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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. That guy's named Sitri, fitting for a guy who want to avenge his love or stuff. Don't you love how the water level is only relevant in a tiny part of the map ? ...why was there a fan in the water? Why is the katana not looking like a katana ? Bromance route here we go ! I think.
  2. I was like, what's the point of multiplayer, until you told us it was the bonus dungeon. Happy to see it still hating people! We live in a society.
  3. Obviously it's the guy in armor who's important ! ...to be fair, he looked cooler. Indeed, where is your army when you were tortured ? At least Cybil's hot. That Ninja was ugly though. Careful ! Canon is SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Really not saying much. 😛
  4. Oh boy. Would I be wrong to assume that some people got really far and got everyone this emblem in certain ways to optimize loots ? So basically, all current classes sucks, except Ninja which got nerfed but still great and got magic. 🙂 Lady, it's been years and your talking to the wrong person... aaaaah, the cycle of hatred... They're not very subtle about the political part, though. I'm resisting the urge to make a joke about their sexuality. Pretty cool LP, it's good to have you back!
  5. Screw canon ! We make our own path and die like Glenn ! No seriously, screw canon, it's very "thanks, I hate it".
  6. Awesome sadness, here we goooo ! I "like" how there's a little girl looking over the corpse of what seems to be one of her parents, it renforce the tragedy of war. 😞 The church have Black Knights, always crack me up. Waifu, sadness and a lot of unfairness ! Yay ! 😄
  7. The final boss got ripped apart, it's awesome. This sword looks like a lightsaber ! 1000 years seems a tad much to be realistic but who care. Awesome sadness incoming boys ! Here we go ! Thanks this let's play, it was very fun !
  8. Some people have all the luck. Congrats ! 😄
  9. Dragon Magic go kaboom. The ennemy must be both in despair, and in awe because of the pretty colors. It's funny, I don't remember Eden at all, the joy of playing it as a kid with subpar result.
  10. Branta Claus and his elves, and his magical throne are gone, with their sponsor running aways. This last scene, man, it hit the kokoro. 😞 "I'm stuff !" "OMG Sword no !"
  11. Eh ? Terror Knight Denim, I think I missed/forgot something. Ahaha, dragon magic make people go poof, it's hilarious. "Why would you hate me for killing your family ? Geez !" 😛 Oh gosh, that throne room... 😕
  12. Good to have you back ! 😄 It's as if the Hell Gate was hell itself wait I already did that joke. 10 Pumpkins ?! For a barely good character ? And her shop close, I don't even... Hanzo is also a popular ninja but shhhhhh 😛
  13. Oh boy. Assassin's Creed II, the mission where you have to collect ribbons from ladies. Thing is, I didn't knew you were supposed to "steal" them, I was confused. So I tried to push them, didn't work, tried to tackle them to the ground, didn't work, tried to attack them, didn't work. Tried to steal from, "doesn't make more sense than what I did before", it worked. It was so obvious now, because of course it was a "seduction" game and Ezio's a smooth casanova and all. Needless to say, i was red faced while laughing at myself. Still do ! Hell I still hear the surprised yells of the NPCs ! What a great time it was ! XD
  14. There's also various references to the Ars Goetia. Byleth, named after one of the king of hell who is said to posess vast knowledge. It's funny to note that the japanese game use two version variation of the name. Sitri, named after the prince of hell who can cause love between man and woman. Yeah, Goetia's weird. Gremory the class, named after the duke who take the form of a woman riding a camel, and is able tell things from past, present and future. ...DxD really butchered the mythology eh ?
  15. But Rhea apparently have the full edition of the truth, but she is still lying, and thanks to the books in the Abyss, is implied to be heavily biased. Morality of Three Houses, the truth doesn't matter because you'll never get it. xD And that's my problem with the video. Everything that BOOFIRE said about Edelgard and her endgoal and her narrow minded views can also be said about the two others. I really don't get the argument that he's is trying to make. He also misses things, like, the nuke are a limited ressources, the fact that the system of Fodlan is at it's limit, etc etc, but that's just nitpick. Huh, maybe the USA should build a wall then. Guarded by pink haired idiots. ...I jest. Taxes and impots are better spend elsewhere. 😛
  16. ... I don't get it. I thought I would disagree, but I just don't get it. Edelgard should have tried better, I agree, but, so does everyone else. No one have the full pie that is "Za Truth", and those that does are bullshitter. If Edelgard have to fail because of that, Dimitri and Claude will too then. To be fair, Mexico doesn't launch regular and direct attacks on the USA for kicks and send their so called prince to "insert great college of I dunno". 😛 ...They don't do they ? Almyran and Claude are a big circus.
  17. The two Sonic, they're not as bad as some. No freaking idea for the third. 😕 You'll never catch me playing freaking Bubsy 3D, Superman 64 or Drake. We already have the Covid, no need to create other virus. Oh blerg ride to hell whyudothistome.
  18. I honestly don't like the interview and would prefer to ignore most of it, it have a nasty smell of retcon and plothole, most makes me look down on Claude and his story even more. And as I said in another topic, the fact that the truth of most things, is found not in-game but in interview, it's baffling. I won't throw everything, obviously, a lot of cool things ! Plot twist, The eyepatch was an Eyepatch of good alignement and badass +6. But the eye was an Eye of idiocy and self-righteousness +1. Hence why he's a badass in BL, and a looser in everything else. 😛
  19. Wanted to buy another console... oh and food, that's one's important. Forced to go at the minimarket, where you can't fing anything. My town is veeeeeery deserted, it's kind depressing. Truth to be told, it seems where I live isn't really touched-did not receive special papers and such- which make the responsible comportement of everyone even more remarkable !
  20. He liberated Fodlan from dragons and their tyranical shit taste. Looking at Sothis' Regalia makes you realize, only monsters with no taste would create such thing. Whereas the chad Nememis and his chad Elites had cool weapons and armors. we don't talk about how he let his chest bare to annoying and dangerous dagger. But more seriously, as true sounding my joke was, it kind of grate me how far the unreliable narrator goes. The moment you think you have it, it fly like a flipping bird, the truths are in interviews, the heck. In this game everyone is either a liar, an idiot, or insane. On TVtropes, totally the most trustworthy thing on this age and subject, they says that King of Liberation come from killing people, "liberating" people from life. No, I don't undertand it either. The story of this game is good and all, but it's an headache.
  21. That explains a few things, like why there's so many "survivors". And kind of retcon-ish if you can even apply that to Three "Everyone is an Unreliable Narrator" Houses. I really want to see the technology that was given to humans to make relics. 😛 What, so dragons were rulers at that time too ?
  22. Apparently, there will be a NG+ too, and another story arc.
  23. Seen all the classes design, I'm saddened. Oh well. If I had a working TV, I'd be doing the same. They really succeeded in making the game look pretty great in pretty much everything. I'm so intrigued by the new features.
  24. .... Kirby's invincible and OP ? That too ! They're way too chill .
  25. Continue to laugh, hippie. Else, no drugs for you and Nino. 😛 I always also found something pretty ? calming ? something-something in calculations, problems, equations, etc, just being resolved. The longer it is the better. ...good thing we have context eh ?
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