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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Sorry that I was not clear enough. I meant the MUG, and then I went on talking about the Battle sprites.
  2. The Pre-evolved form is cute. Evolved form is ugly. :(
  3. You should be able too... But I am not sure. I tried putting the FE8 Sage in FE6, but it freezes lately. :/
  4. Oh. I never use supports. :/ I never really find a need. My characters are always good enough without them. And LOL at the Florina's Brother thing.
  5. It is actually a very simple program. You just have to get used it:) Lately, whenever I make changes to my FE6 ROM, it stops working.
  6. Is Vanessa really that great? She looks so generic... I've never used her. Mabye I should start...
  7. You don't really have to use it. I want to use it, even for a short period. :) If there was a third skin, what color should it be? I was thinking light Blue/Red, and for the FE character that is on it, it should be someone from the GBA games. I can help out with picking colors and stuff if you would like. :) We really don't need another skin for a while after MP, so I don't want to to feel like you have to do this.
  8. Yea. Unlike most people on the forums, I play FE simply because it is FE. I don't play for the difficutly or anything. People who hack online games like WoW or MapleStory are losers. Its one thing to hack a single player game... You are never just hacking a spot over someone who put lots of time and dedication into the game.
  9. Yes. I do it all the time. You have no idea what a few short lines of codes can do. Even with a lousy team, I could probably destroy everything in sight with hacks. That is why I don't hack multi-player games.
  10. You may have forged weapons, but what about fully forged weapons? And what about making their units have 99 HP and yours having 1? If the hacker knows what he/she is doing, you really don't stand a chance. On a side note, hacking boots is lame.
  11. Homosexuality has been around for a long long time. In most ancient cultures, Homosexuality was not only natural, it was encouraged. Most all men have a gay urge a few times during their lives, it just depends on they act on it. It sounds like you have had many gay urges but and are using the Freudian defense mechanism called Reaction formation, and you just pretend to hate gay people because you do not want to be gay. I am going back to going away.
  12. I think it would be nice if your choices in the story affected the rest of the story, like Shadow the Heagehog, or Bioshock.
  13. I apoligize about being a true moron. Besides, half the stuff I do can be done during/after the game ends anyway.
  14. No, she never does. Even with 23 STR at 20/20. :/ She can get STR screwed too. :(
  15. She was a princess upon promotion, but I know what you mean. :)
  16. Thats lame. I always beat the game before I hack it. But if I had not played through hacks, it would not give me any right to claim I've beaten the game. And anyone can hack RD. I posted a topic about it in the RD section. I never argue hacking for tier lists. Besides, hacking just allows you to do things the game wouldn't let you without it.
  17. Actually, I could beat Hard Mode without breaking a sweat, I just prefer to hack & do stuff I wasn't meant to do. I have always been very good at FE, I am better than all of my FE playing friends. :/ I mean, i'm no expert, there are tons of more people that are better than me. And if I ever get on WiFi, (I just lost my game :( ) I wouldn't use a hacked team. I don't hack multi player games. I think it is wrong. Oh I only do when I play on an emulator.
  18. I don't know why I use the :/ emote. I have said I abuse Smilies, and :/ is kind of the middle of the road. It isn't too happy, but it isn't too sad.
  19. I said, " Marksmen + 1~3 + Kickass Mastery = Fucking Pwn" With the Double Bow. They win face. Other wise, they are so-so, and loldiers are still lol.
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