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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. His growths are 0% for every stat. You will get either 0 or 1 stats per level up. (I don't know if 0% growth stats get affected by the rigged "always 1 stat in a level up"). And if I'm not mistaken I recall seeing a post either here or somewhere else that showed that the BK's stats reset even if you give him stat boosters or raise his weapon rank. His lance rank was raised to SS, when he appeared again he had it back to S. However I can't remeber exacly from which chapter (3-6, 3-7 or 4-E-2)this was taken from. I am almost positive that it will allow it. I will have to check. :S Another thing on the list. If not that, I could hack in statboosters. :/
  2. Very true... I need to make custom spells. :/
  3. It really did. Actually this is a very good suggestion. It is~
  4. Gerik as an Sniper for Top Tier? I had him solo the LR Floor ten, he only got hit once. With a 40% hit rate. :(
  5. I haven't heard of any of those. O.o Card Captor Sakura?
  6. You could always hack him to level 19.99 and have him level over and over till he maxes all of his stats. o.o I'll add that to the things to try. :)
  7. If you didn't see the earlier post made by Core, it was that he found the Wyrmslayer one space to the right of where it should be according the site. I verfiyed it, and here is the picture. Can this be revised? Proof Below. V (Sorry for having to click on it.) I forgot there was an offical topic. Sorry. :(
  8. Something like that should definitely work, but I've never had any luck with getting weapons to heal people and stuff (never really tried it either though). You would probably have to do alot of hacking in order to get it to work. :/
  9. Its over 8000? That should be your next goal! :D (9000 is epic fail. BAD AMERICAN TRANSLATORS. BAD!)
  10. I should get a little bit of play time soon. If I would have known about this a week ago, I could have done it. >.> Besides, you could hack it. All you need is an SD card. o.o
  11. I can't play online for that reason. Luckly, I have an AR to give me items I am missing out on.
  12. Something Vuglular is funny, as long as your siblings don't see it. :/
  13. Yes, you should. I'm going to check on VBA with hacks, BRB. I just checked with Rennac. (Had to go through the whole game to get there. :/) It is deifintly there. Couldn't use the full editor, so sorry for the double post.
  14. Yes, you should. I'm going to check on VBA with hacks, BRB. I just checked with Rennac. (Had to go through the whole game to get there. :/) it is deifintly there.
  15. I might have made an account to post on MK's hack topic.... I can't remeber...
  16. Oh the only time I've seen that before is FEDS This game is rather good. Although I could not stand Male sages before I changed them. :C (They look gay. Short shorts are for creepers.)
  17. I got the crazy glue. I got the ummm... They don't IP/ Mac ban? They just ban the account?
  18. If anyone would say that to my mom, she would chew them out. Although no one can say that to her. >.>
  19. Why'd you have to go and get yourself grounded? I got a B. I'm not even kidding. You should tell your parents of that Japanese kid who killed his parents because he was too ashamed to show them his grades. Wow. Just Wow. And here I was thinking Japanese were smart and reserved. Wow. He probably got a B. The Japanese are a few years ahead of the schools in the US. :/
  20. Medeus isn't the final boss of FE2 i'd say it's more of a coincidence. Yea, I just noticed it though. I never though of it like that.
  21. I never even touch Elice when I get her. Its like... Ewww. You're underleveled. I've been hacking it lately, so that doesn't matter to me. >..>
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