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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Every enemy has Pass. I wish I had the time to watch a playthrough of it. Of course doing a playthrough on it will be more fun if I don't know what strategies other people used. Especially if it's my first time playing through the game too.
  2. Oh god that sounds horrible. I've changed my mind, I'm getting Nohr regardless of localization. Is Hoshido hard similar or is Hoshido Lunatic closer?
  3. Thracia is so good it gets to be in the games name.
  4. I'm pretty much not going to get any of them without some heavy localization changes. Even then I'm probably only getting Nohr.
  5. Swordmaster Rutger. I love crits and Rutger gets a lot of them.
  6. Audio problem was easy to fix. Videos are easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_mA1frBWvM&list=PLKaOyjxIGhGEMLAmU3Xsvh1U0tW-F5qXC&index=2
  7. @The3rd, It's she. @Mitsuki, It seemed rude when he can't defend himself, and I'd rather lynch Eurykins at this point. As I said before I wanted to see how the points against her were addressed. I'd rather bet on her flipping scum than Blitz after reading her wall post, this, and this. I've got to finish a paper so #sheeping time. The phase will probably end before I get back on unless I can make a post in the morning. ##Unvote ##Vote: Eurykins
  8. Hey Elie, Is this how you're going to do the lynch if there is a tie? If Blitz really hasn't been able to get on I'd rather not lynch him over Eurykins. Now for more reading.
  9. @Gaius, it was when he was screwing with me about having a double vote.
  10. Well that didn't take long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svFfONR-ngA&feature=youtu.be I'll have to try and fix the super quiet audio problem.
  11. Supershyguy, it's she. Other than that can you try spacing your post out a bit more? It makes it a little hard to read.
  12. Sorry about that, I always forget my monitor is so big. Either way I'm trying to switch to videos because screenshots are way too annoying. Uploads should start again once I get that working.
  13. Because a discussion on why I thought a short post during RVS was a joke won't help find scum. Again, the other two are debatable depending on your stance on Shyguy.
  14. Some of Blitz' questions can help advance the game. However some of them had also already been answered or have obvious answers. 1. Had already been answered when Prim asked. My problem with 2 and 3 probably comes from Shyguy seeming like someone who rolled town first game. Though this one is debatable. 4. The post itself was already short and jokey while we were transitioning out of RVS.
  15. Where is Fairy Knight? They really should come in here and post something. Eurykins has had some points brought up against her, I'd like to see them addressed to get a better read on both her and Refa. I like what Refa has posted so far and he's probably my strongest town read, though that isn't saying too much with everyone still hovering around neutral. SB is another contender for townish right now. Though pretty much for the same reason as Refa. Crysta also has a slight town read, but it really isn't that significant with only one post to her name. Gaius, TheThird, Baldrick, and Gilgamesh are all null right now. Koneko and Mitsuki have progressed to pretty much the same point as Gaius and co. Though I'm not used to having two players as one. What is going on with Life though? He's just really angry. Mafia is really hard when you suck.
  16. I'm back and I really thought more would happen while I was away. I'm reading through the thread now, also @people, it's she, not he.
  17. The game hadn't really started yet and the post was short with no real information. Unvoting didn't work so well for me last game so I was keeping my vote on who might be scummy then. Pretty much this for my gut read on shyguy. Still he should post give his thoughts on what's happened so far. I don't like Blitz' post though, half the questions don't really matter. While Shyguy does need to put more effort out his play is way too comfortable in his first game to be scum. ##Unvote ##Vote: Blitz Most of the questions he asked are irrelevant, it looks to me like trying to pad out his first post. I don't really think Mitsuki is as scummy, or even really that scummy at this point. And I'm out of time sorry if anything is unclear, I'll be back on much later.
  18. Goddammit Baldrick, I'm reading the thread now.
  19. I've learned a little more and last game I was stressed from the 1v1 with Dan putting me on the spotlight while I had no idea what I was doing. I'm off for tonight though I might be able to post something in the morning but chances are I'll have to wait until 4 pmish before I can get back on.
  20. Ephraim because he knows how to wield his spear. I'd probably take PoR Ike of RD Ike though. RD has too many muscles, seems like he'd kill someone with a hug.
  21. Tiki as an assist trophy would make the most since. When you summon her she floats to the left or right side and starts breathing fire at your enemies.
  22. I'm not too experienced with mafia but Baldrick's ability seems like a better fit for town. From a game design standpoint it would make more sense for scum!mayor's vote to work without the player actually doing ##vote twice. That way they could sneakily hammer a mislynch without people knowing. Even if the vote totals show and people can infer who is the double voter the scum could still try the weak defense of "I forgot my vote counts for two." Baldrick's can't work as a sneaky hammer and can't be used as a "I forgot mine counts twice" since he'd have to do ##vote two times in order for it to actually count twice. On another note I'm getting some guy town reads from Supershyguy. He really seems more of a first town game with how he acts. ##Unvote Yurykins might be right about Mitsuki just trying to jump start the game. Still I'd say she's the scummiest player right now so I'll ##Vote: Mitsuki It's better than leaving it on a player I'm getting a gut town reading from. I'll be on a little longer if anyone has questions for me.
  23. @Baldrick, Can you stack both votes onto one person?
  24. I think the confirmed town part of the post was a joke. I agree with Refa though I'd like to see what Koneko thinks. Prims I know you're probably joking but it starts here http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=57522&p=4020140
  25. Baldrick can you actually vote twice or was that just joking?
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