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Everything posted by TheCaptain

  1. I know Gaiden had the infinate weapon durability thing, but I can't see that working on an awakening engine. I mean, I may be wrong, but didn't they say Nohr has limited chances to get gold compared to Hoshido? Meaning there is gold? Meaning you can buy weapons?
  2. So I am in the group that will NEVER play casual mode myself, but is glad it was in to attract new fans. What I don't get is, what's the point of Phoenix mode? Is casual too hard? Has anyone ever had difficulties with casual besides maybe on lunatic +
  3. There is always the chance they just decided to showcase it that way, because as you said, some classes would look ridiculous on one side or the other, so maybe they just didn't show those ones for that reason
  4. This is some Sirius stuff. I just hope we don't get Sue-d for using all these puns. If that happened, it would really get on Minerv-a's, and I would let out all my Pent up Rath on some random prEtzel vendor. I'd really unleash my Fury. He would probably try to Sig-run Fa away, though, and I'd think, that Gaius fast. He'd probably sing ps-Alms of praise once he escaped. Anyway, I know what you're thinking: Hugh are the worst, and Kamui get back on topic? So yeah, I'm all Fin-ished now.
  6. I am 95% sure it is Aqua's necklace. That thing was glowing and floating and stuff.
  7. I Nephe-need puns in my life, they bring a Raigh of Sunshine into my day. OK, enough Stahling. I have a Tana work to do.
  8. Hey, I'll make any pun if I'm Abel, and I Cain lots of puns. People think I'm in-Sain, and that I Kent do that, but I never get Bord of them.
  9. Let's hear all the puns you can come up with that have a fire emblem character in them! I'm sure we can come up with a-Lott of puns, even if some are a bit Jaf-far-fetched. Whether puns Erk your soul or Brighton your day, let's hear what you can come up with!
  10. How about some clever feet puns? Fire Emblem: Heel-ing Light. Fire Emblem: Toe-tal destruction Fire Emblem: There's Evil a-foot Fire Emblem: (Toe)Nails in the coffin Fire Emblem: Heart and Sole
  11. It wouldn't be misleading if they haven't led us in any direction at all yet. They haven't touched on the marketing/sales aspect at all here, so any assumptions based on the vague info of the two trailers we have so far is purely the consumer misleading themselves.
  12. Although I am used to it now, when I first heard people calling it FE:If, I thought it must be an acronym or something. It just didn't come naturally right away, as will likely be the case with many English players.
  13. So as of now we know this game as it's Japanese name, Fire Emblem: If but the English name is yet to be confirmed. What would you like to see/think will be a good subtitle for this game?
  14. So we now have confirmation of streetpass (they said the two versions will be wirelessly compatible with one another, so I assume that is what that means), but do you think it will work the same as in Awakening? And if so, how will it work for Nohr (since they don't have a world map)? Discuss.
  15. Yes. This is a good solution. I don't mind casual players, but it does kinda annoy me when people don't even TRY classic when it can actually add a lot of fun to the game.
  16. The biggest problem I have with Awakening and it's characters/supports isn't that the characters are "shallow", as their personalities are pretty well developed, but my problem is with lack of back story. Yeah, there are plenty of small references, mostly about family and really general things about them, but we don't get to learn that much about any significant events the characters went through prior to the game like we do with many characters in other FEs.
  17. I have a theory regarding Virion. After thinking about it, I think he might actually be a descendant of Alm. Evidence 1: Since Virion is a noble, it is implied he is descended from nobility. Alm ended up being king. While this might not directly match up, it makes a bit of sense looking at how much political boarders have changed since the days of Marth and Alm. Evidence 2: Hair Color. Often a strong Marker in FE of lineage. While Alm's hair color tends to vary from picture to picture, it is usually a blue or green-blue. Virion's is similar. Evidence 3: Rosanne seems similar to Sofia. Alm was raised in Sofia, so it is likely that if the kingdom was split up, Alm's heirs would settle there. Rosanne is described as "fertile" quite often. It us a bit tough to see, but in FE2's world map, much of everything is mountains or desert or something, but Sofia is full of trees. Rosanne could be Sofia, where Alm's heirs would likely have settled after the kingdom split. Evidence 4: They both use bows (and potentially swords). Class is usually also an FE indication of lineage. Many characters in FE4 and FE13 support this. Though it isn't an exact class matchup, they use the same weapons (assuming Virion becomes a Bow Knight on promotion). That's all I can think of right now, but let's hear your thoughts/support/rebuttals.
  18. I'm fine with the characters having gimmicks, but why should that be the only real part of their personality? I again point out the GBA supports. Plenty of characters had a gimmick, but that doesn't mean all their supports have to revolve around them. Characters should interact with some characters in a completely different way than they do with other characters. Take Wallace for example. His gimmick was constantly getting lost. That doesn't mean almost all his supports have to be him losing his way and discussing it with someone. He actually has some very deep supports with characters like Lyn and Renault.
  19. I want to see more supports like FE7 DartxRebecca or FE8 AmeliaxDuessel. They were non-romantuc, yet added great depth and/or back story. Not just us learning about their families and pasts, but having them DISCOVERING things about them within the supports.
  20. It reminds me of mage dragons from Shadow Dragon. Would make sense considering Awkwning's avatar was half sword half magic, as it would make this one half sword half magic dragon.
  21. I'd like RD style critical/skill animations with Awakening catchphrases. I don't need to see the character's face every time they do something awesome.
  22. Honestly, when you think about it, it would be a bit stupid for them NOT to profit from each version. You are all saying that it would be a rip off because you are only getting half the story, and yes, you are only getting half, but when the story you get half of appears to be twice as bug as a game like Awakening (ie, you get a full game), how could they not decide to get some kind of profit from each version? As someone said before, they are a business. They are not ripping us off though, as it seems those versions will be drastically different (there are different plots, playable characters, maps, and even mechanics). Add that together with the fact that it looks like the second half might be sold for less, and you really can't be mad at them. They made the right move either way
  23. While many people may be mad at the decision to make two versions, this was actually one of the smartest things they could have done, because it isn't just a way to get more money like other games *cough Pokemon cough*. The two versions are drastically different. Think about it. What was the biggest controversy over Awakening? How it had things like grinding for new fans. Many older fans hated Awakening for this, but no one can deny that it brought more fans. So, for this new game, they wanted yo please older fans and remove this, but keep newer fans by keeping it, so this was really the best possible solution. Nohr to please older fans, Hoshido to please Awakening fans. It could even convert newer fans and make them more willing to play tougher FE games if they decide to try Nohr after Hoshido. Your thoughts?
  24. Even with the Direct confirmed, the leaked description just doesn't seem to match what we know so far. The date was probably just a guess, I had guessed as much what with the Smash Bros Mewto DLC ending today among many other factors. I HIGHLY doubt another Magvel game.
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