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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. 1 hour ago, HeartTranquil said:

    this is not a troll post, i have experienced this TWICE, and ive asked my friends and on other forums, some of whom ahave also noticed this. so i dont think its polite for you to call a troll post and call for the mods. please take it back.

    Can you please explain more clearly? I am very confused. I'd be happy to apologize, if you could make it clear what you mean.

  2. 1 hour ago, Technoweirdo said:

    Two things:
    1. Having had Hilda reach A+ Armor, I can safely say you can't combine Weight -3 and Weight -5 because Weight -5 replaces Weight -3. ._.
    2. While Fortress Knight's innate Weight -5 sounds nice (and can stack with a personal Weight -5), you have to remember the Fortress Knight eats a -6 Spd stat penalty just for being in the class; the skill's not there to make you faster, but to make you not any slower. Just re-classing out of Fortress Knight to Wyvern Rider gives me +9 Spd. The Fortress Knight's Spd penalties are that great. >_>

    Lol, you're right, the class and personal stack, two personals don't.

    My point wasn't that fortress knight is a good choice for speed, I was just explaining @Garlyle 's point.

    @Shadow Mir 's Raphael isn't necessarily any different, it's just that strategic skills/classes can give you better results. There are more factors now for doubling than pure speed in awakening or fates.

  3. 1 hour ago, HeartTranquil said:

    Even for characters within the same house, for example, no get any support hearts whether in battle etc, they STILL GET increase support rank.


    this game FORCES support on you, and this is NOT how i expected this

    Uh.... is this a troll post? Mods?

    Many players confirmed? Who? Can you cite sources? What does this even mean?

    Also, there are a TON of things that boost support that have nothing to do with battle. First of all, all the monastery activities boost support (singing, cooking, meals, training, etc.) Obviously, lost items boost support, and so do gifts and answering questions correctly.

    One that a lot of people overlook, though, is instruction, which also boosts support, and group activities.

    That said, if you don't want supports, just ignore them. Seriously.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Chaotix said:

    Weirdly you get the skill as soon as you have certification in the Dancer class, and can use it at any time.

    So it's not restricted to the Dancer class and it's not the mastery skill for the class (that's Special Dance)

    You also get the Sword Dance combat art with certification as well.

    Yeah, I knew the sword dance was free...

    Huh. That's wild...

  5. 1 minute ago, Garlyle said:

    Hmmm, well that's odd. When it comes to HP, Strength and Defense, Raphael has one of the highest bases and growth rates, making him essentially tailored to be an armored knight. To put some numbers on the table, with the Fortress Knight bonuses he has 95% Hp, 60% Strength and 60% Defense growths, making it really difficult for him to get screwed in his training. Speed is really not his thing, and that's why gauntlets are his preferred choice of weapons for a long time, which he might switch to axes once he can one-shot his enemies with it. I'm really not sure what went wrong with your Raphael, but he shouldn't be in this problem unless he was sitting on the bench for way too long. It's relatively easy to get Steel Gauntlets+ for him, and weapon weight should not be a concern when he just doubles his enemy to death.

    Now that I think about it, before reaching Fortress Knight, he could be a Brigand. The growths go into the strength instead of defense, and upon mastering it he can gain Death Blow, an ability that combines pretty nicely with gauntlets. I'm not sure what Intermediate class I picked for him, but I'm going to check it later if you are still interested.

    Don't forget about the weight -x skills. Those make a HUGE difference. Heavy armor C gives you weight -3, heavy armor A gives you weight -5. Fortress Knight also gives you weight -5, and that DOES stack. So, if you give Raphael both weight -3 and weight -5, as a fortress knight, he's got what amounts to +13 speed (depending on the weapon).

    I realized this when I made Edelgard a fortress knight. She had a speed of 9, but got doubles regularly, and it's because of weapon weight.

  6. 5 hours ago, timon said:

    Spoiley question about chapter 11

      Reveal hidden contents

    During the cerimony Edel talks about fists and blood, and it really sounds like he beat her and she's... grateful?

    Did I completely misinterpret?

    "in those dark times your eyes and your fists were my salvation"

    "upon your fists I saw the blood ... even as I bled"

    so yeah, the hell is up with that? If it's explained through story don't tell me, but I feel like I'm missing something here.



    Nope, she's talking about her childhood, when the prime minister and his dudes were experimenting on her. Her father obviously knew about it, but was completely powerless to stop them. So, she's saying that even as she bled from what they were doing to her, she knows her father was suffering too because he was so helpless.


  7. 1 minute ago, MessengerIris said:

    Yeah I know most of the plot and what Edelgard endured. My point is that sympathy doesn’t detract from who she was. I think my problem is the fans who act as if she can do no wrong. No matter how you slice it, a lot of her actions were emotionally-driven and not made with the best interest of the populace at heart, but people act as if she was a self sacrificing savior who had the guts to pull the trigger and that all her actions are justifiable because the end result was meant to be a good one, at least that what we are led to believe. 

    Also, I see no reason for Micaiah to be more hated but Edelgard to be so celebrated. Both were very complex character who had to make hard choices, yet one of them is lauded as a sympathetic hero and the other is a villain because she went against the fan favorite. If Edelgard wasn’t the fan favourite, often for reasonings like being a romanceable female lead, would she be this celebrated? 

    Excellent question. And to be honest, I'm not sure.

    There definitely is a camp of people (both male and female, in this case!) who have the "my waifu is perfect, everyone else is wrong" thing going. But I don't think they're the majority.

    That said, I think there are two things the sway people more to her side than Micaiah:

    1. Justified Anti-Daein bias - In POR, we see that Daein very clearly started the war. They attacked for no reason than Ashnard being evil, and we got to see the horror he inflicted. To then see people like Micaiah supporting such a monster, well, it's a bit of a slap in the face. Plus Daein is super racist, which Micaiah never addresses or excuses. So, most players will start out biased against her; also not helping matters for her is Ike's popularity.

    2. Less Strong Convictions - As I brought up, for Micaiah, there's no real personal stake in the war. She feels like she has to do something, but pretty much none of her allies, be it Sothe, Tormod, Volug, etc. really have any reason to be there other than to support her. We also learn that she's actually from Begnion later and is fighting her own sister, so that further weakens her position.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Heathcliff said:

    This is what I'm finding about 50 hours in, nearing the end, Hard mode GD.

    Lysithea is a monster, as has been stated numerous times in this thread. 

    Claude hasn't had a problem one-shotting almost anything since level 1, and one he got his advanced class, goodness. And Hilda...

    Idk if my Hilda (Fighter->Brigand->W. Rider->W. Lord) got lucky with growths or something but she's an absolutely insane shock trooper from go. She one-turns anything I've faced, and Canto lets her fly away immediately. She had some hit problems early/mid, but these were easily resolved with Smash. If I wanted to, I could Warp her in anywhere to two-turn any commander I've faced so far. My eyes pop a little bit when I see people rate her low

    I haven't tried out Hilda yet, but I agree with you. I think I said this previously, but on paper she looks really good.

    Rating non-mages is really tough for obvious reasons, but so far, to me, it looks like Leonie, Felix, Shamir, and Hilda lead the pack for non-lord, non-mage units. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, MessengerIris said:

    How is your point any different than how Micaiah is viewed by the fans? She literally tried to liberate and free her country, but she is seen as “evil” because she fought against Ike. In my opinion, her reasoning vs Ike&co were a lot more palatable than Edelgard’s reasoning. Edelgard didn’t even try for any alternative whereas Micaiah actively looked and was really pigeon held into a corner. Instead, Edelgard STARTED the chaos when there was nothing to suggest that it was in such dire need that she needed to act ASAP and go completely nuclear.  

    Micaiah is a weird one, in that there is technically no grounding for her beliefs, other than compassion. Her danger is more immediate (as you said, Daein was being invaded, so she had to do something), but her reasons for fighting weren't as personal or as strong as Edelgard's.

    It's a little difficult to address this, because I'm not totally sure how much you've learned about the plot of three houses, and I don't want to spoil things you haven't seen yet, but whereas Micaiah's motivations are her choice (she considers herself part of Daein and responsible for them), Edelgard's motivations are more personal: 


    Years of torture and experimentation, the murder of her sibilings and parents, her shortened lifespan, her constant suffering, etc., etc.

    Far less altruistic, but far more... understandable?

    For Edelgard, it's not as much about what's good for the world. Her whole "liberate the world" ideology may be what she says, but to me it really comes off as more personal, which is what makes her so interesting.

  10. 5 hours ago, Nankaina said:

    Promoting to Dancer got Flayn Sword Avo +20, but I have not found any way to obtain the other weapon Avoid skills. Are they able to be learned, and if so how?

    As far as I can tell, the full list of abilities has not yet been completed.

    Just for clarification, is this isn't a class skill, right?

  11. @MessengerIris Idk, I think there are plenty of people who side with Micaiah. I'm not personally one of them, but she is a very popular character from what I understand.

    That said, Edelgard definitely has a more tragic backstory. In her own way, Micaiah was pretty well off, so even though I think you've got good points, people are more likely to sympathize with Edelgard because her personal struggles were much greater.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Having a sad backstory and a sympathetic motivation is JRPG villains 101. I really don't see how having those can make anyone not a villain. I want to first play the route before judging how she fare compared to the many JRPG villains whit those traits.

    But seriously the average JRPG bad guy is definitely closer to Edalgard than to Gharnef or Garon.

    I'd say definitely play the route first, because with her it's less about the backstory and motives and more about... how she deals with it? It's hard to explain. But like a lot of people have said, she's not like a standard JRPG villain, she's much more of a tragic figure.

  13. As far as I can tell, Hanneman is just an objectively worse version of Dorothea, but I still use him sometimes just for fun.

    I don't think there's any reason to use him over her, unless she gets really, really bad rng and he gets really really good rng (excusing personal preference, of course).

    Meteor is pretty darn ridiculous for exploiting maps, and I imagine bolting is too, so for me that puts Dorothea just below Lysithea as a mage.

    I'm interested in Hilda's axe, which has 23 might (second highest might, period) and has a +15 might combat art. That's a lot of damage.

  14. Just now, timon said:

    I completely agree, but there's an exception, and that's Hubert. Warlock is literally worthless to him as he has no Black Magic, so I was thinking of making him a DarkBishop and keeping him as that forever (doubt he'll reach DarkKnight), and 20 Miasma is juicy. Let's hope I've got the right characters for that paralogue I guess, and to think I threw away the second DarkSeal because "I surely don't need it, might as well make Hanneman a DarkMage for the lols".

    Is that how that works? Huh.... yeah, I did make him a dark bishop in the end, because I used up all my other advanced seals messing around with other characters.

    I made Linhardt a dark mage for the lols too.

  15. 16 minutes ago, Spatha said:

    I'm honestly surprised no one mentioned that her lifespan is shortened due to being forced to wield two crests.

    No wonder she's too willing to perform utterly ruthless and even immoral actions, she wants to achieve her goals as fast as possible because she knows she doesn't have enough years left to live. 

    Not only she's experienced a horrible childhood in her past, she's denied of a happy future due to said past. No wonder she goes off the deep end in the other routes without Byleth putting her on a leash.

    Good point. It does add extra motivation for her, though the game is pretty vague on what "shortened" translates to. I mean, there's a pretty huge difference between "I'll die at 40" and "I'll die next year."

  16. 20 hours ago, timon said:

    Sorry for repeating my question, but I really need to know wheter to give up and go Warlock or wait for DarkSeal. Does Edelgard get a fourth chance at a DarkSeal (after chapter 8)? If so, when?

    I think so? Can't remember for sure, I might have gotten it off a paralogue.

    But my actual advice is to level up warlock anyway, as dark bishop's class skill is terrible. Unlike Dark Mage, which is all around excellent, Dark Bishop is one of those classes that's great to be in, since it gives you a bunch of nice abilities (heartseeker, fiendish blow), but doesn't really give you anything for leveling up or mastering it (slightly worse growths than warlock, utterly garbage mastery skill).

    If you're wondering why it's good to be IN dark bishop since you can just get fiendish blow from mage, remember that that gives you a free skill slot that you would otherwise have had to take up. So you can run something like: Reason lvl X, black magic crit +10, Desperation, and then breaker skills, wrath, vantage, whatever else you need.

  17. 10 hours ago, IzzyFresh said:

    She sanctioned a group of villians in the church and indirectly allows them to experiment on Innocents, Kronya turns innocent students into beasts and Edel has no problem with her, indirectly causes Jeralt to die, lures you into a trap by Solon to kill Byleth right after, she uses innocents and turns them into beasts for her army, and there is a certain cutscene in Blue Lions that really showcases how evil she is. Dimitri's mental state makes perfect sense when you see the shit she did/does to him. Worst part is that these groups she helps and sanctions do evil things, and her defense is "I had nothing to do with that", which Dimitri calls her out on.

    This touches on something that no one seems to be really discussing about her. A TON of people are saying, well, she didn't control TWISTD's actions, so she can't be held responsible for what they do.

    But here's the thing. When she attacks you in the tomb, she's leading an army consisting entirely of Imperial Soldiers and Demonic Beasts. But those demonic beasts aren't wild ones, they're the ones with stones clearly in their heads, which means they were innocent people turned into monsters.

    So, even if you can make the excuse that she didn't order TWISTD to do certain things, she ABSOLUTELY is willing to take innocent people who have been turned into monsters and use them to kill her classmates. I mean, that... that's just really, really messed up.

    Because that's not Solon, or anyone else there. That's just her, coldly sacrificing innocent people for basically no reason, other than "they're stronger than normal soldiers". Seriously, you could have just brought more soldiers.

  18. 3 hours ago, BaKaDaNaa said:

    What do you guys think is the best class line for Petra? Swordmaster? Wyvern Lord? Falcon Knight? Seems like she could be pretty good in any of those, so I don't know what to do with her (recruited her into Golden Deer, if that matters).

    Assassin worked best for me.

    My petra looked something like this at level 20:

    Str: 21

    Mag: 9

    Dex: 12

    Spd: 28

    Def: 13

    Res: 8

    So, I went with Assassin, and I've really liked that. Overall, Assassin seems to be objectively better than Swordmaster, but I'm still messing around.

    Assassin gives Swordfaire, Locktouch, and Stealth, and both Lethality and Assassinate for mastery.

    Swordmaster has Swordfaire, Sword crit +10 (Which is pretty good), but only gives Astra.

    On my next playthrough, I'll probably go all in on making her a flier. She's strong in Flying, and I think she's well specced to be a wyvern.

  19. 11 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

    ...I also knew the moment bad comparisons were done, things were going south, I was right.
    Does a lion can think logically like a human can ? Can you trust it to do something smart ? Can you fully expect to have an alliance with it ? Is a lion not a wild animal ? No. It doesn't make sense guys. Unless I'm wrong, in which case explain to me, because I'll be really happy to have a lion as a human-like friend. 😛

    Although I guess I'm not perfect, since it actually seems that some part of the plot is up to interpretation... but you guys aren't helping either by doing whatever you are doing.

    Well, as you said, a LOT of it is interpretation, which is why it's worth discussing. I can't DEFINITELY say you're wrong, as there isn't explicit dialogue one way or the other, so both view points can be valid.

    That said, I think it might be a good idea for you to take a step back and reexamine your own interpretation/reading of the game.

    No offense, just, there's a lot of subjective points in your counterpoint, and sarcastic dismissal doesn't really help you seem like the reasonable one.

  20. 1 hour ago, Hekselka said:

    If that is what you consider plot convenience then every fire emblem game has plot convenience in some way or another. 

    But she doesn't want to do reforms, that goes against her character. If she were fine with just reforms then she wouldn't be Edelgard, she'd be an entirely different character.

    I mean, really, this is what makes her (and characters like her) so compelling. You want them to be reformed, you want them to be good people, but they won't because doing so would go against their character.

    Same thing with Walter White, or... I dunno, take your pick. There are a lot of great characters like that.

    If she were just a flat out good person, she wouldn't be nearly as interesting. She's not. She's a bit selfish and she's a bit callous, which... really... is true of most people.

  21. 2 hours ago, B.Leu said:

    And I agree, it does, but only to an extent. Like I said, the alliance was loose, she doesn't control them and they doesn't control her.
    She is responsible, but only to an extent and nothing but an extent.

    Well, she also brought the students in to the monastery (the ones that turn into the beasts) And of course, as has already been mentioned, she also brought Kronya in to the monastery, and helped hide her. Which, honestly, what did she think Kronya was going to do? Not kill Jeralt, Alois, or any of the other knights who got in the way? I mean, I'd have to look through the dialogue, but I believe that was the point of that operation. So... I mean, I don't see where the indirectly part comes in. I feel like, if you drive someone to a house to kill someone, and you know what they are doing, by helping them do it, you are taking positive action, and are therefore responsible.

    To quote Terry Pratchett: "If you throw something into the air, don't you have to worry about where it bounces?"

  22. 31 minutes ago, bufkus said:

    ends justify the means. why is Walter White (of Breaking Bad) such a popular character? Edelgard is a villain we all love to root for if you side with her. 

    Exactly. That's a really good comparison!

    She's compelling, and I find her fascinating. That said, she is definitely evil, all told.


    What's interesting is that she immediately tries to kill you afterwards. Remember that speech she gave you immediately afterwards, about how you have to move forward and stuff? Looking back, the only reason she did that was so that she could convince you to ignore Rhea's warnings and go after Solon, so that he would be able to kill you in the forest. If you had just stayed in your room moping, you wouldn't have heard about him. I loved how even Hubert wasn't aware it was a trap. When she's like, "Oh, by the way guys, this is a trap." Hubert is totally caught off guard. He's like, "wait, what?"

    And this plan almost worked. Unfortunately for her, you went all super sayain and broke out, but she nearly got you... well, sort of killed.


  23. I think this is an excellent social experiment in how different narratives can totally warp people’s views.

    Basically, people who only play her route on Black Eagles only seem to view her as good, ignoring some outright atrocities she commits, while people who play blue lions see her as pure evil and don’t see any reasons for her actions.

    What disturbs me more, personally, is the extent to which people are willing to overlook her actions.

    I mean, she’s a great character, but at the end of the day... guys, she IS evil.

  24. This is the thing that really kills me. I mean, I know she has her reasons and all that, but the truth is, yes.

    She is responsible for this. And not just him, there are other deaths, some of which she is directly responsible, some of which she is indirectly responsible.

    I just find it weird the extent to which people are willing to gloss over this, because, if it weren’t for deus ex machine, you would have gone too.

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