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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I like Gilliam. I don't use him to much though, because armored units aren't my style. :(
  2. What about what Ryu said if you kill the Bandit? Can you confirm that? It wouldn't surprise me, but it would be pretty funny that a dead unit manages to say something and destroy a house. I actually did check that, I couldn't get to the house in time, so I killed that bandit. Can you guess what happened? Another bandit moved and stood on the village. (He kind of just showed up.)
  3. I can check today. I hack it... (I hack everything. o.O) EDIT: I just checked, there is no visit option. :(
  4. It doesn't matter to much when you hack. o...o He comes in so late. :( He's still perfectly usable to pick off laguz in 4-5 and 4-E-3, and to backup heal. It's a shame he doesn't have more availability though. Imagine if you got him in 2-E? I would probably use him then. But he has to little availbiltiy. (I could Edit Soren to become Bastian, but I don't care that much.)
  5. That could have been why I couldn't get it to work. Epic fail? I'll try again tomarrow. I'm going to bed :)
  6. It doesn't matter to much when you hack. o...o He comes in so late. :(
  7. It makes me sad. I can do without paladins normally, but I cannot do without sages. It sucks that they both got nerfed so badly. I wish I could up their caps and stuff to make them better. :/ Meh. They're good enough for me. High speed caps would be nice though. They nerfed Sages so much. 15 uses on their SS weapons while Meele gets 50? Nothanks. :( Not that it matters once you get them blessed...
  8. No kidding. Particularly since hes actually the most functional mage in the game. Who the hell else are you gonna use? Ilyana Little Miss No Speed? Tormod of No Availability? Calill (LOL)? Seriously, hes the only decent mage in the game. (also considering what magic levels he maxed in PoR, gives him that uber bonus to his levels during the transfer.) Yeah also forget Adept much? Why must you use a mage? If this was like any of the nicer FEs where having a mage around means enemy generals cry it would be one thing. A lot of units 2RKO Generals anyway and while 2 Hammers doesn't give a lot of uses they do allow any axe user to ORKO if they double. Soren is lucky to 2HKO and frequently 3HKOs and doesn't double. So he's basically worse than a lot of your other attackers against Generals, and that's basically his best case scenario. And he'll not be dodging frequently enough to send him out there on enemy phase when he's getting 2HKOd by everything, so I have to ask what does it matter if he's the most functional mage in the game (which he isn't thanks to Micaiah and, yes, Calill)? Asvel he is not. (In fact, he still couldn't hold a candle to pre-Narga Yuria even if you remove the hp drain effect of Resire) Oh, and Ilyana does his job about the same. Sure, he frequently 2HKOs stuff that she 3HKOs when both are given forges, but honestly why is he soloing any enemies? Against the majority of enemies she's basically just as capable of combining with most random GM units to KO a unit as Soren is. Also, being (N), Soren (N) doesn't get any weapon levels from PoR. Although, the Bs he starts with (A wind) are good enough for most tasks anyway. Just needs 1 thunder level to get to Arcthunder and Thoron is not practical to purchase and a forged thunder is > Arcthunder anyway. He has no need of Bolganone since he doesn't appear in 4-5 (making Ilyana and Calill better choices to raise anyway if you absolutely must raise a sage) so B Fire gets him all the fire he'll ever be able to use and E thunder is honestly all he needs for thunder. Well, the 3-11 Thoron could be purchased if you really want, but an 8mt forge (1 less mt than Thoron and possibly fixed by a card) has 24 mt on dragons anyway vs. 27 mt from Thoron. And the forge will have better hit (and >= crit since Thoron is only 5 crit, but that doesn't matter much) and probably be cheaper per hit. T version already has a higher score if starting with S Wind, A Fire, A Thunder makes a difference over ABB. Ike Haar Mia Titania Gatrie Janaff Ulki Shinon Nephenee Oscar Mordecai Ranulf Boyd Mist (healing) Heather (when necessary) Rhys (healing) I see no reason to use Soren when I have more units (that are better than he is) than slots already. And yeah, Adept on Soren is only an argument for players that don't seem to realize that you can give Adept to someone that uses it better. Playing efficiently, giving Soren credit for Adept would be like giving Fiona credit for Saviour and Imbue (so 3-6 easy button with Saviour Sothe, for example). While everything you said is true, I will still use Soren because he can use Rexcal. (For all thats worth. -___-) (I have to use each SS weapon, and there has to be one person to use each.)
  9. Bryan

    Name Undecided

    We should be Llyod & Linus. >:D
  10. No like her map sprite. I was just wondering because I am going to change Calil to Archsage (Wind) So that she can use Rexcalibur on my girls only playthrough. o.o Yes, Mia still looks like herself on the Map.. so will Calill. Sweet! :) You should do soothe & Micky fight where they both have Ashrea's caps. o.o I'm to lazy to care about mispellings.
  11. ._. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHsF0mT5EUA Yeah... don't try that unless you got the RAM for it ._. If you do though, I reccomend it over No$GBA, as you ahve to donate in order to get the version on which you can play it. (I grabbed the donation version by mistake, When I realized it, I deleted it.)
  12. No like her map sprite. I was just wondering because I am going to change Calil to Archsage (Wind) So that she can use Rexcalibur on my girls only playthrough. o.o
  13. I can run it on Powersaver without it being slow. Its Dolphin that is really slow. :C
  14. I'm scared enough of the normally maxed Ashera from your videos. This one is just overkill... *Faints* I need to hack the game so that Enemeys have near maxed stats, and my units have maxed stats. o.o When you made Mia have zelgs class, did it change he little battle icon?
  15. I never thought about trying to edit growth rates, I can give that a look.. I've done caps changing long ago, I just never let it out because I felt it wasn't that important.. but it looks like this: Just like PoR, the highest is 127.. then it drops back to 0 I can also change the base stats of all units. I can find more, just ask for it. I was just thinking about doing that. Although the only thing I would do is raise the speed caps of Palies & Sages
  16. I'm playing on an emulator right now. I don't have acsess to my Wii/GC
  17. You did load it thorugh the Homebrew channel right? If you clicked on gecko in the homebrew channel, they should work. (You do have the U Version of the game, right?)
  18. Yes. They didn't work. :( Also, Nice Sig/ Avatar! :)
  19. Does anyone have the code for the S level weapons? I can't find any. :(
  20. You would probably have to ASM hack. I would not know past that though. Sorry
  21. Yes. I always have 3 (+ Sanaki, Micky & Mist) Archsages that I train. :/
  22. I don't use Calil for two reasons, A. I have Sanaki, who takes up a free slot. B. If I am doing a male only playthorugh, I will use Tormond. The only reason I would use her is if I switched her class to Arch-Sage(Wind) So that she could use Rexcal.
  23. It makes me sad. I can do without paladins normally, but I cannot do without sages. It sucks that they both got nerfed so badly. I wish I could up their caps and stuff to make them better. :/
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