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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Can I get someone different? I use him all the time. I might use him in addition, but IDK.
  2. One down four to go. Wow, that was quick.
  3. Pick me five units. GOGOGOGOGO. (I might use the lords, IDK.) Oh, and no Trainees or Prepremos.
  4. Whoa, I don't think anyone has a problem with you or your spriting style. I personally just pointed out that he isn't as inviting as previous Marths. (You can be manly and inviting at the same time.) On the colors thing, I was just curious. It's always interesting to hear the thoughts behind them. :)
  5. I agree. I love Marth's clothes and his headband + Hair, but his face doesn't feel like his. His expression isn't inviting and warm. In other words, Marth doesn't look nice. http://serenesforest.net/fe3/char_2.html Comparing it to his FE3 sprite, you can sort of see what I mean. Also, why'd you decide to go with a blackish color for his clothes? It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but I'm just curious.
  6. I'm pretty sure they don't have kids for like 4-5 years after the events of the story. (Except for Krom. And he has his kid like one year after chapter 12 or something?)
  7. Sometimes Time Travel plots can be good, if they're executed well. The Jurys still out for me, I'll complain when the english version comes out.
  8. Nothing against Astra or your other guest, but I too like your solo recordings better. You can explain more and comment on the gameplay, which is really nice. Don't get rid of them completely though, just remember you're a strong black woman who don't need no man.
  9. GO OBAMA! YAY HIGHER COSTS DUE TO HIGHER TAXES TO SUPPORT A BUNCH OF SHIT THAT DOESN'T DO JACK SHIT. FIXING THE TRILLIONS IN DEFICITS ISN'T WHAT WE NEED, NO, MORE SPENDING! GO OBAMA! I just hope that by the time I get out of college, taxes go down due to a new president. The amount I'm going to get taxed almost makes me feel like it's not even worth it for me to get a job. Woo!
  10. @Italics: That's my goal, I don't care quite as much about caps as skills & classes. But that's just me. @bold: The problem is that everyone wants MU, since he can pass on everything. I personally decide my best couples and then pair MU with my favorite character for that run.
  11. I wouldn't have done that. Most people assume endgame when we talk about couples and then we assume their children. When we talk about FE4 "Best Couples" we always talk about their children. Anyway, I think that the best couples involves more than just stat caps, but possible classes as well. The more classes every character can switch into, the better. (Unless they don't match up at all, like Archer + Mage. I don't really need bows and magic, so it doesn't really make sense. Myrm + Mage for sword expert DK, if I wanted that...)
  12. I picked doubling because it's new, but I'm also looking forward to everything. ;P
  13. That's probably because those aren't real names. I don't even know how to pronounce Smia in enlgish. Does that even look like a name to you?
  14. Half the reason I watch it is for your commentary...
  15. Reggie said a couple months, Christmas time is a couple of months. ;) But seriously, i'm sad that I'll be in school whenever this comes out, so I won't get to just sit down and do nothing but play this until summer. :(
  16. Considering it's the Holy kingdom, it makes sense. I actually like it a lot.
  17. Oops, that's sorta what I meant. I just meant that he wasn't a natural speaker, I just worded it wrong. Thanks for the correction TheEnd. :)
  18. I'm not sure about his race, but he taught himself how to speak, AFIAK. He got a capture card, it wasn't cheap, though cheaper then when it first came out, (Depends on your definition of Cheap, I guess...) They used a mic to record their voices.
  19. No, you'll have to use a palette editor, such as APE. (Advanced Palette Editor.)
  20. INB4 LoZ OoT Anyone else see multiple games coming from multiple timelines in this game?
  21. AFAIK, they have to stay in the future, since it was implied that it would be hard to get back.
  22. Here's the codes I use. Just scroll through the text, and if you have any questions, there should be a thread on FE4 Codes. Fire Emblem - Genealogy of the Holy War.txt
  23. Please Please Please whomever does Lena use the FE3 mug, it's not derpy like FE11's. D:
  24. The tier list is sort of dead because not many people have the game. Once it comes out in America/ Europe, I expect it to pick back up.
  25. Arch, this looks awesome. I'm looking forward to the finished result!
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