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Everything posted by TheCaptain

  1. Yes it was in Fe5. You could try to capture an enemy by attacking them with roughly halved stats and defeating them. While holding them, you stats are decreased, but you can take their weapons and yes, some enemies can be recruited in this way.
  2. You could beat all of Awakenings levels with like, one or two characters in every chapter, so long as they were OP. Objectives like defend prevent this as you often have to form a line of troops and are bombarded by LOTS of enemies. It makes the gameplay much more diverse. Also, it is ROUT the enemy, not route them. Two completely different things.
  3. More complicated character recruitment. Maybe something like Douglas, or even Sephiran level complicated. At least let people besides the main lord be able to recruit some people.
  4. We got no Caeda archetype, mostly because Chrom just HAD to recruit every single character.
  5. From what I've heard so far, it sounds like a sort of home console, but with some new sort of gimmick or something. This could go either way. Some gimmicks (Wii) have worked out pretty well for Nintendo. Others (Wii U)....not so much. I have high hopes though
  6. How cool would it be if gladiator replaced hero.
  7. Yeah class-specific promotion items are really impossible to implement if reclassing returns in any form (which it probably will), so I probably wouldn't get my hopes up
  8. "*clever taunt*" "You egg sucker" "Meow" "I'm awesome..."
  9. I saw one someone posted once that was pretty funny. It was from Awakening, but it fits this topic. They named a fire tome "water" because why not, but then when it broke, (Sumia had been using it), it read "Sumia's water broke".
  10. Magic Triangle Advantage. Is that a thing or did I just make that up after hearing WTA was weapon triangle advantage?
  11. I made a green thunder tome named wind. Then all them fire mages see it and think "haha! Fire beats wind!". But then it turns out I actually have MTA and I win the game. True story.
  12. Bring back Merlinus! ....And his supports! I really liked the concept of having characters in battles not just for fighting/healing. It feels more complex without feeling more difficult (since it doesn't matter if he dies (unless you really need him for that level))
  13. I wouldn't see why one would have to ever turn it off midway through, when in Awakening you could just ignore the risen on the map. Turning them off at the beginning would just give a more linear story. The only other thing I could see happening if a world map is/isn't an option is that the gaiden chapters would probably have to be completed at certain times rather than whenever you want.
  14. So I think it's safe to say that a popular feature of Awakening was it's options such as casual mode to please newcomers while not really upsetting veterans TOO much. Many people were asking whether or not these options will be in FE14. There are also a lot of people wondering if the world map will make a return. Well, what if the world map returns as an option? We could chose between linear mode or map mode (I'm sure someone can think of a better name for that) as well as casual or classic. Linear mode enemies would be slightly weaker to account for lack of grinding and there could be the return of a base to do anything that would usually be done on the world map (street pass, ext.) Would you like to see something like this as an option? Let's hear your thoughts.
  15. There needs to be a magic triangle because if there is only one type of magic, you probably won't need more than one or two magic users in your main party, and that makes physical weapon users more dominant than mages. A magic triangle will give us more variety and balance between magical and physical units. There should NOT be an anima triangle, though. I liked it, but it put light magic at a serious disadvantage due to the sheer number of anima mages, and vice versa for dark mages. GBA style is probably the way to go here.
  16. How about this: We keep it like the console games with auto promote at high level or anytime above level 10 with a master seal. The twist is: units would have to get to level 25 or so before promoting without an item. Also, those last five levels would not give any stat gains, they are just if you really want to promote without an item
  17. I do like these theories, but I honestly think you are all reading into it a bit too much. We have already seen ice magic in FE (fimbulvetr) which was just anima (wind). If anything, I think this means the return of more tomes, but I doubt they'll introduce new mechanics that are that different, especially since it will still be operating on awakening's general engine. It could mean the return of the anima/magic triangle though. I don't know what the rat could mean though... It might just be to give an added visual effect an nothing more, but I can't say for sure...
  18. Now I don't think this will be the case, but you mentioned how certain classes may only be able to use certain subgroups, but what if those subgroups have an advantage over each other (like the anima magic triangle). That said, it could work if units could only use a specified subgroup or if they are all just classified as one thing. I don't feel that will be the case, but I wanted to throw that out there.
  19. So by watching the trailer, it is clear this new game's music will have a completely different musical vibe. This is especially clear in two points: right in the beginning (where the eastern influence is evident) and right when the FE theme plays as they begin to show the gameplay. Compared to Awakening, the music seemed more dynamic and intense than Awakening's more grand and slightly slower style of music. What are your thoughts and opinions on this music? I personally love the new FE theme for this game, it sounds amazing, and that's what really makes me to want to watch the trailer again and again.
  20. Wait everybody, we don't have direct allusions to Elibe. What we have are several strong allusions to Ninian, and rather than connect it to Elibe, I would sooner connect this to dragons Gate. After all, that swirling orange/red thing sure does remind me of that portal. Perhaps rather than a return to Elibe, we get another visit from through the gate but its a different gate in a different place. Or something. Just throwing this general idea out there.
  21. Nerf the skill system. Having five of any skill was a bit too much. It made some skills useless and others really overpowered. Maybe the skills like galeforce and counter could stay if we reverted to a more Tellius skill system where each skill is worth so much. Either have a few decent skills or one or two great ones or a mix of them
  22. Well it seems to me that everyone wants their own character that takes place in the game but not an avatar that functions like in awakening, so the best solution might be to have someone like Mark from 7 but WAY more customizable that actually makes major decisions that affect gameplay but isn't an actual unit. Oh and i say yes to waifus but no to kids. I don't know how they could incorporate that into another game
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