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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I make a motion that we debate Merric vs. Elice! (Off in the background: "I second!") Elice has Boobies /topic.
  2. I always use Both. Linde is my "light" user, while Merric is my "Anima" user.
  3. I did it too... I almost never see things like that when I speed it up. o.o
  4. Bryan

    The grinding makes me go insane. D:

  5. How is Marth Bottem of Mid? Any average player will always use Marth, I would know, as I am one. He's a great unit, he never takes up a slot. He gets a prf weapon, that is forgeable. Most of the enemys in the first few chapters are axe users, by the time Cavs come in, he has gotten a few levels and he can Rapierhax. Why is he so low? This isn't wifi. O.o
  6. Bryan

    I used to play on Scaina, but then I switched to a Privite Server. I hated how everything needed money to buy, and it took forever to get to level 50. PQs are the only way. :(

  7. Sure :) Send me the patch

  8. YES! It is offical that KHIII will come out! :D
  9. Bryan

    Gaia Online

    :( That sucks. Hard papa saw is the failure at life.
  10. Bryan

    Gaia Online

    Papa saw is sooo broken. :(
  11. Thanks, I am total Noobsauce :D
  12. Sorry for never getting back to you, I have been grounded. It is called "Hacking Radiant Dawn" It might be on the second page by now.
  13. I wrote that wrong. I meant that if you pair heath, he has to stay within the support radius, or else the support is pointless. :/
  14. That is about it, and most of them are only so/so, except for Personas <3 IE8>FireFox>IE7. IE8 has tab recovery, a seperate private browsing feature. (<3) It is also faster for me, (PEMN) But firefox should be high teir.
  15. I was about to go off on the nooob that I thought was requesting, and then I saw it was you vincent. O.o You use GCTool to extract right? I can upload them in a bit. :)
  16. Bryan

    I'm bored

    :( x8000 We don't need any more staff. We have three, plus my inactive sister. O.o
  17. What value do I change in the class modifer? I'm total noobsauce.
  18. I can import them, but how do I change the animation for the actuall class? If I was changing the Hero, for example, how do I change the actuall animation to match the one in the class?
  19. Woot! :D And what color should the new skin be? I was thinking Light red or Light Blue. And with a GBA character in the banner. They don't get enough love. </3
  20. Bryan

    Gaia Online

    My interest has since waned too. I have achived 8+ Dream avatars, (40k~240k) >> Also, I'm adding you Raven. :)
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