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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Wait, what bosses did you have remorse for besides Lyon from FE8 and Maybe Yurius/Alvis from 4? I wanted to kill 1/2/3/4(sorta)/5/6/7/9/10.
  2. So weird that people live sorta near me. o.o
  3. I'm not sure how I will use him as a specific weapon type... Anyone want to add which weapon you want them to use? One more!
  4. Gimme six units, one for every weapon type. Try to give me units that come before chapter 16, I want to actually use them.
  5. This. It makes Archers awesome. 2-3 range means that they're the only ones that can hit from 3 tiles away. You no longer need to fix Hand Axes or Javs, because they can't hit everything.
  6. Why would they? Most people don't know about the Jap version, so why would they say "You'll get spirit talisman 1, 2, & 3"? If they did, they'd ruin it for the people who are buying who didn't hear about the (J) version. This is what I've been saying all along. We're going to get everything, there isn't a reason to cut it. Like Othin said, new characters introduced means that old games will gain traction and it's possible to have a remake.
  7. For normal it's pretty much like MU Krom Everyone else.
  8. I actually like it the way it is. We can see the animations but we don't have to see the repetitive enemy phase.
  9. Its probably going to be the goddess staff. Ashera isn't in this game, and it will be the same case as the "Goddess" icon in every game besides the Tellius saga. Don't worry about it.
  10. Set some goals and don't let yourself out of them. Don't let yourself procrastinate and make sure you do what you want to. That's how you become an overachiever.
  11. Can you turn off the game and have it suspended like in the GBA games? That was one of my favorite features.
  12. I do too, but may I suggest turning the animations off during the enemy phase? (You can do that, right?) That way, we can still watch the animations but the game doesn't drag on and on.
  13. Party being myrms/ rangers you can do with a code, but the ballistas/ wretched air you need nightmare for. I'm uploading my code list for Sacred Stones. Use the class code and then find the value at the bottom. Just move your units through that slot for the code to apply to everyone. Fire Emblem - Sacred Stones Codes.txt
  14. That moment when you hack to beat the previous 14a record by 10 turns.
  15. You're late. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=34311&view=findpost&p=2206688
  16. WTF is a Lon'qu? WTF NOA... Did they announce the special 3DS? Is it coming out here?
  17. There was a movie based off her song? Wow, that movie must be amazing.
  18. Adele does a wonderful job with Skyfall, she hits all of the right notes. Oh my gosh, incredible.
  19. Annnnd it's done! Thanks guys!
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