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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Banned for questioning my soup clothes.
  2. Hates Genealogy and thinks its a trash game.
  3. Wait how is Lute bad? Also, it sounds like IK isn't very good in gameplay or story.
  4. How big is the jump in usable units from hard to lunatic? Is it as bad as Awakening where you go from ever character can be used easily to some units becoming totally useless?
  5. Thank god for water, thank god for level 8 robin, and thank god for Virion's elixir. Virion should be top tier for coming with an elixir.
  6. My favorite main characters are basically everyone's, Arya and Tyrion. Onion Knight is probably my favorite minor character. I do like Jaqen a lot too though. Its a Song of Fire and Ice not GoT though
  7. I was more joking, but I don't think TES needs to stop since they haven't released one since 11/11/11. Also, maybe I'm just lucky but I've never found too many bugs in Skyrim or Oblivion.
  8. ^Hey the elder scrolls is only buggy because its Bethesda. I mean the modders will fix all the problems in a week so why actually bug test? CoD, Assassin's Creed, and Mario Party need to die out though. Unless they switch back to the old style for mario party, I'd be ok with another if they do that.
  9. How the fuck could you even take this serious after I said only casuals do that.
  10. Why would I post a serious LTC thread in FFTF?
  11. I beat Dark Souls on the hardest difficulty with no items, Fox only, on Final Destination. You get good. Also I'm LTCing Fire Emblem, like I just said.
  12. I'm LTCing Fire Emblem, not Awakening.
  13. I keep sending my prepromotes to rush the boss but they're too low level to 1RKO him even with warp staff spam. How fix my LTC team? I'm not grinding though, only casuals do that.
  14. /in Can't wait to suck again!
  15. gg guys, sorry I had to sub out of it. Didn't expect Prims as the last scum though.
  16. Libra is high tier, but Tiki is the only god tier waifu in awakening. All hail the hot dragon breasts.
  17. Threads where people whine about nothing and shove their opinions on you are hilarious. Least favorite threads are b8.
  18. Good luck! Also, Anon wins for having 1 god tier waifu and Nintales is missing a 5th unit.
  19. This can be about video games in general or something someone said while playing with you. I had a kid say "Brb pretending I'm asleep." While we were preparing for a hunt in MH4U. It was followed by "LOL I have school tomorrow but monsters must be hunted."
  20. Question, does every small dragon have the same drunk head swinging charge attack?
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