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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Luminothe wasen't that bad. I am sad to see him go. :( But what happened to Nephinel? I left on vaction, and I wondered why I didn't see him posting.
  2. Thanks :) I won't do much though, because I don't care for FE11.
  3. Its not that bad of an idea when they are maxed. O.o But there really isn't much point. I learned that they could attack during the time after I finished my first playthrough, but before I started my second.
  4. My GameCube is still packed, and I don't care for POR that much, so I only play on an emulator. (So I can hack.)
  5. I do cannon pairings. Eliwood/Ninian, Lyn/Rath, & Hector/Farina. >> Erk/Serra...
  6. Wait, How do I use Nightmare? I have to decompress it first? O.o I don't know how to hack the DS at all. D:
  7. I can't wait for the next review! I love reading them. :)
  8. They are actually quite fun. I am sad they replaced the Hookshot with the Whip in ST. (You can't move while you have the whip out.) ;( Hookshoot is the best item ever :D Oh, My favorite is a three way tie. Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Windwaker. (Even if I have barely played Ocarina. :P) Wow. I've played almost every Zelda game. Except Twilight Princess (Link just turned into Wolf Link,) & Majora's Mask. (Yes, I have played the NES games. My aunt had them, so I played them and a ton of other retro games.)
  9. Are you replying and then posting it in another reply? That is just to much work. :/
  10. Niime is supposed to be good. I don't know, because I never use her. I like Sophia for a few reasons. A. Shes cute B. Female Druid FTW~ C. I hack, so her stats don't matter to me.
  11. Its not as bad as his other topics, it was actually kind of funny. :D
  12. All of these stupidly annoying topics about Poop & Stuff...
  13. Same. As much as I hated these posts, I am sad to see Luminothe go. :(
  14. Nino is probably one of his favorite units, so thats one point. Another is that Nino can actually use it well. I always give it to lyn, but she is normally at level 20/--, so she doesn't get as much use out of it than a 4/-- character can.
  15. I hate myself for watching those vids. I want to play it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. D:
  16. I hate the Battle sprites in this game. That alone made me not want to play it for a long time. :/ I like the 16 color limit because it makes spriting easier. (Yes, there is more shading and such, but it takes a lot longer to do.)
  17. I forgive you. It's still Smexy <3
  18. I lol at Aran being so genric that people killing him. Neph pwns.! :D
  19. F*****g Sexy! :D The 0 hit, dmg, & crt should be --. BTW
  20. Bryan

    God dammit.

    Freshman 8D. Try to study a ton. (As said above) You'll pass :) I had one B last semester, and my mom reamed me. :(
  21. The growths and bases of most of their representatives as well as the fact that they are locked to 2 or 3 range for the vast majority of the game if they want to dish out respectable damage, maybe? Nah, there is no reason not to love that class. Being locked to 2-3 range is managable. Other classes have rather suckish 2 range options. Snipers(and the like) have high hit, and plenty of damage with steel. I would hope that you're not soloing chapters with them(although Shinon could), so staying out of a one-ranged enemy's way isn't very hard. The only time that I see this excuse creditable is when you're doing a low turn count run and your other people are locked up doing something else. I see it as being beneficial at times, I would much rather my sniper unit A lure out enemy ranged unit B then I would want my Halberdier unit C with a javelin. Maybe the reason why I like them so much is because I take this game generally slow, dealing with enemies a few at a time when possible. (I brace myself for the punch in the face that's coming for suggesting that bow units are useful) I don't suggest that they are terrible or anything. Even Leo has his good points. Just that Shinon being amazing in 4-E does not equal "epic pwn". Also their mastery is (skill/2). This is bad, but at least they have a 40 skill cap and +15 crit, so it isn't as bad as it could be. Even Trueblades have a better mastery (if only slightly) because it is effectively 5x damage instead of 3x damage. The difference doesn't matter very often, though. And anything with skill% or str% or spd% is obviously going to be a better mastery. Calling Deadeye an awesome mastery displays a lack of understanding of game mechanics. They have a "mediocre mastery" at best. Astra takes five uses of a weapon (If you use five hits.) Deadeye only uses one hit, so it balences out. Besides, Mastery Skills are pretty much one hit kills anyway, so why does it matter? (Except for bane...) Still, one range is over rated. >> Wispers fail. (<3 Heather & Sothe)
  22. Nino all the way? I like Nino more than Lute. Giving birth to awesome twin magic users = win.
  23. Bryan


    Genric greeting says welcome! Also, rules.
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