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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. What. Really ? Google did not inform me of this. There was a time I liked math. Still do. Unfinished subpar education. Also damn, imagine having a Pi spell in Three houses or Earthbound. PK Pie Pi ! PK Peepee Pi ! L-look, just laugh okay, i'm tired.
  2. Ah yes, ""grinding" for using what is given on the road like candy by bad design. Sure is grinding, totally my fault for not limiting myself. 😛 Contrast with the Tower of Valni, where grinding is much harder, or battles in Echoes for that matters. The incidentally part would be fair... if I wasn't already not using it because I was already overleveled. I think you're missing my poiint, willingly or not I dunno, but Awakening and SS are not the subject of the topic and I kind of feel bad for derailing it so I'll stop. I'm sorry. 😕 I thought he subject was how FE4's Enemy Generals do their job, as enemies. Why can't our Generals be the same ? Kind of lost there
  3. That's why I said it's kind of funny. That's not the incest or pseudo-incest part that is heretical, neither is the engineering, or the morality of it all. Noooope Sir ! Well, at least those guys, they do have their priorities straight, I guess ? 😛
  4. The gist of it is, first generation crest bearers, meaning those who got crest from the source, have more powers and a longer lifespan, that's why Jeralt's got so old, he got is crest directly from Seiros. Same with Nemesis from Sothis. And presumably Yuri from his donor who's implied to be the Aubin himself before dying. Presumably, the closer you get the crest from the source, the stronger it and you are. It's... kind of like Generation from Vampire The Masquerade. Byleth is a special case, it's important to know that their crest doesn't come from their blood but the crest stone on his heart. Presumably their immortality come from fusing with Sothis. Their personal class is called Nirvana in the japanese version. After losing the crest stone at the end of CS, they lose everything including their crest. don't ask me why it disapear tho As to why Byleth and Yuri are able to somehow able to manipulate their immortality willy nilly... no idea. My guess is that's a shortcut from the writer. 😛 ...Because while I can sorta see Byleth "God is my Grandma, and I become my own grandma and God" Eisner to do that, I really don't see Yuri "Blood of a random in a bad plot" Leclerc to do that.
  5. Depends of your definition of low man, if you mean "having the stupid AI throw itself at my most powerful units (which is to say a lot) and granting lot of great level up because the balance is nowhere that is there right from the first chapter". You might be right. Woe is me for noticing and taking advantage of the poor design and balance that isn't as present in other games am I right ? 😛 On your opinion about Sacred Stones... well I can only respecfully disagree, but consider the following: In SS, you can solo-run with Seth. In Awakening, how many ? It's even worse because you get a ridiculous amount of exp no matter what you do. It doesn't help that strategy in Awakening is non-existent. Then, there's the pair up system that just add even more exp.
  6. End game ? I don't remember having obtained at end game. Mid game at most, or below. No grinding. Awakening is much easier than Sacred Stones. Yes fun ! No nerf, only fun allowed ! 😄 It's annoying to see game designer nerf something for a so called balance. Great Shield was perfect and fun. Then they decided to nerf everything about it, making it next to useless. Having %/skill to merely halves damage is already such a hard blow for the skill, so anything else... Sureshot doesn't exist, it never existed and never will bleh. 😛
  7. When I was younger, my parents were still together, I did not have depressions and crippling anxiety, and panic attacks. I remember fondly those moments when I was legitimately felt happy. Voila voila, sorry for the bad ambience. ... In insight it's rather telling that it's what made me happy.
  8. Praise be FE8, where skills were fun ! What amaze me more is that they thought it was a good idea to split it into two skills. Much farming, very the game design, such fun to use. And only ever useful for a few. And I know right ? Dread Fighter flat halves magic damage, gain +5 res, with everything else. They could have given Pavise or a physical equivalent of the DF's skills to barons, like halves physical damage, that wouldn't had shaken the balance of the game more than it was. But what do they get instead ? Halves bow damage. GG. THAT'S something the class or the game needed.
  9. It's kind of amazing how those changes, well, change things. Arden's much more fun to use. I wonder what they'll do about Pavise, if we'll get the normal or binary version. (LVL% of null damage or LVL% of halves damage) ...Always made me laugh that they though Pavise needed nerfing in future FE. Because yeah, such rare skills totally needs to be nerfed to the ground.
  10. I just like how all characters have pretty deep psycological scars and reasons to not trust others. Except Claude ? "Racism". You know about him only tiny details that can disregarded as stupid writing, and the fact he was discriminated against, the most important part, despite being the prince and that his mother apparently wasn't somehow. I find Claude to be both jarring and grating... aaaaand uninteresting. Especially when compared to the others lords.
  11. Well, Hannibal does start promoted... must have worked hard, but still useless. Yeah I've heard about Binary, I really should play it, it look so freaking great ! So many cool things ! That could be put in the remake. It really puzzles me that they created something so useless, I see it as a design choice from the devs to say "This guy make a good wall for the home castle", because we reaaaaaaaaally need that eh ?... Well you never know, so I can only guess it's to be sure you don't get surprise-invaded, but still. Super Thracia Arden called... good grief was this hack bullshit. Hmm, consider the following, how bullshit would it be for thieves to be able to steal items and/or non-equiped Items ? I fully expect the remake to have more stuffs like more rings and shields. Huh, the forge....
  12. Who doesn't want a hard mode ? It's even worse when you consider the following: They are a joke in-story according to the convo with Arden. That reminds me a popular hack of FE4 changes Jamke to hunter and adds branching promotions. Jamke can choose to promote to Warrior instead of Sniper. That'd be nice, at least the branching promotion part. you didn't think thet would give Jamke a horse now ? 😛 I mean we had the forks in SoV, which allowed us to tweak things, such as changing a character with a bad class line, coff coff Baron, into a much better one, coff coff Dread Fighter, while keeping the advantage of the past. Valbar anyone ? I'm all for branching classes, if it happens, I woonder how they'll do it. Imagine a canon BaronArden/Hannibal ! ... Still too slow but hey, discount Master Knight.
  13. Rhea really steals ? No dignity. Alm did it with a sword after throwing his shield, while Seiros went screw the weapons and went with punches and a dagger. Still don't know which is cooler.
  14. Big brain wise, it's should all be about basic genetic lottery. Having parents with Minor Loptyr obviously could makes a kid with Major Loptyr, but it's not a certainty. Obviously, it's made simplier, because imagine how funny and awkward it would be for the bad guys if Yurius and Yuria had Major Naga and Fala ? 😛 But yeah as said above, gameplay, it's the Major blood that takes priority, then a minor one if lucky/second gen child. Apparently, knowingly pairing two people with Minor Holy Blood to produce a kid with Major is considered heretical. It's kind of funny tbh. Yeah, if I remember correctly, it's stated in either FE4/5 that Holy Blood can disappear and reappear from a lineage willy nilly, and be awakened whatever that mean.
  15. It's alright, I didn't truly believed it either, and Yexin's arguments fully convinced me. Althought... well, there's repositions "combat" art, but I think it'll just add a layer of headache. Well, I'm almost sure that you'll be about to choose the difficulty if FE4 gets a remake. I wonder how they'll tackle the second gen, choosing another difficulty ? The concept of a FE4 remake is almost eldritch since it's the oddball with Gaiden, except even more different, and as like Yexin said, gaiden is brute orriented.
  16. Arden and that other pain in the ass aren't going to get any better, eh ? 😛 Things that I'd add would be, some sort of support alike in place of the lover system, or anything else because good luck with how it works, maybe a prep screen where you can take a closer look at things... I dunno. Eclipse have the right idea about quality of life improvement. Oh and, IS you're gonna be nice and not going to erase the incest m'okay ? I like my heretical pairing. FE4 is extremely casual unfriendly, which make sense since it seems you're supposed to learn while playing then "oh so that's how it's work" and "if it's like that, that mean I can do that". Or use a guide, which wasn't an option at the time, but was definitely one for us. 😛 Hmmm, what do you think about combat arts ? I mean that work in SoV and 3H, there's no tomes, so it's probably like that. What cracks me up in when you look at the official design FE1/3/4, and you just look at the size of the so called tomes ! XD I'm conflicted about it, you're right, but that's why Holy Blood is there. But it would be cool if your units could become better at weapons in some way.
  17. What I want to ask, is how advanced other civilizations are outside of Fodlan. Dagda and Brigid doesn't count, they are tribal. Same with Almyran, except Almyran is bad writing. Because 1000 years of evolution outside of fodlan ! The game can't make me believe that a relic could ever match a tank. (civilization reference) And if they didn't develop tanks or something like firearms, there's a problem somewhere. It's funny, I sort of blame the opposite: a very blind and stupid anime idealism on the laws of reality. Because in this franchise, you have character that survives despite being cut, pierced, burnt and other savory things. And then retreat. In the middle of a freaking war/battle. Realistically, they would be torn appart. Remember that plot device Kostas ? The dude that for some stupid reason can kill Byleth, and then gets blown away, by a sword. Realistically the dudé would had a big gap with blood showering everything. And that'd be freaking fun.
  18. I hate being mushy, but I'd hate being a tsundere or someone who can't say thanks. So thanks for everything, I really love this forum and everything inside. Also it's nice to have the big guys being able to hear you, being patient, all of that. Had some weiiiiiird mods out there.
  19. Bruh. Do you even know the glory that is Super Mario RPG ? *actually see smarter response than mine* Oh.Well actually my point still stand. 😛 More seriously; I think, other than the game being great, but it might be because it's relatively still in the obscure, especially in comparison to Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger, to not know those you have to be living under a bridge. I'm not saying I don't want a Randi or a Chrono ! I'm all for it you have no idea.
  20. I... guess ? I mean having multiple Restore is good ? Even if Restore isn't that useful. ...I completely forgot it was a thing.
  21. Yay new chapter ! ...No new character ? Aww. 😞 I never really though Carlyle as creepy, I think there's a certain purity in him... but I always had a romantic/idealized view on it, the "locked in a tower like a fairy tale" kind. Still an ass tho. And then Orson took the logical extreme. 😄 It is pretty sad, but alas ! For Joshua to exists, he'll to have green hair. Oh gee, I wonder if the next chapter will be harder ?
  22. Aw shoot, missed pavise. 😞 (that's be no btw) It's basically like this, yes all our lords can, but should we ? When you know better, there's much better things to focus on. And if you want to have Charm, part II classes are there. For Subdue... I use the turnwheel to feed kills. It's cheap and impractical but shhhh. I say that but actually, yes I totally can see myself using the Lord class.
  23. Yeah no shit Rhea is a self deluded pathological liar. That's really new guys ? XD Sothis apparently point blank call her out on it. I agree with you, if Nemesis wanted Fodlan/world domination, he either did a crap job, or he was in a power high. And with the Aguarthans behind, I can't really see the last one. I can see the first one, but what did they have to gain to make Nemesis and his army so powerful ? I guess they went "oh shit" upon seeing what they created ? There's a fanfic that portray Nemesis as Dimitri 2.0 before Dimitri 1.0, which is hilariously poetic, but would be pretty fitting. What puzzles me, how the bloody heck did he succeed in, getting to Red Canyon, suceeded in approaching the dead/sleeping Sothis, who's y'know, god, kill said god, genocide all the dragons in said canyon, who are y'know, dragons.
  24. I want to say "it's the joke" to save face, which is true but yeaaaah... I poorly expressed myself. My bad. Although according to what Yuri said, they might have tried to gather sympathy for him, I think he's cool, not good. Huh, in insight, I have a weird sense of "cool".
  25. T...that's what I just said... "if it wasn't for". I called it dumb because, I'm just not impressed with the story.
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