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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. lol... with the same IP? Bleh... Enough with the accusations... If you post as sprite, I'll be here to critique it... and I won't hold back :P But don't you know, if you recolor it, it becomes yours. /sarcasm. You couldn't be a newbie with the girl with the bandanna being that good. It looks like you stole it. :( Once again, the girl with the bandanna isn't bad, but I don't know if you actually made it. :( If you actually made it, the newest three could not be that bad. :/ Also, your English is awful. PLEASE use spell/ grammer check. Not that I care about one/ two spelling errors, but the amount you have in your posts is to much. D:
  2. Unfortunately? You're right next to Sacramento! Think of it this way: You could be stuck in some tiny community, isolated in the southern California deserts with have the buildings being foreclosed on, or worse yet trapped under LA's smog dome. All things considered, Sac's not a bad place to be. It's like the Bay Area, but a bit smaller, a bit richer, and fewer homosexuals. The Bay area is Awesome! Are there really that many homos though? I live in the LAME state of Oregon. There is nothing for 150 miles from my house. And I live in the center of the state.
  3. Its the only game where I like almost EVERY unit~ Except Molder & Vannessa. D: I did like fe7 too...
  4. Epic Win: I got every character to 20|1, & maxed all of their stats! Epic Fail: I then lost my copy. T.T
  5. Point taken ._. I ALMOST forgot about it until you said it... Then again, FE6 and FE7 had half-dragons, FE9 and FE10 had the result of a human and a semi-animal to have slowed aging and powers that exceed that of a normal human... anyone else see how screwed up the creators are here? I'm hoping for a prequel/sequel to FE8. I really liked Magval, and it is the ONLY fire emblem game that has NO correlation to any other game. :(
  6. keep up the good work! I can't wait for the new patch to come out! :D
  7. Heres mine. Sorry that it is after you just updated the wall. :(
  8. Meh, I didn't think it was too hard. Not after you already beat Demyx, Xigbar, and Xaldin. Now those three were tough... I'm still not sure how I beat Xigbar on my first try. I think Donald and Goofy must have seriously weakened him, because I don't remember doing enough damage to kill him by myself. Anyway, Isa looks really cool. Saix was always my favorite Nobody (hence the avatar and member title). I've got to get a PSP soon. The voice acting for the English version of BbS is almost done already. They're just doing some final text-edits, so the game should be out by next spring. That is why I said somewhat.
  9. Hmm... My favourites are Luxord, Roxas, Axel, Xion, Xigbar and Namine, but I guess Saix is cool too :) Saix was a somewhat hard fight too. :D
  10. This. Replay value and creative new playthrough ideas are the soul of Fire Emblem. Fuck Screw difficulty. I like that I don't just give up my team as soon as I finish. I can keep playing CC and doing other stuff until I feel I have compelted it.
  11. My crappy recolor. I made franz's armor the same color as the wolf's hair, recolored the eye, chaged his hair color.
  12. Fangirls shall squeal. He doesn't look that bad either. Saix was always one of my favorite nobodys. :)
  13. Bryan


    Wow, Thanks! That is nice to hear :)
  14. Bryan


    Their "Favorite Fire Emblem Game"s are different. Either he predicted that someone will bring up the alt theory within less than an hour after alt creation or they really are siblings. I don't understand why Bryan would want an alt anyway (Alts are for trolling) so I'm guessing it's the latter. Why would I want an Alt. :/ I don't troll. toomuch. And yea, she has only played the two GBA games. She lost my copy of blazing Sword for a while. It sucked. :(
  15. Okay. I sent the cheat codes because they are eaiser to work with than nightmare. PLUS, you don't have to keep a backup copy incase you do something wrong & forget about it. :)
  16. Bryan


    Love ya Sis. <3 :D
  17. Heya Sis! :D

  18. Did you use Nightmare or Cheat codes? If you used codes, did you make sure you entered the same value? If you got the number wrong, it will make his class go crazy. :/
  19. You COULD use paint and change it to a 16 color bitmap.
  20. I thought it was only the map animation that was in. I must have it confused with FE7. You would have to insert the haliberder class.
  21. Zealot is ultra pwn. wtf? O.O Also, I noticed healers have a C in light magic. Which I got rid of Barth comes with two stat boosters, and a brave lance. O_o
  22. No, it is eaiser to sprite with a color that is NOT in your sprites. Black is just bad. :/ In order to fix that black, use print-screen, and use paint to take out the background color.
  23. You would have to insert a Druid animation. May I suggest giving her a dark magic level? Also, you can just use cheat codes. they are great :) cheat codes? You can look them up on the internet. But if you are to lazy, Fire Emblem - Sacred Stones Codes.txt Fire Emblem - Blazing Sword CB Codes.txt
  24. You would have to insert a Druid animation. May I suggest giving her a dark magic level? Also, you can just use cheat codes. they are great :)
  25. Your Lugh got blessed. :/ (I can't beleive I am saying this) Take Lugh. He is awesome. D: I hate Lugh because Male Sages are fugly in that game. D:
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