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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. It isn't even the confederate flag, its a battle flag. That isn't relevant anymore though since everybody seems to think of it as the confederate flag now. Anyways the Civil war wasn't started just over slavery, it was started because the federal government seemed to be favoring the north way more with pretty much everything. Slavery didn't become the biggest issue until Lincoln's emancipation proclamation which also prevented the south from getting any help from Europe. It made it so anybody who supported the south also supported slavery, which most European countries had already abolished at the time. Of course that is if I'm remembering my history correctly.
  2. I really like his art we see on twitter, and I'd even prefer to have some of the characters fighting in the casual clothes he drew than what they currently wear. Balloon Boobs are not natural.
  3. Everyone who has played Megaman X7 should know this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FJTK_iNA5s Emm is probably my most hated character though. Its bad enough that the game treats her as perfect, but then is brings her back to life making her only sacrifice in the game worthless. Validar is basically reverse Emm, he even comes back to life too. Midori from Devil Survivor also pisses me off. She's annoying and I just wanted to leave her to die half the time. Devil Survivor Spoilers
  4. I'd like Elie and Dan to come in and give their views on everything that has happened so far. Mancer has only got two posts so far so I'd like to hear a bit more from him. It seems like Weapons is getting lots of votes now from how he kept changing his vote. I won't add much more, it's too late so I'm not in the best condition to actually make judgments right now.
  5. read out fates skinship lines to each other before
  6. treating Ganon to a nice candlelit dinner. Instead
  7. @African, It just kind of looks like a smokescreen only brought up to look like a defense. It feels forced, but that is probably because of how panicky he is. I might unvote since the dandragon wagon doesn't seem like it will be going anywhere. Also it's she not he.
  8. I already explained mancer so I'll skip over him. @African, I really don't know what he's doing, so far he hasn't really addressed his jumping on the wagon. Ok never mind he posted, he seems to be going along with eclipse and putting more pressure on me. @Weapons, I'm going to believe what eclipse has said about him about how that logic is cryptic. So I'm going to guess he's trying to put more pressure on me to reveal something? @Dan, I'm pretty sure he's voting me because of my way too aggressive voting for him. I'll admit that my vote was definitely out of place then. Now I'm not too sure though with his I have never not been town, and how he still isn't saying much else still. @Shinori, His logic is definitely much easier to follow. I do have to agree that the vote was forced and I should have just ended with either a no vote then. Honestly, I might have jumped on this wagon myself if it was someone else. @Eclipse, You've got only a few to suspect as scum. Me, Dan, and Gaius. There was already a wagon on Dan so he'd probably be forced into saying something more. Gaius, I'm not too sure about why exactly you suspect him. I'll probably have to go back and look at the whole thread again too try and find out. That only leave me, who had recently went hyper aggressive with voting on Dan with a post that had little to go on. I was clearly the best choice for your vote and then it snowballed into a wagon as more people read through the thread. Mancer is another person I suspect though. Sorry about using suspect so much, I'm more used to Murder and TTT where we have suspects and murderers instead of scum.
  9. @Mancer, What? Nobody is currently voting for you and multiple others also voted to lynch you. My biggest problem with Dan being so defensive is how that is all he is doing. He hasn't tried to find any scum besides here (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=56378&page=3#entry3929309) when directly asked by Elie. Only he didn't actually say anything besides bringing up Prim's stacking vote before voting Mancer.
  10. ##Vote: Dandragon So far your defense has just come down to saying it isn't me. If it isn't you than prove it, or at least tell us who you think is scum.
  11. If the camera angle was different we'd know it was fake.
  12. Onion bro best armor. Havel is for plebs and people who use dual katanas.
  13. Lyn and Florina is canon, why else would Lyn never show up in FE6. I don't really ship Hector with anyone since he's the only Lord who ends up doing shit in my games. usually he just gets A rank with Eliwood and B with Lyn
  14. Majora's Mask needs better main dungeons. I only like Stone Tower, which is probably my favorite dungeon in any zelda game. Get good. Honestly as much as I like Dark Souls, that boss is boring once you learn how to kill him. That and the lord souls bosses aren't too great. I hate the Duke's Archives and the fight with Seath is kind of bland. His "gimmick" is kind of annoying, but is mostly worthless as it doesn't affect the fight too much. Nito just kind of sucks and dies pretty easily. I shouldn't have to explain the Bed of Chaos. The four kings is pretty cool, until you learn you can just Havel Tank through the entire fight and win with almost no effort.
  15. Alright good I stopped it from editing. Anyways I was wrong about what Elie was asking so sorry about that.
  16. Well I'm about where I started. Dan, he's asking about who wants to lynch you. ##Unvote
  17. @Elie Right now I'm looking through the thread to try and find a real target, the vote on Mancer is mostly to maybe get a response will I wait. Unfortunately nobody is making any moves so there isn't much to go on.
  18. ##Unvote ##Vote: MancerNecro You need to get in here and do something.
  19. That isn't an accomplishment with how bad his luck is.
  20. Why did you ever have faith in me in the first place?
  21. FE15 is already in development and the general armor has been leaked by the same asshole who did the smash leaks.
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