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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. This. And show some tits. Guys love that JK don't do that. Then they'll think you're a whore.
  2. <33333333333 MAGVEL I want: Lyon, Ephraim, & Ross Eirika, Natasha, & L'Arachel
  3. Oh, and I want to see Magval too. I <3 Sacred Stones.
  4. 0/10 No seriously, 1/10 Okay, okay, I'm done. Amazing Unit 10/10
  5. Am I in that "I don't know you very well" cataglory? I love how many people post because it's Tang. Take me, for instance...
  6. Hmm, I guess if you're really wanting to go for it. Can I give you Ross? I think he's pretty cool. If you don't want him, have a Natasha. Oh, and Ewwww Dozla.
  7. My advice to you is just to have fun. I would use whomever you decide to use, just have fun with the characters. This game isn't hard, and you can get an infinite amount of EXP after chapter 8, so you can train whomever. I sometimes like to get all of my units to 20/1 before chapter 9. It's fun to breeze through the game! Really, you can use whomever you want. I'd just start and have fun with it.
  8. I mean, I'm not saying that because he's not Lester he's worse, or because getting him doesn't get you Lester. Sorry that I didn't make that clear.
  9. Yea, it does crash when I seize that throne. I'm not quite sure why, as nothing else has changed with that scene.
  10. What is the patch supposed to be used with? I've tried on a blank fe6, a translated fe6, and it crashes around chapter 11. Oh, I did use NUPS.
  11. Oops, that's what I meant. I typed that after I did my calculations.
  12. Thany has 12 base speed. Which is great, except for that 4 base con. Sue has 8 base speed, with 5 con. (Woo, so much better. >.>) This may seem like it's a lot worse, however, an iron lance has 8 weight, while the iron bow has 5 weight. You could use a slim lance, but I'm looking at them with iron. (When you're doubling everything anyway, why not go for extra might? Both of their strengths suck. :( ) 12 - (8 - 4) = 8 8 - (5 - 5) = 8 8 = 8 Therefore, they have the same base speed. (You can get a slim lance, with it, Thany has 4 more speed.) In the end, they're both going to cap it anyway. Oh, and sue. 6/10 + 1 = 7/10, for reasons others have stated (+ one bias point).
  13. In a way, except that nobody has to work. So it's not "Work and then you get fed, or if you don't work, you'll still get fed" That's what fails about Communism. This wouldn't see anybody working, unless they wanted to, so it's different. I like that this guy has actually thought about these things. A lot of the technology has already been created, so it's not completely unreasonable.
  14. What do you think about this project? I'm curious what you all think. http://www.thevenusproject.com/ Is it BS? Is it a vision of the future; Never to be achieved because of greed? You tell me.
  15. Popo, stay true to the meaning, screw exactness.
  16. First topic i've responded to in a looooong time. In Dondon's 0% growth run, he uses Thany for a looooong time. I think she's pretty awesome, so 9/10. +1 Bias point for 10/10.
  17. I got 5354. I'm thinking these dice really want us to have white mages.
  18. Wait, it's Wario?!? Guh, I've always wanted to play as him again.
  19. I got 12. That's good right? I'm not sure why I scored so low when I clicked almost every question about Math and noticing patterns as strongly agree. It must be the social situations part. :/
  20. Exactly, they can fly to the fort, and drop things like archers & invaders cannot overtake the fort very easily.
  21. As long as the company doesn't charge to download stuff, I don't think they'll be shut down. Megaupload made tons of money off of pirated things, which is why they got shut down.
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