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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. There aren't really any... And soldiers don't exist in this game. :( There are soldiers in the prolouge, so it should be possible for Frey to become one with a cheating device. Don't know any codes, though. Forgot about them. Epic fail. :( If I knew the class values, I could make a code for it. But I am to lazy to find the class values. :/
  2. It is really just FE1 put onto the DS. You can't rescue, and there is no "canto." I enjoy this game, the reclass adds alot. :)
  3. Mabye because she is stuck to bows her first promotion? Her 20/20 stats: 20/20 44.9 18.4 28 30 23 10.8 9.7 Higher caps /60 /23 /28 /30 /30 /22 /25 I don't know. :/
  4. There aren't really any... And soldiers don't exist in this game. :(
  5. Lets not. Stop making topics about this.
  6. They could just post like this Bryan: I don't like Pie Matt: Pie is wonderful (The Alt-ego I just made up:/)
  7. Around the bottom of those unit codes, I explain that these are my usual results of recruiting units one of by one normally, without recruiting anyone else(like Zelgius or something) on Normal Mode + 16x9 display. Units are placed in the game's data in slots, units that don't appear right away like Sothe will probably appear 1 slot ahead of mine because of not enough enemies being killed around his appearance. There are cases like Micaiah, Edward and Leonardo who load after the bandits..since less bandits appear on Easy Mode they will appear on an earlier spot in data. Nolan however gets loaded before anything else on the map and always turns out as the first unit in memory unless you recruit Pugo. Units that you get at a base also get put in the earliest spot in data available, Volug being one of them. Since you don't have WiiRd, I can't really tell you exactly where Volug is in your game data.. but you can find him by looking at units around Volug on that list and simply use the other values of the player-controlled data and add 1E8(hex) to it to put an SS Strike code for other spots and you'll most likely run into Volug's. Example: Make Meg Player-controlled [shadowX39] 048855E4 8066B830 048855E4 + 1E8 = Make Meg(or maybe Volug in your data) have SS Strike: 048857CC 0000014B The SS strike won't be visible to anyone but Laguz unless you give units the skill that allows them to gain strikes for use. (I haven't had the chance to add that skill value yet since I haven't tested it out myself..Wii's not with me) Well, that's your best hope in finding Volug's spot in data. Also, I noticed an email recently of a message on Youtube from you.. I didn't reply because I was probably in the middle of deleting all the messages that I've already replied to and yours must of been sent during it.. Sorry! My Jaw just dropped when I was it was you... :o And thanks :) Also, I never sent you a youtube message. o.o My username is xxXFireToanXxx (I didn't know XXX was porn at the time. D: )
  8. Just wondering, how many of these topics are you going to make? Dang, Emerald ninja'd me. :(
  9. Forgive my ignorance, but what is Vuglular? I think he means "vulgar". <_< Either way, what does it mean? vul·gar vul·gar [vúlgər] adj 1. crude and indecent: crude or obscene, particularly about sex or bodily functions 2. tastelessly ostentatious: showing a lack of taste or reasonable moderation 3. lacking refinement: lacking in courtesy and manners 4. language of ordinary people’s language: relating to a form of a language spoken by ordinary people 5. of ordinary people: characteristic of or associated with the majority of ordinary people (archaic) npl ordinary people: ordinary people regarded or spoken of as a group She believes that fine food and wine are beyond the taste of the vulgar. [14th century. From Latin vulgaris , from vulgus “the common people.”] -vul·gar·ly, adv Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Thanks for pointing that out for me. I meant that if you named your character asshole, it is kind of funny. I just reopened my old FE7, and found I had named my tactition Juila, who was a girl I used to have a chrush on.
  10. Did no one find that at all funny? If not, I'll edit it. Of course nobody thought it was funny. I did... Mabye that is beacuse I laugh at people who do post that... o.o
  11. ^This was the part that made me laugh the hardest. And he said it was a joke... o.o
  12. He has two spots. I forgot about that. :/ I keep failing and forgetting things. -_-
  13. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure We all know you have a picture of Meg on your wall. And when you are in bed, you stare at her. :meg:
  14. Did no one find that at all funny? If not, I'll edit it.
  15. I think you mean 3-12? The one that leaves? Mabye... I couldn't remeber and haden't looked it up yet. >>
  16. LOL, its under RD. What did you think?
  17. Post them here. To do List: Hack BK to 19.99 and see if he gains any stats. Hack a purge and kill the Peg knight in 3-4 I'll do them all sooner or later. And not just the hacking ideas, the girls too.
  18. IDK, I added a request forum. People are probably gonna troll me for being stupid. :/
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