  11. I loved Crystal. I always played as the girl no matter what, because she was the first one ever.
  12. What the shit? Thats crazy! They are good though...
  13. Celice & Eliwood can both use lances. Shes epic fugly. Are you into slezy/ older women?
  14. The first time I ever played FE was on a car ride to DisneyLand. We took a friend down with us, and he had the game. :D Its funny, I got refered by a friend, and I refered a friend ;)
  15. Bryan


    Almost everything you look at has math somewhere in it.
  16. It is still better than some characters, but it is still not great. :/
  17. I plan on giving my Artur Bishop Eclipse soon... Then I have :Moulder:: S Staves, A Anima, B Light. Fim, Purge and Lantona : S Light, A Dark, A Staves. Invaldi, Eclipse, and Fortify : S Dark, A Anima, A Staves. Glephir, Bolting, and Fortify. :) :D I enjoy Lagdou 10, it is actually a challenge when I play. :) (Even on my gameboy, almost nothing in FE is as much of a challenge, without hacking, BTW.)
  18. The Math humor was better though.
  19. I'm gonna go with Lyn. Oh wait, shes a "lord." Joshua... I don't like FE6 Karel... FE7 Karel is okay though....
  20. Do they even have any proof? World peace is never really going to be acheived, we will always be fighting over something...
  21. Lena > Wrys... Can I change my vote? I forgot about him, as I always kill him off. :( And what is up with all of the hate on Corupl? He can use the Valkurie staff. O.o (Then again, so can my nanna.)
  22. ... O.o I got most of the puns in that.
  23. Fail: Ewan gained almost not stats beside luck and res for his first ten levels. As a super pupil BTW. Win: He had 20 res (More than any other character) by chapter 14 and only took 4 damage against Selana :)
  24. Sometimes... Because I want her to be epic in the 2~3 chapters she is in. O.o
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