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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Is my MS avatar really that bad? I'll change it if it bothers that many people, I like the way the avatars look.
  2. I'm not, I just want to know the reasoning. 3:
  3. 1. Xeld should be higher for his contributions to hacking. He's fucking Athos, with a teeny bit more availability. 2. Why the fuck am I below Kai? I know I post about hacking when I shouldn't, but seriously? That fucking low? He posts the most BS things. :/ Even though this is a joke topic, it's sad. ;( I want to know what put me so low. 3. Luminothe was hilarious. He should be bottom of mid.
  4. I'm not sure why it would need to be so heavily censored. There are a few mentions of incest between two pairings(?) IS could just remove the references, the rest of the game would be fine.
  5. No, I meant when its something like --/20. Not --/--. If it is above full weapon uses; say, 254, it will revert to 20, but if it is at 255 (which is --, in case you didn't know) it will stay at 255/20. If you use an item that has --/20 uses, it will still go down.
  6. Leaf is stuck in a game where the stat caps are 20, Celice can inherit weapons and rings, its nice to be able to use a silver blade and a thunder sword around chapter 6. :) If Celice were a pre-promote too, he would pwn Sigurd...
  7. I'm one of those people that hates self healing, and never uses those items. @bold: That is technically not true, as the lance/ sword playthroughs have two. But I get what you mean. Besides, I never use them anyway. (Except the twins weapons on the DK.)
  8. But then he wouldn't be a supertrainee. I want staves, as endgame would be hell without them. :(
  9. I've never actually used it, I wanted to try using it though. I really would prefer to have staves over dark magic, my save data cleared, and I can't acsess the trainee routes anymore. :( I would have to hack the class & promo gains.
  10. It really is... Having four of them is even better! Must not post about hacking... Mia pwns face.
  11. Update~ Changed the play through guidelines, and switched from Normal too hard. (I still breeze through it...) I will post the videos soon, with the exception of 5x. The video cut out around the middle. :( Sadly, my normal play through strategy doesn't work, as I get screwed tons of times with under twenty-five hit. Edit: Have to go to an eagle project, then I am driving. I will post the videos after that.
  12. You don't have to put the reference. o.o :( x (∞ - 1) Hika was amazing.
  13. She's not that bad, she just has not great growths, no one range until the DB. Her main point aginst her is that she has no playtime. Also, I put Elincia down because this is normal mode wich means no blessing bonus, so you don't really have to bless Amiti. She can have both that and the Amiti, and kick ass with both. Mist is by far worse than her, (<3 Mist) so I put Elincia down. I wish Staves could be blessed without hacking them. ;(
  14. Isn't the Ticket System private? I can read every ticket. o.o
  15. If you want my team list, it has an SS user for everything (except RC & BB) Mia: VK Mist/ Elinca: Alondite Nephnee: WB Jill: Urvan Astrid: DB Saniki/Calil: RF Ilyana: RB Micky: RA & AS & Matrona. (Yay for multiple SS weapons? You could always have Laura have something too.) Ena & Naliah This team gets the job done, just give astird blossum.
  16. Naw, I'm changing my mind i'm switching to hard and using him.
  17. Did you ever consider that none of us wanted to think about it.
  18. He's to good. :( It would make the game far to easy. (I might add him on later...) Chapter 5x: Orson soloed the whole level, took me five turns to clear. o.o And I let Orson keep his silver sword. Stats for my characters because I forgot to record them for c5. D: I'm going to restart on Hard, and record my whole game. o.o
  19. I'm not useing him, hes to good from the get go. :( Orson doesn't come back later, so I can use him without caring.
  20. I forgot to mention I'm not using Ephraim. And yes, I meant 5 and 5x. D: I fail at life. 5x was a hacked orson solo. I didn't want to sit through it. I hate that chapter so much!
  21. It's not super challenging, I just realized though, I have no staves at all. ;( Chapter Five: I had colm go to the lowest village, and then come up and kill the bandit reniforcements. Eirika took the whole middle of the level, and Ross got the left and top. After I saved the armorslayer village, Eirika died from an archer shot, with 30% hit. :( I hate it when under 35% hits hit her. I love it when Ross gets delt no damage from axemen AND people with WTA. He soloed the left side without taking any damage. :D Colm died from a 10 damage 25% hit. :( TWICE. WTF? I saved all of the villages, (The armorslayer one was though. Almost lost it. D: Forgot to check the stats after I finished chapter 5, so it will have to wait till after 5x, which is a giant orson solo. ;D
  22. Don't want to stop now. Finished Chapter 4. D: It is way too easy though, monsters are tinking off Ross' non excitant armor. ;/ Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Erika:12.04 8 14 13 14 4 4 Ross: 14.34 11 9 7 13 12 3 Colm: 5.55 4 5 12 10 3 2 Starting chapter 5.
  23. This times 9001. By the way, thats over nine thousand. You do it in your sleep, even if you don't have dreams that would arouse you at all. It's quite odd. o.o
  24. Cause I hate hard. Besides, Hard mode isn't that hard. If it really makes that much of a difference, I can switch to hard mode. o.o Erika killed everything, no one else was attacked, Vanessa + Garcia got both villages. Ending stats Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Erika: 9.40 7 12 11 13 3 3 Ross: Base Chapter 3: Ross soloed the whole chapter, Colm opened chests. Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Erika: 9.40 7 12 11 13 3 3 Ross: 10.00 10 6 6 13 9 1 Chapter 4: Ross promotes to trainee (2.) This is the only route they can go.
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