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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I was going to go for: I AM NOT A CROOK! But then I realized: Pretty much this + So... Yea. Changed my vote.
  2. Because his units are good enough they don't need to be healed...? I've almost never needed her, or any early game staff user for that matter.
  3. In case you haven't figured it out, Trent is an Asshole. You'll just have to deal with it, because he's probably (one of) the best (people) person to get feedback from. After you start taking what he says and actually doing it, he gets nicer. I was actually kind of surprised when I saw Bryan, because he has the same name as me, and looks somewhat similar.
  4. Sorry, that's always a common problem. It never hurts to check. :)
  5. You made sure it's under 15 + Background color right? I can't check right now, otherwise I'd know.
  6. [spoiler=For Size] There's another view for their new clothes. Just in case anyone was interested. IMO, Sora looks younger.
  7. Sweeeet. Thanks for that. Where's the Keyblade Armour?
  8. Nyan Cat, FTW. I love you so much! <3
  9. Pretty much. I had a gameboy advance thing that held three games and would allow me to switch between any of them. It sucked the battery life so much. :(
  10. Requires AAA battery...? Sweet. I'm gonna be buying the adapter then. And if it needs a triple A battery, that's fine with me, because then it isn't sapping battery life off of the 3DS.
  11. Super excited. I can't wait to hear something!
  12. :D I did it! It's pretty much a sweet hack. If you haven't tried it yet, you should.
  13. Is your room on the first or the second story?
  14. Why the sudden change? FE8 is good though.
  15. I'd vote for as many FE11 names as possible. Other than that, I don't really care about anything. Abbreviations suck though. Iron Lnc. <<<<<<<< Iron Lance.
  16. Hey, that topic is pretty cool. Maybe I'll read one sometime. I'd started too, but never had the full amount of time.
  17. I'm kind of interested. I'm no Dondon, but I'm not too bad. No Cheat Codes, No Cheat codes...
  18. BAWWWWWWW. There used to be topics with actual discussion. Now there's just drafts. Is it not clear I made this topic to Bawwwwww?
  19. I really think that Gwen & Lilina should have the same class. I think that Lilina should be able to use the Durandal; after all, she is the one who allows us to get it. She's pretty much the only person with Roland's blood, so it makes sense canonically. IDK, that's just my thoughts. To make Gwen/ Lilina different, you could have Gwen be able to use light and Lilina use Anima. I'd personally have Roy promote into Eliwood's final promotion, just so that he gets a sprite change. Plus, this allows for the use of Lances. You could easily have Gwen/Lilina promote to Erikia's promoted class, so that they have matching move with Eliwood.
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