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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. All of the defiant skills are more or less terrible.

    25% is a pretty darn difficult threshold to hit throughout most of this game, even with HP values going higher than in the past.

    For example, if you've got a unit with 30 hp, a quarter is 7.5

    Ok, cool. You some how got your dude to take exactly 23 damage, and they've got seven health left. What do you get for your troubles? 8 more defense (or resistance). Except, the first attack did 23 damage, and 23 - 8 is 15, so... you're dead anyway. Or, you get +8 speed, which does nothing. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Except here's the thing, though. Rhea has been alive for the entirety of the time. She oughta KNOW how flawed her system is. She controls the Church, and could actually have been able to make the system better to benefit others as well, to appease their suffering. 

    But she DIDN'T try to change the system. 

    In fact, she ENFORCED it by making sure that anyone that opposed the Church gets dealt with.

    Also, no on the Sylvain thing. Not at all. Sylvain would basically be in a Caspar situation, where because he knows he is the second son, he needs to make merit with his own strength. In fact, he has a rather cynical view of life because of how his Crest caused suffering for both him and his brother. 

    I mean.... yes? She ought to. There's definitely an argument there.

    But you're also leaning into the whole "social obligation" theory, which, I mean, if you really hold to, is cool and all, but can be pretty f-ed up if you're not careful.

    Basically, you're saying that ones obligations are to change society for the better... which is good, but that also implies that you're going to make decisions that will alter other people's lives without their consent. For example, under your scenario, the government would have an obligation to correct society. But most people actually in said society (even in a deeply flawed society) would oppose that. Note that I said most.

    I want to be clear, I'm not disagreeing with you, it's just, the implications of your accusation, that she should have fixed human society, are... interesting. And directly opposed to what Edelgard is fighting for, so if you were to agree with Edelgard's claims that she's evil, you'd be doing so for exactly the opposite reason (ie, Edelgard argues that she is evil because she uses her power to influence all of Fodlan. You're arguing that she is evil because she should use her power MORE in Fodlan)

  3. 4 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Okay, now what about what I said? I made myself rather clear about what made Rhea pretty evil.

    Ok, so here's the thing. Because, you're right in what you say, but the question I come back to is, isn't that INEVITABLE under a feudal system?

    Dorothea's whole thing about suffering would be exactly the same if she were in ANY society with a nobility system, whether it's Fodlan or Victorian England (I just saw the portrait of Dorian Grey, so contrast with the character in that to illustrate my point)

    That's not saying that it is a GOOD thing. Like, no disagreement on that. But, looking at real world history, are all of the things you listed really Rhea's fault? I mean, if it weren't for crests, here going back to the whole Miklan/Sylvain thing, wouldn't the situation be EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE? Where Sylvain would be worthless, and Miklan would be the one sent to the officer's academy? I mean, I know Sylvain says he doesn't care, but if the roles were reversed... idk. It's speculation at that point.

    I guess, to conclude, my question to you is, do you think that a system under her would be significantly worse than a situation under Dmitri or Edelgard, and if so, how?

  4. 1 hour ago, timon said:

    1. She created people because she missed her mommy, that's both extremely unethical (I'm not a fan of genetic engineering even in our times) and quite insane

    2. She's using Byleth (and the whole Church) for her insane goal of bringing her mother back to life (always makes me laugh that, even if she were to succeed, Sothis doesn't seem to have a clue that she's her daughter, "Mother I resurrected you!" "Thanks, now who the hell are you again?"). And yes, Byleth's mother did consent to it, but even then, Byleth's mother herself it's a proof that that woman is crazy. Surely her consent doesn't justify the 11 clones before her (and who knows how many after her).

    3. Even Seteth starts to doubt her shady doings, I mean he's basically her lapdog and still doesn't agree.

    4. She distorted history to found her Church on false truth

    5. She acts insane, to be fair you could say this of most ruling people in this game, but still, executing people on the spot before investigating shows clearly that either she wants to hide stuff or she's just not in her right mind.

    6. The whole system she built up has some positive aspects, but also is the primary source of the class based society of Fodlan

    7. As Seiros, she shows that she doesn't really care about mankind, but only about her Easter programme. (after all she does burn down Fhirdiad, citiziens included)

    All of that considered, I still don't think she's "evil", but I do think she's a lot closer to it than say Edelgard or even Dimitri. That said, as with those 2, their morality and thus their judgment changes depending on the route you take.
    If you go Crimson Flower it's pretty clear that she snaps completely the moment you say "no, I won't kill the student I cared for almost a year on the spot without asking questions first", if you go Church I guess you can sort of save her. Even then, dragons in FE are known to be on the insane side, she's no exception.

    On the other side, the thing with Edelgard is that yes, she doesn't actually have the full (correct) picture of what's going on, but it's not that important, because the motives behind her revolution still stand. Doesn't matter if she doesn't know the actual truth behind the Zanado conflict, Fodlan needs a revolution and she's doing it.

    tl;dr: the big reasons for me are 1) genetic experimentation/using people and 2) never asking/looking for answers before taking action, she's always convinced she knows the truth and there's no need to investigate (and that is true in all routes, and it's the single thing that irritates me the most about her).

    See, here's the thing.

    Your first point is kind of subjective. That's NOT to say you are "wrong", I'm just saying it's not an exact metaphor and that debate is up in the air. So, to be fair, I'll give you that point. Cool.

    2, 3, 5, and 6 aren't... well, things that make her evil. I'll take them one at a time.

    2 - While Rhea's motives were totally selfish, it doesn't change the fact that she saved this child's life at the request of his/her mother. It doesn't justify the clones, but even though she was using the child, I can't call this action straight up "evil".

    3 - Sure, that implies things, but that's not a reason.

    4 - Not nice, sure, but it's not like Seiros didn't exist, or didn't have divine powers. It's not like, IDK, scientology or something. I mean, I wouldn't consider this good, but again, it's not straight up evil.

    5 - So does everyone else. Both on the acting insane, and the executing people on the spot without investigation. Evil? Sure, but literally everyone but Claude does this at some point, so it doesn't make her more evil than anyone else. 

    6 - Again, though this isn't "good", it's also not any more evil than just straight up feudalism.... or modern society depending on where you live.

    So, that leaves us with 7, which I would definitely love to debate more.

    Now, I HAVE to call out @Cadros:


    Several of your points keep coming back to "she's insane". Which... ok. Sure. But that's not "evil". That's not an evil action, it's not an evil thought, it's just a mental disease. I mean, seriously, you have to give me more than that.

  5. 2 hours ago, bookwormbabe29 said:


    I have two questions on my mind, and I was hoping for some feedback. 


    1) Do we know how paired endings work yet? I've read if you have all your A supports, the game gets weird about pairing some people up. I figured I'd wait to do the A supports for now, but some characters have that weird arrow 'double support' (or whatever it's called) for the A support, like Linhardt and Petra. If I do the first 'A' support, would that influence a paired ending, or would I need the second as well? I'm tempted to do the first one to start building points for the second A support, but don't want to mess around with paired endings yet. Seeing as I how I just hit the time skip on my first run, I figure by the time I get there, someone will have a list of the bloody things done lol. 


    2). What's a good strategy for renown? I've been spending it on the statues as soon as I can, but I've heard/read you can use renown for NG+ for a LOT of things, skills, ranks, etc. I only have 400 renown saved up, and wondering if it's better to focus on statues, or save for NG+. I only have 400 or so renown left at the moment, and I'm going to be saving it for now. Still, I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on it, if possible. 


    Thank you for your time! 

    There should be a thread on the paired endings here, but basically, the game has an invisible "support points" that continues to grow. Whoever has the most support points gets the pairing. You can check this by seeing who is listed at the top of the "close allies" section on the roster page. The top 3 are the ones with the most.

    Renown can be earned from completing quests, tournaments, and... rare monsters? I think?

  6. Just now, redlight said:

    Didn't she put crest stones in people? Unless of course they were willing for the sake of the goddess returning. Like isn't that how Byleth got his crest stone heart from his mother?

    Right? I'm not sure if the people were willing to do that or not? I know in Byleth's case his mom told Rhea to do it to save him. And there weren't any side effects?

    Also, EVERYONE seems to be doing the crest stone thing. As far as I know, she wasn't going around to villages and then wiping them out afterwards, TWSITD style. I mean, maybe it's bad that she's taking advantage of their religion, but that assumes that they were being mislead or weren't aware of what would happen, and also you can't stop people from doing stupid things if they really want to, that happens in life all the time?

  7. So, having finished my second playthrough of the game, I'm a little lost on how exactly Rhea is evil, and why it's so necessary to kill her.

    Especially why Edelgard is so driven to the whole "she must die" thing.

    As far as I can see (and remember, I haven't done all the routes), the only "evil" things she does is:

    1. Going all Silent Hill on you as a baby:

    On the surface, this one sounds bad, but your mother explicitly asked her to do this for you. I get why Jeralt blames her, but at the end of the day, she only did what your mom asked, and it did work. You survived with not really any negative side effects (I think?)

    2. Ordering you to wipe out the Western Church:

    Ok, so this isn't morally upstanding, but they were attacking you guys, and most governments would respond the same way? I don't quite see how the western church is exactly innocent.

    3. She's a Dragon?

    But so are Seteh and Flayn. So, by that logic, shouldn't murdering Flayn be just as important? I mean, to be fair, that's exactly what Edelgard does (which is pretty f-ed up. I thought she got away at first, but Edie had her hunted down, that's super cold)

    Anyway, I'm a bit lost, so can someone with a more complete picture of the lore help me out here?

  8. 2 hours ago, bethany81707 said:

    I'm not sure how the game intends to change my mind on her after hearing that. I've heard Golden Deer was supposed to be one of her better showings, and yet that was my first route and I came out of it just as Rhea-negative as I came in.

    I mean, I get that. That's super cold and all.

    But proportionally speaking, compared to everyone but Claude, that's pretty much par for the course. I mean, looking at what Edelgard or Dmitri does, I don't see any super clear distinction.

  9. 49 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

    On topic, I feel that sort of bias, not only anti-Edelgard, but pro-Rhea. You have to go out of your way (and, without care, sacrifice resources) to allow yourself the chance to side with Edelgard. I have failed to see eye-to-eye on the glorification of Rhea since hearing her views on the Lonato rebellion, and while I still need more time to get to the route to hear the full story from the game, I have what I believe to be a general picture from external sources, and said picture dissatisfies me.

    Well, I'm still a bit confused on what exactly Rhea does that's so evil. I feel a little lost on that point.

    That said, it's not like this has stopped people from siding with Edelgard.

  10. 1 minute ago, Yexin said:

    the game needs at least one class of every tier for every branch

    for example:

    thief -> assassin -> evolution of assassin

    myrmidon -> mercenary -> hero -> dread fighter

    and NO, great knight is NOT an evolution for the paladin class: golden knight would be

    great knight should be AN ALTERNATIVE to either gold knight and marshall (possible master version of the fortress knight line)

    Agreed. Several lines just have no end.

  11. Here's my list, let me know what you guys think:


    Trainee Flier - Lance, Flying

    Trainee Rider - Sword, Lance, Riding

    Trainee Armor - Axe, armor

    Advanced Classes:

    Falcon Knight - move from Master to Advanced


    Berseker - Replace warrior for Axes

    Master Classes:

    Warrior - Move up from Advanced

    Kinshi (or Gryphon) Knight - Replace Falcon Knight

    Gold Knight - Give paladins something to move to

    Dread Fighter - I don't feel like trueblade adds anything, so let's use this instead.

    Baron - Final promote for armors. Can use brawling.

    Druid - Male alternative to Gremory


    DLC wishes:

    Witch - Classic. Bring it back.

    OG Emperor - Give Edel her magic back.

    Summoner - Completely broken, tons of fun. I know it ruins the balance, but I freaking loved this class in Sacred Stones.

    Pirate - Now that everything can move on water, this isn't as unique, but I still loved these guys.


  12. NO.

    I may be in the minority here, but I'd rather they did what Shin Megami Tensei did with Devil Survivor Overclocked: They just added more on to the already existing paths.

    Note that they didn't expand ALL the paths. Any path that dead ended naturally got left alone. But most of them got extended with new locations, enemies, and events, which was really nice.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Lunarly said:

    Someone told me about how you should level Riding to A+ on Dancers and Gremories (after they unlocked all their useful Faith skills) for +1 Move, especially if they have a talent for Riding on characters like Marianne. 

    Also leveling Armor to C+ (or C idr) on Wyvern Lords or Paladins (any Lance/Axe wielding class really) for the Weight -3 skill.

    Yeah, this is a big one. Weight -3 and weight -5 are essentially speed +3 and speed +5, movement +1 is pretty obvious.

    Alert stance for fliers is also really good. At C it gives +15 avoid, and at A+, it gives +30, which is really solid. People often underestimate how good that is. +30 avoid turns a 90% chance to hit into a 60% chance, which is amazing.

    For example, if you have a dancer, with A+ swords, you get

    Sword Level 5 - Avoid +20

    Sword Avoid +20 - Avoid +20

    Alert Stance - Avoid +30

    For a total of +70 avoid. Which is pretty darn insane.

    And just to complete our little bit of min/maxing:

    If your dancer is Ferdinand, and he's at max health he gets an additional +15 avoid, for a total of 85

    If your dancer is Dmitri, he'll get +20, for a total of 90.

    This requires a lot of investment to get up to A+, but if they have a strength, it's definitely worth it.

  14. On 8/13/2019 at 7:38 PM, Modirufa6317 said:

    Another thing about which I'm not sure if it's a glitch : while it seems  that the worst level ups in this game cannot be less than 2 stats up, rarely some characters may get only 1 stat up or even NONE.

    So far, it only happened with pre-promotes characters, so it might be intentional, but I can't remember any FE games that had this no-stat-increase-stuff ever happening.

    Nah, I've gotten a zero in this game. Ashe got it.

    And all games have had it be possible, it's just pretty rare.

  15. On 8/13/2019 at 7:29 PM, 0 Def Cleric said:

    The main theme that I've seen is essentially just "what kind of selfishness can really help the world?" left up to the player to answer. Every route is essentially the lord's (or Rhea's) own selfish reasons leading them to do things that they believe would improve both the world and their lives. And perhaps that selfishness does lead to positive results. It's essentially a deconstruction and reconstruction of the "humans are inherently good" thesis of psychology. No, humans aren't inherently good as in they don't inherently want to do things with no benefit to themselves, but yes, humans are inherently good as they'll choose a path they believe can benefit others as well as themselves when they have the opportunity to. It's fascinating, imo. 

    I agree with this 100%

    Edelgard is selfish. Ostensibly, she wants to "help the world". But her actions and dialogue make it pretty clear that its far more about revenge. I saw in another thread someone argue "why didn't she just work together with the others" but for her it was never about that.

    Dmitri is also selfish, which I think is a little obvious. He's also a little insane.

    And, of course, Claude doesn't bother to pretend, he straight up admits.it

  16. As far as I know, the series history goes something like this:

    1-3: Not possible to go multiple rounds. Also, I don't believe brave weapons in their current form existed either.

    4-5: Possible to go INFINITE rounds. In theory (though I don't know if it is actually possible to create this scenario in game) you could lock up the game by creating a situation in which combat would never end.

    6-8: Brave weapons exist, but there are no skills, so it's not possible to go more than 3 rounds (I think. Need to double check)

    9-10: First incarnation of modern skills. You can add extra attacks, but not extra rounds via adept or astra. This is not the same as skills in 4-5, which add extra rounds (ie, the enemy can respond before you get the next attack)

    11-12: No skills

    13-14: Pair up attacks now allow for an extra attack. Not sure how this is handled internally. Counter also allows for response damage.

    15: Same as 9-10

    Heroes: First appearance of quick riposte as a skill.

    So, it is possible they didn't take this into account when programming the battle system, but I don't know. It is interesting.

  17. 5 minutes ago, De Geso said:

    There's a weird bug with the gate to the cathedral. Sometimes it just doesn't open...until you turn the camera around. When you turn it back, the gate is open.

    This happens with some other doors, but with the cathedral it is consistent - weirdly, sometimes turning the camera doesn't work with the doors.

    Yeah, it's the game's loading method. They use the doors to block locations that haven't loaded yet, but it creates the illusion that some doors can't be opened.

  18. 1 hour ago, Technoweirdo said:


    The only other thing like Quick Riposte in the game is the One-Two Punch -- Gauntlet Art for Dedue and Alois.
    Playing Deer, so I don't have Dedue. Forgot to recruit Alois too. <.<

    Same. Can someone test that? Basically, just have Dedue use it on someone faster than him, see if they can double normally.

    @Burklight Looks like it. This skill was ok, but if this is true, it's pretty darn broken.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean it’s clear someone on the dev team had a yuri fetish that much is certain and that’s whatever honestly.

    Also possible. I don't know how IntSys's teams are set up, but I would assume that only one or two people would have been put in charge of deciding which supports would be available during the pre-production. Based on how most video game companies operate, it's unlikely that the rest of the dev team would have had any input.

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