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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. I'll be /in if you don't mind a noob playing.
  2. It isn't about making the game fun, adding phoenix was so people who suck at the game can finish Nohr if they get stuck because they used the wrong units.
  3. Nohr has no grinding allowed without buying dlc. I'd say it was added so people wouldn't have to restart the entire game because they didn't level or use the right units.
  4. She, greenminid. Unless Horace rerolls it all, the outcome is basically the same except with 60 hp.
  5. Priam should have yewfelle, even though it means less damage.
  6. Cordelia, I demand hax on your part. Smash Gaius with a brave sword and make this look like FE4.
  7. I need a video of this. Edit: They'll probably patch it all of it.
  8. Doug Dimmadome, owner of the dimsdale dimmadome, attack Stahl with Yewfelle
  9. laurentius of the great swamp
  10. Banned for being too poor to afford it.
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