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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Bryan


    It's not too bad, but I prefer CSI Miami.
  2. For some reason, I can't get this patch to work. I've tried different patchers, and my rom isn't trasnlated. What am I doing wrong?
  3. With this hack, it won't really matter because growths + new stats = pwn.
  4. I actually quite like two, the blending of the green just works. :)
  5. The new layout is the sex. Nough said.
  6. Ross - Fighter Ewan - Mage Ameila - Cav. Those are the classes they fit best into. Ross follows in the footsteps of his dad (Figther) Ewan trains under Saleh, so he should be a sage as well. And everyone knows that Ameila!Knight sucks. (Unless everything is capped...)
  7. I just made this up after seeing the contest. My battle sprite equips two weapons, so that is why it is like that. The character is facing one way at first, and then switches to the other. The bow is mostly made out of modifying the sword/ spear, with a little bit of custom.
  8. Oh shit. Sorry. I didn't notice the date, I figured this topic couldn't go inactive, so I didn't have to worry about Necro posting. D:
  9. I never saw any mention of Pelleas being the only person who can use Balberith before Ashera. That has got to have some point in his favor.
  10. How do you get them to work in desmume? It says it can't write the cheats. I've never had this problem before. :/
  11. Hello! Enjoy your stay in the forest!
  12. Gorgons. They're annoying if they hit you with stone with a 5% hit rate, and then crit kill you to death. :( Dracozombies are fun. :)
  13. I am now a Senior! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bryan


      Final year of High School Woot! :D

      And yes, I am 16.

    3. Ansem







    4. Bryan


      It's a public school. o.o

  14. I'm sad the cinchilla is normal type. :( But it looks like I just met my Gen5 flying type! :)
  15. I was just about to post a topic about this! Anyway, I would LOVE dismounting, I would love to be able to dismount my lance users and have them be like lolders.
  16. He's banned right? No banned members can be above mid.
  17. I just hope nothing comes out for the wii (or a new wii, in the future.) Why? I can't take it with me, and I don't have to fight with my sister for the Wii. (Plus, it's easier to emulate.
  18. Beserkers. :) My axe user is always one. (Unless I am doing a Girls only playthrough.)
  19. I've only had it happen once where the youngest girl died. (In my playthrough log, actually...) Luckly, I wasen't using her. :) (Or Seth.)
  20. I like Aran and Neph, but use Neph more. Why? She can solo all of part 2 on NM, as well as be third tier before P3. (W/o Hacking.) I think that is pretty cool myself. (It's not hard, but at least it's better than easy. She could probably solo P2HM too. I haven't tried it though.)
  21. As much as I don't like the Xbox 360, it is pretty good. It has great games, Live is great, and the Xbox is always great at parties.
  22. How is subway to stressful to order? And Sonic should be bumped up. Whenever I go, my burgers are always warm, and they always have good drinks and ice cream. :)
  23. 1. I was just wondering WTH I was below kai. It's insulting. :/ 2.Other people have said things about it before.
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