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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I found some more Pro Action Replay Codes. They have the Holy Blood for Gen two. (:D !!) Credit goes to Lord Alvein.
  2. Ether - 11 Soul - 101 AstraLunaSol - 75 Amelia - 98 Blasied - 73 NinjaMonkey - 19 Crash - 60 Masamune Wielder - 71
  3. Ross Solo isn't hard if you don't make him a super JorneyMan. They suck ass. Seriosly, loseing 2 AS from a Iron Axe? NTY.
  4. I can't argue with Availability, however, he does gain MOV upon promotion.
  5. Wow. I used to get that magazine... O.o
  6. You can have a pokemon use Mud Sport, and then switch to a flying/water type, as they no longer have the weakness to Thunder. But Geodudes annoy me. I hack my Pearl so that my Starter it a pikachu, and the first gym is hell. :/
  7. I guess Aqua has not been Claimed. Mine Now <3 I'm also claiming Ven & Terra from BBS.
  8. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  9. I don't know how to hack PoR on the Wii. :( You might be able to lanch it through Gecko and load codes for it that way... I am not sure. :( But if you want to hack RD, check my hacking thread in the RD Section. It could be on page two by now.
  10. Bryan


    That explains my thoughts exactly :D
  11. Haven't I said I hack, and that is my point. They rock when maxed. PLUS, you can buy Statboosters.
  12. D: At least she has a Triangle attack. When you have three Maxed Generals, they kick ass :D
  13. As much as you hate the Peg knights, Illia is shittons prettier than Sacane. I would suggest you watch vids. :/
  14. Can you get one of those pads to ventilate the laptop?
  15. It does feel to soon... And Absol does need an evolution :D
  16. I am useing FE editor to replace the FE6 Sage (M) Sprite with the FE8 Sage sprite. It worked before, but now when I try to promote Lugh into a Sage, the screen goes black. I replaced just the Sage sprite, (36) and just the Staff sprite (79). I replaced both, but it tells me that it has invalid stems when I try to reopen it. Thanks, Bryan
  17. Thats the indication. If you start to smell the chocolate, its time to turn it off. :(
  18. Even so, Statboosters are always win. But you need Money to buy them, even if you are not playing CC. >.> Very True Hika.
  19. Somone dumped Chocolate on it at a party. No joke. It smells like chocolate anytime it starts to overheat.
  20. If we are going into Creature Campaign, it is the best way to get money to max your stats, PLUS, you can have Natasha/Molder promoted after chapter 5, and they alone can tank the next few chapters. (The enemies suck.) It is a pain in the ass to train healers otherwise.
  21. Bryan

    My sprites...

    Okay. :) I won't use it then :)
  22. RNG/BEXP Abuse, use stat boosters, and/ or hack. I use a code that allows me to keep my units at 19.99 and they gain stats everytime :)
  23. The problem is that you have so many good units. :/
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