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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. It would be cool to see something unlike this. Everyone credits FE9 for having such a interesting and different story, but IMO, the only difference is that Ike isn't royalty. I'd like to see something where the hero makes morally questionable choices and you have to wonder who really is the good guy. That would be cool, IMO. I don't know what the overall plot would do though. Either way, I never really complain about the plots, I like them all. I don't care for the fapping to FE9. (I liked Lyon, ok? FE8<3)
  2. Are we counting angel rings? There's nothing in the OP. I think Cellica's pretty awesome, I'd give her a 6/10, without bias. (7/10 with.) She's a glass cannon, just make sure she never gets hit, and you're good to go. Cellica can claim to have angel unpromoted, which is sex when you fight monsters. She can't take a hit, but otherwise, she's awesome. so 7/10
  3. I've thought about this recently, but I almost always say America(n). When I write, I normally use USA, or spell it out.
  4. I think that Nn & Chambray are sort of different. Chambray's dad isn't the one we pair him with anyway, so that doesn't work. Nn is just a motherfucking dragon. I don't know if it's just the regular archer thing, since I haven't seen them ingame. o.o
  5. What is that first pose on that thing? -shivers- It scares me. Some of the sheet doesn't look that bad, like when her arms aren't all over the place.
  6. I think the "canon" pairs are like FE4, where the child is the father's class. Noire, for example, has the same archer sleve thing that Viole has. Then again, ViolexSerge seems like it's suggested. ViolexEveryone
  7. 9/10 + 1 = 10/10. Alm's awesome.
  8. Bryan


    But 3DS is tomorrow. Don't be negative yet. :(
  9. Bryan


    lameee. At least there's one tomorrow.
  10. Bryan


    Will people post in this thread about their conference? I can't watch the live stream, as I'm in a car. It starts in 10 minutes!
  11. Doesn't he reflect the gender of the person talking to him? Before the war though, I always thought he was male.
  12. I meant of GBAGE, but i'm glad to have helped.
  13. As I'm sure you're now aware, the book wasn't inserted correctly. You have to flip the two. One Second, I'm going to look at something. It works perfectly for me, I properly inserted it. Try not hitting abort graphics if bigger? I leave that clicked. Did you insert some other color? Do you have the most updated version?
  14. That Cav -> Pal is better? Pulling percentages doesn't mean anything. Cav has like 3 more move than knight.
  15. Check out the general timeline thread? Shamless Self Plug.
  16. But the Bride class isn't just about Eirika. DLC!Eirika and Spotpass!Eirika are different, which is great. Why do I want to clones running around? If you really want Eirika to use swords, reclass her. Either way, I hope she gets lances.
  17. If Eirika were to get lances as the third weapon, what would that third DLC get? Lances still sounds probable, Lances/Tomes/? Lance/Bows on a mounted unit has been done before, ala FE10. (I'm not counting FE9, since you can pick.) I'm thinking about it this way; Elincia lost use of swords, Eirika might lose them too. I'd personally prefer Brides to have Lance/Bow/Staves.
  18. Wait, where is all this? Besides, this site calls the Falchion the Falcion. They leave out all sorts of letters.
  19. Well, that could just be a title. But the two of them could have been joint rulers, it happens all the time in fiction, ala Narnia.
  20. She'll just let the wedding dress fall and then kill everyone with lots of blood.
  21. Umm, EirikaxLyon 4EVER. He totes survived somehow.
  22. EVERYWHERE. I really want it to be lance/bows/staves. We'll see when it comes out.
  23. I knew I was forgetting something. Never really on foot though, I should have pointed that out. I'd rather have axes too, but the chances of that are like .01%
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