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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheScrappy The scrappy is a character that has a hatedom. Ignore what I just said about the writers loving them, I was thinking of something else. Nono is probably the scrappy.
  2. I'm so sorry! Can I get my first post in this thread deleted?
  3. Again, I wasn't trying to throw out Sal's vote. In fact, I didn't know there was only one person who gave him less than a 10.0. If you don't like it, find some friends and tell them to vote no. It's that simple. A poll is the best way to figure this out, IMO. If it gets voted down, you won't see me bitching. In the meantime, just let the poll run it's course.
  4. Even if Lyn was Hector's most cannon pairing, Lyn's most cannon pairing isn't Hector, IMO. My headcannon is EliwoodxNinian (Obvs.) LynxRath (Sue looks like lyn, and Lyn is Rath's only female support. Plus they're cute.) HectorxFarina (Both strong, seems like a good fit IMO.) I don't really see a character the devlopers love over any other. Like Scrappy, whom the writers loved but the fans hated. I don't quite see that happening here. With that said, I think the most hated character will probably be nono. :(
  5. It's actually .01 points. .1 would be way more.
  6. A poll is the perfect way to decide which side of the debate won. You debated, they debated, now there's the decision, which is done with a poll.
  7. Wow, you don't have to get so heated about this. I don't need you attacking me and the topic creator because you feel personally violated because you were the only person who didn't give him a ten. Fun fact, I didn't even know who you were. I didn't know only one person voted anything less than a ten. MU can be anything you want him to be. Fem!Myrm, sure! Male!DarkMage, sure! Beserker, sure! Staffbot, sure! You can customize his growths to make the game easier. You want him to use tomes? You want him to use Swords? You want him to use Bows? He can do anything you want at base. I don't see how that deserves anything less than a ten. Why should any unit get punished because they need to be a magic/melee hybrid? This isn't FE13 with unlimited leveling. Characters only have 40 levels. And when you have 40 levels with amazing growths + amazing bases, AND you can use any weapon in the game? (Sure, other units can reclass, but MU gets to pick at the beginning.) Please, this is the internet. I suggested moving MU up to a 10 as a joke mostly, and I only reposted it because I saw others agreed. Please, don't hate.
  8. Aweeeesome. FE13's MU will probably get a 10.0 rating too. I don't think there's a better unit.
  9. This thread is going to have a lot of text. Maybe spoilering each section? I don't know how much it matters though.
  10. I'm wanting to up him one point because 9.99 looks stupid, not because I don't think your vote matters. I personally prefer to keep my units in the same classes. Weapon ranks are aweeeesome. Personally, I think MU should be one of the only units to have a 10.0 rating, but that's just my opinion.
  11. Can we bump MU's rating up to a 10.0? All in favor?
  12. I'm just going to post this and be on my way. I haven't ever finished this, but it's good enough. It's based on archtypes, looks, and personality. (Est=Thany, as they're both the youngest. They also are both sort of tomboyish in their apperance.)
  13. Wait, because you just have to keep them in double for one chapter and have them attack? Just keep Sumia/Soiree/Mariabel/MU away from him. (It's a lot harder if you're using an FeMU. I'll agree to that, but you just keep him doubled with Fred or Liz or something.) OliviaxKrom is one of the easiest supports IMO.
  14. Traveling? It's what his ending said he was going to do. He could have gone through some time travel. I still want it to be his son.
  15. Marth + MU? I think he just wants him to be a killing machine.
  16. Rule 63 doesn't apply to Lucius because he is already so androgynous. :/
  17. :) It wasn't that hard I see. Goldie never responded. :(
  18. Oh, sorry. fellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human being i fellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human being like fellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human being pie fellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human being not fellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human being really fellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human beingfellow human being fellow human being Find my hidden message fellow human being?
  19. you can just use ctrl+f. Goldie, what happened to you?
  20. http://www.serebii.net/dungeon3/ IDK when it comes out though, I enjoy them too. :)
  21. 3 with bias, I wish she came earlier. Can somebody do a hack which switches her with jagen?
  22. I'm still calling him being ike's son. Ike could have married one of marth's descendants. Ike's son = paris makes sense, IMO.
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