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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Banned because in my day shiny pokemon didn't exist.
  2. It is juat my opinion that they are utter trash who should be burned, no need to hate.
  3. If you were a humankin werewolf it would be more of a grey zone but cis werewolves playing humans is wrong.
  4. Anna's mods are total crap, but it looks like she has better skills. Also,
  5. I'm a hardcore gamer Final Destination, No items, Fox only. I mostly play games for the gameplay, and won't usually try to 100% a game. I'll try and get all of the endings and beat it on the hardest difficult if I really like the game though.
  6. Awakening!Tiki > Laguz > Zora > Gerudo > Others > Hobbits > Gorons Tiki is best waifu and I'm 90% sure the Gerudo race is made up of mostly lesbians.
  7. Weapons did you ever get the role pm sorted out?
  8. Wait does that mean you can make two rally/support Kamuis and recruit both at the same time?
  9. Actually, if we look at Roy's stats its clear that random villager is his canon paring since Roy's stats are so shitty similar to Eliwood's. Also, Lyn and Florina's supports are the fastest growing so take that Hector. Thankfully canon pairings don't exists so we there can be no right answers.
  10. Snowy summed it up nicely. I really think the biggest reason the south even lasted as long as it did was because of Lee's tactics. The south's only hope for winning was outside help which they did not get.
  11. Yes, it was made during the civil war, which cut off the south from help. And I never said slavery wasn't a huge deal. I just said it wasn't the only reason for the south leaving, which everyone seems to think.
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