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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. AFAIK, It would seem that they're 0-20, 20-40,...80-100. These growths are then added to the class growths. These normally range on the higher side, it would seem.
  2. A BAMF, who has his own axe and doesn't care about nothing. Oh, and did I mention Pugi is the sex? 9/10 + 1 = 10/10 Othin for President.
  3. I didn't think about all that time travel, I ended up assuming that it can't be the same person, but time travel makes everything wonky. :) Vincent, do you mind if I put that bit into my second post? Just as additional info?
  4. I did mention that, and that's why I put the (?) next to the games. I wasn't sure whether they went there or not, but I felt like that could be a proper place. The dragons never showed up in human form either right?
  5. My only real thing is that the dragons didn't need stones in FE4, although we didn't really see them transform with them. I put FE8 down because I feel that it should be included. :)
  6. Now, I think FE9/10 came first, as Vincent describes here: As we can see, the Laguz do not need their stones, which brings us to FE6/7. In FE6, it describes the Never-ending Winter and the need for the Manaketes to imprison their power into their dragonstones. If this is the reason that the dragons need to contain their power, it puts FE1/2/3/13 after them, as Manaketes use stones in those games. The Dragons do not seem to need stones in FE4/5, so they are before FE7/6. At this point, we just have FE8. Where does it fit in? I think it might be last, but it could be between FE3/13. Manaketes do need stones in this game too, and so it would have to be after FE7/6.
  7. I am sure many of you know that recently, Skyward Sword released a timeline for the whole LoZ series. With the release of FE13, it seems that all of the games take place in the same universe. Therefore, I wanted to make a topic where we could debate where the games go in relation to one another. Here is my proposed timeline: FE9 FE10 FE4 (First Generation) (?) FE5 (?) FE4 (Second Generation) (?) FE7 FE6 FE1 FE2 FE3 (Book 2) ------------- 2000 Years FE13 FE8 (?)
  8. Dangit, someone already responded yes. I wanted to say I could do a compeletly original scouring hack. :(
  9. huh what does this mean their caps in radiant dawn are totally different all stats exempt res for males are 30 or above and none are above 35 not counting hp of course for sientials We never talked about FE10, FE9 only has two tiers.
  10. Oh, I didn't really know that. I don't know Japanese. :( The Children's birthday's aren't popping up for me. o.o I think it's just chashed or something. o.o
  11. Two Days after Fredrick. Oh, on Sairi's description, it says she's from Warm. Isn't it Varm?
  12. Oryx and Crake is an AMAZING book. It's sort of long, but it has sooo many different things you could write about. Corperate Greed, the use of science, genetic engineering, are all possible topics. I read it for one of my college classes, but it was an easy read. Or you could just read Twilight.
  13. I think that Weapon saver is honestly an awesome skill. Forged Inverse's Darkness + 100% activation rate? Yes please. :) BRB, I'm going to go solo every chapter.
  14. She is 1000 years old, she has to have some sort of maturity. I don't care if Manaketes age slower. :/
  15. Could it be that Nono is just choosing to act like that? I mean n_n or whatever talks about how her father was a creeper, she's obvs more mature than Nono. Or is she? It could be that Nono is just choosing to act young, simply because she can. Either way, I don't like NonoxRonku.
  16. This is soo true. I wish they would have added some type of light magic. I actually like the idea that it goes off of staff level rather than tome level. You'd just need the skill to unlock it just like dark magic.
  17. I don't think there's a reason, I think it's just because Awakening doesn't have arenas. Ninja'd
  18. Sweeeeeet. Now I can have custom sprites. <3
  19. SO CUTE. I love that they don't just have the two of them in their supports.
  20. That's so cute! Henryxanyone is OTP.
  21. Oh, I'm gonna pair them. Completely forgot. :D I wish I didn't have to use units in order to pair them. :/ Switched Libera to Vake. Libera's class set is to crappy for me to want to use.
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