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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Maybe if they touch it will create an error in the space time continumum and the world will explode?
  2. IMO, it's one of the best parent child supports.
  3. Actually, recklessness can spring from overconfidence. Just look at the examples with Leaf, he tries and fails to capture key points because he thinks he can. As to the whole "Laguz and such and so hate Ike" I personally don't feel that being hated for the sins of your fathers is a character flaw. If anything, it would serve to make us like Ike more. "People hate him not for something he did, but for something his grandparents did" He didn't do anything wrong!
  4. I thought that was the Falchion or something. If it's not, then yes, he's using the same random sword.
  5. Krom wouldn't be able to activate Fred's Astra. Also, the Dual attack isn't a command. There's a percent chance when two people are standing by each other.
  6. Sorry I wasn't clearer, I was referring to the Spotpass. I don't know about the DLC's growths exactly.
  7. Okay, no, it's not. I may agree with you on other points, but Alm's art is just an updated version of his old art with a new pose. http://serenesforest.net/media/fe2illust/Arum_Maisen.jpg http://serenesforest.net/fe13/img/dlc/003.jpg Alm's art has screws in the exact same place in both of his codpieces.
  8. How come it only does that on that input, and not four?
  9. So I have this problem with characters mouths when using certain inputs on FEditor when I'm trying to input mugs. This happens when I use a similarly sized Guinevere on input 3, but not on input four. Lillina is also not messed up when I put her in four as well. How can I fix this problem for these inputs?
  10. Whether or not the name is really unisex, as a male I would despise my parents if they had named me Ashely. I know my sister would also hate being named Mark. I don't know any woman named "Chris". I do however, know a woman named "Kris". I don't know anyone with alternate spellings for Mark being a female.
  11. I'm not really seeing Eliwood either, unless he's fighting roy.
  12. I honestly thought the RTUs should stay as they were in the beginning. They were intended to have bias and such, otherwise it turned into another tier list.
  13. Oh, okay. I haven't read the Japanese, so I wouldn't know of the exact wording. My mistake.
  14. I personally don't think "world" means "planet" or "Universe" but a different land. We consider ourselves worlds apart when we live across oceans, right? We've seen characters be able to teleport before, so a giant gate to help them do that makes sense, they just move through space & time.
  15. Who knows. Once we get an english translation, this should all become clearer. (Unless LvD sheads some light on it in the meantime.)
  16. Don't the children consider themselves from another world? Another world = Different Time?
  17. Time travel? He could still be Ike's son, Ike could have time traveled and Paris could be his direct child.
  18. White tide might be cool but he's only around for like two chapters. 1.5 - 1 bias = .5
  19. She should totes get moved up. She's like the best tank ever, and she's got way more avalibilty than Uranus or Neptune. They come in in what, season 3 or something? That's two whole seasons of no action.
  20. We won't know for sure for a while. I'm hoping it's his son, personally.
  21. Well, it's now one. I don't think anything's coming out. I'm super happy I called Paris being Ike's decendant. (Well, I thought he was going to be his son, but IDK. Maybe he still is? Who knows.)
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