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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I decided I would finally make a sprite topic. Please note, all of these splices are WIPs. Okay? Got it? Good. A mug of Me, I need to change the skin tone. My Girlfriend, abit with lighter hair. She's one of my most recent. I'm working on a face and neck that fits. :/ Made up character, was one of the lords of the Magic army hack before I canceled it. Still a character in something else that I am writing. I forgot to credit Astelaine for the hair. Oops! My sister. Her neck stilll looks a little bit funny to me, I need to change her little sleve thing. Based off of somebody my sister would like to date. When I made this mug, I realized that it doesn't really look at all like him. But I was still happy with it. Any C&C would be nice. Please keep it positive though, these are some of my first real sprites. :\ I'm only posting this topic so that I can get better at this. I'm really bad with faces, but most epically bangs. I suck at the skin shading. :(
  2. You talking about his stats? It's quite normal for most all units to cap everything with normal playtime and BEXP abuse. (Although it doesn't have to actually be abuse.) (I know, PEMN, but...) I can make Neph cap everything everytime. She maxes everything around level ~10, and then just gets magic for the next ten levels, so she maxes everything.
  3. I'm up to 2400 seconds, which is about 40 minutes. :(
  4. Does your mascot NyanNyan into infinity? Didn't think so.
  5. I do. I love hitting the dance floor wearing my shades.
  6. Can you make member groups and assign the badges to those? Would that work? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFyes. Yune!
  7. Bryan

    FE Edit

    Thanks. :) This will work great! There isn't a way to put it into english though, right? It'll work without it. But I am just curious.
  8. Bryan

    FE Edit

    Sorry to bump, but I felt that this was relivant to this topic, and I didn't want to make another one. Is there a FE5 Edit?
  9. Bryan

    FE Edit

    Thanks again Vincent. :)
  10. Bryan

    FE Edit

    That is what I am talking about. However, the link is dead. :(
  11. Bryan

    FE Edit

    Thanks, I forgot to make it clear that I meant fe4 edit. :(
  12. Bryan

    FE Edit

    I used to have FE4 Edit, and my computer wiped it as a "virus". I can't seem to find it again. Does anyone have a copy they can upload? All of the links I have found are outdated. Don't tell me I should use Nightmare. Edit: I meant FE Edit for FE4. The one that isn't in English.
  13. Fixed. Thanks for your input. :)
  14. It doesn't look to bad. :/ I was going to make the hair into a ponytail. I kind of failed. After I made all of the frames, one by one, I noticed that Serra's animation is just a mirror, with only three frames. Faiiiiil. :/ I will be changing the colors though.
  15. Wow, this is going a lot quicker than I thought it would. I'm almost done with one trainee.
  16. Most of that is flash that I really don't need. I pretty much just want the first two frames. I don't need the orb charging. Sure, it's cool, but I don't need it. Serra's animation is 12 frames total. Seven for the staff, five to dodge. That's really all I am looking for here. And Seph, I used to log on 24/7. I'm not just someone who just registered yesterday and this is my first topic. I've been here for almost two years. The whole blow up with you made me leave. I wanted to take some time off and cool down. Then what happens, I make a thread and you are the first person to post. :/ On a side note, anyone know of a "veily" thing that can go around someones waist? I want it for my staff trainee. I only know of one BWDYeti made, but I don't want to use that. Edit: First frame of my trainee staff user? I need to move the veil over a tad. :/
  17. I don't know why you are going on about this. Queen_Ellinca wanted a staff using Falcoknight, and you didn't go on to her about it like you're going on to be about it. It's just something I want. :/
  18. Okay, so it's not ten, but mages don't move that much. I don't need super flashy animations. Mages are still easier to sprite than normal attacking units. And I didn't think many people would help anyway. I'm working on them myself right now, but I figured if somebody was bored, someone might help. I really don't care. Besides, the animations would pretty much be the hack. I wasn't planning on a custom story or anything.
  19. At least you only need about ten frames per thing unlike weapon animations. No, I'm not reviving it. I was just wanting them so that I could make a small hack and have some more magic classes. Nothing to big, I might release it though, if it turns out any good. :/
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