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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Merric, Wendell, generics or some reclassed schmuck. You won't need to use the warp staff that early Ch. 3 has mountains pretty much EVERYWHERE. Ch. 4 is a very long stretch of land, separating you with a Cav Rush. Oh, and Thief could instablick the south village, killing Merric. Ch. 5 has Diaper Head and his merry men trapped, though you might not need warp for this. It just makes things easier on yourself if you're trying to save all of them. Ch. 3 = Sheeda Ch. 4 = Sheeda Ch. 5 = Sheeda Is anyone else seeing a common theme?
  2. I just reached zero! Yay me! On topic, congrats three-thousand is quite alot. o.o
  3. ZOMG I KNOW!111 also did you know that musashi made fun of crash oncemany times and that crash's dp is Jagen who is old and Jesus lived 2,000 years ago so Crash is Jesus and so is Musashi!111 I know you are trying to prove a point, but that doesn't make any sense. :( Edit: Nvm. >....>
  4. Let's see if Bryan will do what? I can't use my Wii right now, i'm grounded. D:
  5. Yes. It was quite 'shitty' If I do say so myself. I just made a pun! :D
  6. Male Magi is impossible unless you happen to have a wtfLethe. She solos the right, magi to the left. Male Saints is impossible. Period. The timed chapters yes. Otherwise you could do it.
  7. Yes I do... But it floats my boat. :) I almost never actually need a healer. (Even in hard mode...) Don't normally use on in SD until Maria. (Unless of corse I arena abuse, which doesn't happen very often.)
  8. So do you guys use her? I don't because I hate her mug in FE11. In FE3 she was amazing! :DDDD
  9. What would you consider a child? My sister is on here and she is 13. o.o
  10. Ike-12 Titania-41 Gatrie-25 Shinon-2 (Kill Him!) >: D Rolf-9 Mia-38 Soren-21 Boyd-26 Oscar-56 Greil-36
  11. Is there a game in which you don't defeat the final enemy with the help of someone of their same speicies?
  12. I know you want Wendell, but as soon as one of your other mage characters gets promoted, ditch him. They can be your second staff user.
  13. That one is awesome! :D It looks like Colm/Ephraim as well as a little bit of Innes. You forgot Joshua! Ahh yes. I knew I was forgetting something! :D
  14. She does make the boss battle which is probably the hardest in the game in 4-E(3) alot easier. Much. Only Rexbolt user FTW! :) And her panty flashes
  15. Yes. I know right? I only use Rolf in FE10. Marksmen w/ Blessed DB for high teir?
  16. I LOVE my sages & Lords. And my green haired archers. :D
  17. Bryan


    I NEVER use any axe users besides Hector. He is all I need. :/
  18. Bryan


    Wallace got screwed. It makes me sad. D:
  19. Bryan


    Make that five. :/
  20. Most people hate Illyana because she has thunder. (That and she can get speed screwed :() Even if she comes in .2 of the cap on average.
  21. Lena hype, begin. I don't use the Hammerne. In any game. o.o (Except in FE8, where I had two. :D)
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