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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Banned because EliwoodxMaiden otp.
  2. Pure skill on Chrom's part. I expected the sage mu to be the anti general exploder and not Chrom.
  3. This thread should've been called games you don't like as much as someone else. But thats illegal...
  4. Sophia for being the cutest. She's the only one I use since the others have alternatives I prefer.
  5. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55539&page=20
  6. Banned for probably not shipping LynXFlorina.
  7. Dota 2 low prio is filled with hilarous people. Once had a 4 dagon team with a shitty morph screaming about how he'd report all of us. I've actually found more friendly people in low prio than normal games.
  8. Ambush spawns are annoying, but they're not completely unfair. You can predict them easily enough and counter them for the most part by playing smart. I started playing FE6 recently and every ambush spawn has been pretty easy to predict. In chapter 7 the boss is alone at the start of a castle. After you get close enough 4 Soldiers 2 Archers 2 Mages all spawn to ambush you. Its pretty obviously a trap and its the players fault for not being careful around a boss.
  9. @Makalov, I guess I've just been lucky then, I haven't seen many of those stereotypes. Actually FE has the only two I can think of, Zero and maybe Heather? I haven't gotten the chance to play RD. Excellent post though.
  10. KH is just complex for almost no reason. Also Makalov how are they poorly written? I'm actually curious since I've not played any bioware games since DA:O.
  11. LoL, Dota, or any other MOBA really. The best community I've found out of them is Smite. The communities are filled with racists, idiots, and assholes. Fire Emblem, lots of whiny people. Smash Bros and Pokemon are kinda bad for the same reason. X game is the best and all other games are shit.
  12. Except for magic. You get the same fucking spells over and over again. Thankfully pyromancy is flashy and fun.
  13. Growths > Bases in Awakening. Bases > Growths in pretty much every other game. Prepromotes are some of the best units in the game usually.
  14. It was when I first started playing Fire Emblem, like 2 years ago. It was all thanks to my friend who wasn't very good and arena abused endlessly. Now we're both much better, except he still Arena Grinds in every game.
  15. I never used FE7 Marcus. I heard prepromotes all suck and benched him. Same with Pent, I'd trained up Lucius and thought he'd just suck up exp. I will die for my sins.
  16. If they play smart they'll save anybody who can be killed on turn 1, and on Enemy Phase see that they were wrong in assuming that. Changing their strategy as they go through the map. I'm going to use Dark Souls' Sen's fortress as an example. You're told it has lots of traps, but aren't told what they look like. In the first room you see what the pressure plates look like, and if your paying attention you won't step on it. Its the same thing with Fire Emblem, if the player goes in cautiously they won't be caught by the NPC being killed on the 1st turn.
  17. Is Artur considered good? I've always benched him for Lute. After recruitment she does nothing. Neimi can at least contribute chip damage without fear of getting killed.
  18. I'd say Neimi is better since at least she has a small niche for a little bit. Amelia has nothing going for her.
  19. I agree about OoT, but its still my favorite due to nostalgia and the dungeons are all pretty good. A lot of older games are kinda overrated and feel horribly dated.
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