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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Nawz, Normal. Erika pwns everything in chapters P~2, Ross solos 3, and then they start beating the rest of the game together. To bad I don't have valni. D: I think I might add colm. Just finished Chapter two, Erika crited everything, Rapier has 17 uses. Ending stats: Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Erika: 6.42 6 9 11 10 3 2 Not to much different from the begining. D: Hopefully she gains more defence.
  2. I'm doing a PT with only Lords and Trainees (and a Thief.) No hacks Erika's route Hard Mode Recruit every character Low turn count is not a goal. :D As it is hard mode, Trainee's are not required to go to super trainee. The promotions will be as follows: Ross: JM -> Fighter -> Warrior Amelia: Recruit -> Cavalier -> Paladin Ewan: Pupil -> Mage -> Sage (Maybe Dark Glitch? :D) Colm: Thief -> Rouge I have recorded chapters P~5x, and will post them shortly. I have to edit the videos. D: (Ignore every post of mine till 23 about the play through.)
  3. I've never done it either. Except in my sleep, but everyone does that. o.o
  4. Neimi gets sole claim to a promotion item, no one else can use it. Unlike the mages and healers fighting over a GR, Neimi gets use her promotion item whenever she wants. (Unless you fail at 6, you get her PI.)
  5. Okay. I'm almost to that point now. :) My save data cleared. :( Have to restart!
  6. Subject scores. IDK. Did you get high 600's on average?
  7. Not just his topics, but the replies. :DDDD
  8. Same. Gen 3 had awesome starters!
  9. Oh. Didn't know that either. I hate having a life and missing these things!
  10. Not unless Pikachu has already learned all of its moves. Raichu only learns four moves (IIRC, At least in Yellow.)
  11. Why is Raven so low? He's always nice to newbs and everyone.
  12. Oh. Thats stupid. :/ Thanks for telling me.
  13. Bryan

    Oh hey guys!

    I was guessing that because what better way to open up a new platform with the release of an long awited pokemon game? I would prefer it to be on the DS, honestly.
  14. Agreed. What new rules were put in place? I left right about then.
  15. Bryan

    Oh hey guys!

    I'm guessing it is for the 3DS. I can't wait to see the final evos of the starters! :D
  16. I guess... If I had not already played FE10, I would be happy to see what all of the weapons look like, thanks. What does "New Skills" have to do with anything?
  17. Yes, they are locked to eachother. (Just Checked.) I noticed that Hammerne's don't do anything to items with -- uses. If a weapon has 30/20 uses, the Ham will return it to 20/20, but it does not do such with a --/(Any number) uses.
  18. Congrats on turing 100!

  19. Best: Altenna (I actually like her... + Personal HW? Yesplease) Worst: FEDS Est
  20. Yes, sorry for not being clear about that.
  21. Does anyone have them? I can't seem to find Lara with the +41 method.
  22. Nice! 800's are something to be proud of! I haven't gotten mine back yet. I'll post when I do though. I'm guessing I got Upper 600's/ or Lower-Mid 700's.
  23. I want a different Pikachu Evolution. Raichu = Blegh.
  24. I see what you did there. >:D I <3 Electric types. I like Pikachu, all of the starters, (except Sinoh :( )
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