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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. FE1-6 -High Five- I've played that too. :)
  2. FE1-6 all only use one. Your friend was correct in saying that there was only one RN. http://serenesforest.net/general/truehit.html Guess I was wrong, sorry.
  3. Oh, but he said Taguel in general. o.o
  4. Why? I don't understand the hate. o.o
  5. Yea, they're a lot more similar in english. It forgot about the e in Taguel, and so it didn't work out as well as I wanted it to.
  6. Laguz = Taguel Lagu -> agul -> (T)agu(e)l. IDK. Anyway, Ike's son might be fine being a king, he'd probably care about his subjects, and be a kind king. It fits.
  8. Well, she is fast, and she did take on a dragon. She should be powerful... I still like Blade lord the most though. She isn't a lord who uses blades, but a lord of the blades, aka blade lord. It sounds better than Lorca(n)
  9. I'm thinking he stumbled upon the gate. Paris being Ike's son would be cool, that accounts for the changed name, similar values, different VA. :)
  10. Dammit. Why did he change his name though, if that was him? Ike did fight for his friends equality.
  11. <3 It's a little blurry though. I looooove this art.
  12. I'm in favor of leaving it as Blade Lord. Lorca(n) sounds too plain. :( As much as it's in another FE, Trueblade could work. It's better than Swiftblade IMO.
  13. Why would you place FE9/FE10 at the end?
  14. I LOVE 1 & 2. They're my favorites in the series. Other than that, I really liked Crystal Chronicles for the Gamecube. That was fun if you had friends.
  15. I won't be pre ordering or getting that Master's edition. People upload those cards to the internet, you can just print them off and scan them that way. :/
  16. I'm pairing him with Krom's daughter. She's cool. MaskxMask OTP.
  17. I made it so people could look at it, but it was so quickly forgotten that someone made another one. :(
  18. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32257 :( I'm sad that no one notices that I actually put time into making this. I figured I'd make it prettier once more high res stuff came out... I'm not super fond of the background colors. Also, I feel like the chart doesn't do much for me. I think you should include weapon types and such.
  19. I'd also say 3 ->. It's cool to see how the series progressed throughout it's timeframe. Plus, then you don't miss features. Or, you could just play 11/12 instead of 3. They're remakes but with better graphics. :)
  20. Just double him with Fred or MaleMU or Liz. Just don't have him attack when he's near any of the others. o.o
  21. How is it that hard? I haven't played, but don't you have to just put her in double with him for the one chapter? It seems easier than putting him in double with somebody else to at least get a C before that.
  22. Yessss Furet. I'll play this patch for sure. I have two suggestions, one to make archers better, and another to the sol katti. First, I think all bows should have 2-3 range. It makes Archers unable to be countered by mages/ hand axes/ javs/ and makes them all around better. Second, Screw the Sol Katti. Give Lyn the Murgleis. Why does she get a lame weapon compared to Armads/Durandal/Forblaze? It's lammmme. Heck, I'd give Eliwood the Malte, and Pent be able to use Forblaze, he is Athos' pupil after all, but that's just me.
  23. I don't think that has the best/worst stat applied to it. Besides, there are class growths probably too, so it should be fine. :)
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